About Council
Ballina Shire Council is located in the Northern Rivers of the Far North Coast of New South Wales. It covers an area of 485 km² with a population of approximately 46,296 (2021 Census). We have a prosperous economy based on building, retail, tourism, hospitality, agriculture and education.
Our services and facilities include numerous open spaces, two community swimming pools, three libraries, indoor sports centre, a number of community spaces, a community art gallery, and a regional airport providing daily jet services between Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle.
Working with a regional community that is progressive, innovative and creative, our strategies and services are designed to deliver an outstanding lifestyle for our residents, workers and visitors. We are also mindful that as we are in one of the fastest growing regions in Australia we need to protect what we have now while planning for the future.
Our vision
captures what the community most values and what they want for a future Ballina Shire:
The Ballina Shire is safe with a connected community, a healthy environment and a thriving economy.
Our values (CARES)
describe the behaviour we expect from all our employees:
Creative >> we want to encourage ideas and be innovative.
Accessible >> we need to be accessible and responsive to our community and our fellow employees.
Respectful >> we take responsibility for our actions and appreciate everyone's opinions.
Energetic >> we want to be enthusiastic in our approach to work.
Safe >> safety takes priority over all actions and we want everyone to arrive at work and go home from work safe.
Council's charter
The role of Ballina Shire Council, in accordance with the Local Government Act (NSW) 1993 is:
- to provide directly or on behalf of other levels of Government, after due consultation, adequate, equitable and appropriate services and facilities for the community and to ensure that those services and facilities are managed efficiently and effectively
- to exercise community leadership
- to exercise its functions in a manner that is consistent with and actively promotes the principles of multiculturalism
- to promote and to provide and plan for the needs of children
- to properly manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment of the area for which it is responsible, in a manner that is consistent with and promotes the principles of ecologically sustainable development
- to have regard to the long term and cumulative effects of its decisions
- to bear in mind that it is the custodian and trustee of public assets and to effectively account for and manage the assets for which it is responsible
- to facilitate the involvement of Councillors, members of the public, users of facilities and services and Council staff in the development, improvement and co-ordination of local government
- to raise funds for local purposes by the fair imposition of rates, charges and fees, by income earned from investments and, when appropriate, by borrowings and grants
- to keep the local community and the State Government (and through it, the wider community) informed about its activities
- to ensure that, in the exercise of its regulatory functions, it acts consistently and without bias, particularly where an activity of the Council is affected
- to be a responsible employer.
Organisation structure
Council's organisation structure consists of three divisions under the General Manager, Paul Hickey:
Corporate and Community Division
Director: Caroline Klose
- People and Culture
- Governance
- Information Services
- Communications and Customer Service
- Commercial Services
- Financial Services
- Facilities Management
Civil Services Division
Director: John Truman
- Infrastructure Planning
- Engineering Works
- Project Management
- Resource Recovery
- Water and Wastewater
- Asset Management
- Emergency Management
Planning and Environmental Health Division
Director: Matthew Wood
- Strategic Planning
- Development Services
- Health and Environment
- Open Spaces
The Division Directors, together with the General Manager form the Senior Executive Team. This team oversees the day-to-day operations of Council and provides professional advice to the elected Council. It is this team that has primary responsibility for delivering the activities identified in the Operational Plan.