Ballina Pump Track

  • Project typeRecreation and Environmental
Ballina Pump Track concept illustration only

The Ballina Pump Track at Kingsford Smith Reserve is a capital works project identified in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan for the 2024/25 financial year. The project supports the objective: “Provide young people with a range of leisure activities”.

The Kingsford Smith Reserve Master Plan was adopted in 2021 following extensive community consultation and identifies activation of the southern area of the reserve and concept images of a pump track.

In December 2024, Council resolved to award a contract for the design and construction of the new pump track. Construction works are scheduled to commence onsite in April 2025.

Council has included key local user group representatives in design development and will continue to seek their feedback on the project. Completion of the project is anticipated for October 2025.

The project includes:

  • construction of a UCI World Cup qualifier level pump track
  • trackside hardstand for spectators and participants that includes shelters, seating, bike stands, drinking fountains and workstation
  • landscaping and shade trees
  • stormwater management
  • vegetation management to remove weed species and exotics, target hazards, improve vegetation health, access and visual permeability for public safety.

This project is funded by Ballina Shire Council's capital works program and NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund.


Contact details

Ballina Shire Council Planning and Environmental Division
1300 864 444


Kingsford Smith Drive, Ballina 2478  View Map

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