Agendas and Minutes

Business papers for Council meetings are published in the below table. Agendas and Attachments include items to be discussed at the meeting. The outcomes of the meeting are reported in the meeting minutes.

Search keywords or agenda items using the first search field above.

Search by meeting type, month or year from 2022 onwards using the second search field above.



Agendas, minutes and recordings prior to 2022

To access agendas, minutes and recordings prior to 2022, visit the Historical Agendas and Minutes page

Agendas, minutes and recordings prior to 2022

Search by keywords meeting type or year in the search fields on the right.

View the meeting documents and links by clicking the plus icon (+) on to expand the meeting accordion and click the links to download the attachments or view the video recording.

*Please note, if you are looking for agendas, minutes or attachments prior to 2017 and are not able to find them, please contact Council. Some meeting history may be temporarily unavailable online whilst we migrate this information to our new website.

Watch Council meetings

Livestream and Current Recordings

Recordings prior to 2022 can be accessed on the Historical Agendas and Minutes page.

*Please note, if you are looking for recordings prior to 2017 and are not able to find them, please contact Council. Some meeting history may be temporarily unavailable online whilst we migrate this information to our new website.