Diversity and Inclusion

Ballina Shire Council is committed to promoting EEO and eliminating all forms of discrimination in our employment practices. Council will treat all workers and potential workers on the basis of their merit and no person will be treated differently at work or denied opportunities because of irrelevant factors such as race, marital or domestic status, carer’s responsibilities, homosexuality, disability, sex, transgender status or age.

If you face particular difficulties in completing a job application or require adjustments at interview please contact People and Culture on 02 6686 1443 or email careers@ballina.nsw.gov.au.

Our commitment to hiring people with disabilities

Council is proud to have a crew of people with disabilities as part of our team. These crews are responsible for the success of our very own nursery and for assisting in maintaining Council managed parks and gardens throughout the shire. These crews are supported by suitably trained, experienced and passionate supervisors.

To be eligible for employment within Council’s supported employment program, applicants will have a disability with low to medium support needs, whereby the impairment is permanent, preventing the person from accessing employment without individualised support and training.  Applicants must be eligible for funding from National Disability Insurance Scheme for supported employment.

For further information on employment or work experience opportunities within Council’s supported employment program, please contact People and Culture on 02 6686 1443.

Females in non-traditional roles

Council has implemented special measures to achieve gender equality in our operational workforce, and has subsequently been granted an exemption under section 126 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) in relation to its targeted recruitment program. As part of this program, a number of non-traditional role vacancies have been identified as being available to female applicants only.

For further information on this program, please contact People and Culture on 02 6686 1443.

ATSI Recruitment

We want Council to be a great place to work for everyone and an employer of choice, as well as being representative of the rich and diverse needs of the Ballina Shire community. We have partnered with Aboriginal Employment Strategy to support their vision of A Career Opportunity for every Indigenous Australian.