Request a Certificate

Council is currently experiencing delays in processing and issuing Section 10.7 Certificates for properties with a land zoning under the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 1987 due to required mapping updates. Thank you for your patience during the required mapping updates. Please note Council is able to process certificates that wholly relate to land within the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012.

You can now use our Community Portal to order and pay for a range of council-issued certificates.

This online platform reduces paper, streamlines the application process and allows you to lodge and pay for certificates and documents online 24/7.

To make an application select the required certificate or document below, complete the online application and make your secure payment using a credit card.

This online system allows applicants:

  • to apply and pay online for applications 24/7
  • the ability to apply for multiple certificate types in one transaction
  • the ability to apply for certificates on multiple properties in one transaction
  • a reduction in processing time.

Request a certificate

If you’re a frequent Community Portal user, we recommend you register and create an individual or business profile. Once you are registered, you will be able to log in, view your previous transactions, make requests and update your details.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you experience any errors whilst attempting to request a certificate, please review Council’s Interacting with Council Online guidelines(PDF, 331KB). If you continue to have issues, please contact Council on 1300 864 444.

Planning Certificates

A Planning Certificate is issued under Section 10.7(1) [formerly Section 149(2)] and 10.7(5) [formerly Section 149(5)] of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. A certificate may be requested to obtain information about planning controls or constraints that affect a property. A certificate must be requested on the purchase and sale of a property under the Conveyancing Act 1919.

A certificate also may be requested for a Section 10.7(1) - Exempt and Complying which confirms whether complying development may be carried out under the State Environmental Planning Policy 2008 (Exempt and Complying Development).

Types of Certificates

There are three types of Planning Certificates, 10.7(1), 10.7(1) and 10.7(5) and Certificate under Section 10.7 - Exempt and Complying development only.

  • Section 10.7(1): A certificate issued under Section 10.7(1) provides information regarding the property zoning, relevant state, regional and local planning controls and other property constraints such as bush fire, contamination land, flooding, landslip, or road widening as specified in the EP&A Regulations 2000.
  • Section 10.7(1) and 10.7(5): A certificate issued under Section 10.7(1) and 10.7(5) provides the above information and other matters council deems relevant to the land, such as backlog sewer program and tree preservation orders.
  • Section 10.7 - Exempt and Complying only: A certificate issued under Section 10.7 provides information only related to Exempt and Complying development matters.

Council will aim to process Planning Certificate applications within:

  • Four working days for standard applications.

Council will aim to process drainage/sewer diagrams applications within:

  • Five working days for standard applications
  • Within 24 hours with payment of urgency fee.

Section 735A Certificate

Section 735A Certificates (outstanding notices): A S.735A Certificate is issued under the Local Government Act 1993 and lists any outstanding notices or orders issued by Council in relation to a particular property.

Council will aim to process 735A Certificate applications within:

  • Five working days for standard applications.
  • There is no urgency fee available for this certificate.

Rating certificates

  • Section 603 Rates and Charges: A section 603 Rates Certificate specifies any outstanding rates, charges or debts payable to Council in relation to a parcel of land.

Council will aim to process Section 603 Rates Certificate applications within:

  • Five working days for standard applications.
  • One working day with payment of urgency fee.

Certificate delivery

Once your application has been processed you will be emailed a copy of your final certificate to the email address nominated in your online application. All certificates are processed by different Council sections and have different process timelines. This means you may receive your certificates in separate emails at separate times.

Cost of certificates

Payment for certificates must be paid via credit card online at the time of application.


Any refund request must be made by telephone within one business day (i.e. within 24 hours) of the online application. However, if we have commenced processing your certificate application no refund will be made.

No refunds are available for urgent certificates.

Urgent certificates

You can make an urgent certificate application online. To do this, select urgent and continue to the payment process. Urgent applications will incur an urgency fee that needs to be paid online before the application can be submitted and processed.

Your privacy

Your completed application form contains personal information which is being collected for the purpose of accessing information from Council records and to perform any other duty or task under any relevant legislation. The information will be processed by the Development and Environmental Health Group and may be made available to public enquiries under the Government Information (Public Access) Act. The information will be stored in Council’s electronic document management system.
To find out more read Council’s privacy statement.
