Cr Sharon Cadwallader


Cr Sharon Cadwallader

Cr Sharon Cadwallader was elected to Ballina Shire Council in March 2004, was first elected as Mayor in December 2021, and is now in her second term as Mayor.

Sharon is a community leader and experienced professional with expertise across governance, local government, and community engagement. She is a company director, Justice of the Peace, Registered Civil Celebrant, Chair of the Australian Coastal Councils Association, Deputy Chair of both Rous County Council and the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation, and also serves on the Executive Board of the Country Mayors Association of NSW.

A former Regional Manager of the Northern Rivers NSW Business Chamber and past director of Summerland Credit Union, Sharon holds qualifications in dental nursing, marketing and management, and a UTS Executive Certificate in Local Government. Sharon is an active Patron of Far North Coast Legacy - Ballina Division, Ballina Schools Historical Society Inc, and the Ballina Hospital Auxiliary, as well as an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond (2024/25) and was recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow. She has also contributed to numerous committees, including 17 years on the Essential Energy Customer Council and leadership roles with the Richmond Tweed Regional Library and regional chambers of commerce.

Sharon is focused on affordable and accessible housing, preserving local heritage, enhancing the natural environment, and promoting sustainable economic development. She is focused on initiatives for beautification, walkways, cycleways, and regional collaboration to secure equitable State and Federal funding. Sharon realises the importance of making it simpler to deal with council by removing layers of bureaucracy and having a ‘can do’ culture that prioritises environmental stewardship and addressing climate challenges.

Married to Bruce, Sharon is proud to call Ballina Shire home, sharing life with their five children and 11 grandchildren across three generations living in the area. Her open for business policy encourages input from the community, preferably by text or email.