Sports Fields


Sports Field Bookings

All organised sports field use must have an approved booking from Open Spaces. All booking applications must be accompanied by the club or organisers Certificate of Currency for Public Liability (minimum $20 million) with Council noted as an interested party.

To apply for approval of summer or winter seasonal use please complete the form below at least two weeks before the proposed booking date or commencement of seasonal activities.

Short term, occasional or one-off bookings for small events, school use, clinics, or for pre and post seasonal use, trials, training or make up games. Please complete the form below at least two weeks before the proposed booking date.

Bookings for larger events such as carnivals, gala days, zone and regional competitions or trial games outside of normal seasonal use may require an application for an event on public land. Please contact our Open Spaces team on 1300 864 444 to discuss the best application pathway.

Wet weather and field closures

Field closures and cancellations are the responsibility and at the discretion of the sporting clubs and event organisers in the first instance to determine if the activity can be carried out safely and without damaging the field.

Sporting fields may be closed by Council due to wet weather, field conditions or during field renovations when required. Club representatives or event organisers will be notified when this occurs.

Please contact your club or event organiser to confirm the status of your scheduled activity or game.