Heavy Vehicles Compliance (NEWLOG)
We are an organisation of seven North Coast Councils which operate, with the cooperation and participation of the Transport for NSW, as a Weight of Loads Group, under the authority of the Roads Act 1993.
Newlog commenced operation in 1995 due to concern from local Councils regarding the damage from overloading heavy vehicles on local road networks.
The member Councils are Tweed, Byron, Ballina, Kyogle, Richmond Valley, Lismore City, and Clarence Valley. The group is administered by Ballina Shire Council.
What we do
Newlog aim to preserve road assets and promote road safety, by encouraging heavy vehicles to comply with weight regulations on local and classified roads. The Regulations set down a schedule of maximum weights for various types of vehicles, which are designed to protect the road structure and ensure vehicles operate within the manufacturer's specifications for safety.
Enforcement is carried out by fixed and mobile patrols on local, regional and state road networks using mobile and static weigh operations. Weigh in Motion (WIMO) operations are carried out in selected locations based on logistic and access factors.
Why we operate - the effects of overloading
It can be demonstrated that the life of the road network is reduced significantly by impacts of overloaded heavy vehicles. Engineers design and build roads taking into account many factors in the design life of a road. Heavy vehicle use is one such factor. Heavy vehicles exceeding the design mass limit for the pavement will hasten the deterioration of a road and cause a reduction in the actual life achieved by the pavement, with a consequential increase in maintenance costs and the need to rebuild the pavement at an earlier age. This process dramatically increases the whole of life cost of the road.
Local roads are typically designed with a 20-year design life. A 10% overload by a heavy vehicle will increase the damage caused by 45% and reduce this working life to 13.8 years and a 50% overload will cause 285% increase in damage with a resultant reduction in the working life to 5.2 years.
How Newlog is funded
Newlog is a cooperative that is financially self-supported. It relies solely on income from member council contributions, Transport for NSW, and revenue from fines.
Success of the operation
Since Newlog commenced operation in 1995, the number of overloaded vehicles has decreased from 15 in every hundred to about 3 in every hundred; the magnitude of grossly overloaded vehicles has decreased significantly. It is estimated that Newlog provides a saving in excess of $2.9 million in pavement repair costs in this area each year.
Education and enforcement
The Newlog inspectors also provide a free information and education service to the haulage industry. They can provide advice where it is required and will visit operators to show how correct weight distribution can be achieved on trucks.