Volunteer With Us
If you are interested in joining one of Ballina Shire Council's volunteering programs, please contact the program officers below:
Ballina Byron Gateway Airport Ambassadors
The Ballina Tourism Team has a volunteer ambassador program with volunteers working at both the visitor services desk at the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport and also from the River Street Visitor Information Centre.
Volunteers will be involved in a number of activities in the provision of information to visitors including: meeting and greeting visitors, information provision to visitors and building personalised itineraries, ensuring displays are clean and tidy, refilling brochure stands and sourcing information to assist visitors. The program is a great opportunity for volunteers to meet new people, learn new skills and enhance their knowledge of the tourism industry and local area.
If you are interested in applying, please complete the Ballina Shire Tourism Ambassador Volunteer Registration Form (0.1mb pdf)(PDF, 182KB) . This can be returned by email to discover@ballina.nsw.gov.au or in person to the Ballina Visitor Information Centre located at 6 River Street, Ballina.
More information: Ballina Visitor Information Centre, Ph 1800 777 666, discoverballina.com.au
Landcare and Coastcare
Landcare and Coastcare volunteer groups in Ballina Shire provide an important part of protecting, conserving and restoring the shires biodiversity through bush regeneration, weed control and plantings. This involves working within many of the shires endangered ecological vegetation communities and around many threatened plant species on coastal and hinterland bushland public reserves. The volunteers' labour contribution for this program is significant towards the various project areas that are under restoration and occur on many different days of the week to join in on. Councils bush regeneration team also works closely with the volunteer groups to ensure the high conservation value bushland reserves are preserved.
More information: James Brideson, Natural Resource Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.
Access Reference Group
The volunteer members of the Access Reference Group provide advice to Council how we can plan and build a more accessible and inclusive Ballina Shire for all people regardless of their abilities.
More information: Roberto Kenk, Coordinator Social Planning, Ph 1300 864 444.
Be Connected Online Tutoring
The Be Connected program is a federally funded program to help seniors develop digital skills. The lessons are free and provided by volunteer Stedroy Farrell who has been volunteering for many years and has wonderful experience in assisting people to become more digitally connected. It's heartwarming to see volunteers like Stedroy making a difference and showing how impactful volunteering can be. Thank you Stedroy.
More information: Roberta O'Brien, Coordinator Community Facilities, Ph 02 6681 0572, communityspaces.com.au
Community Participation Program (Garden Restoration)
We welcome volunteers to offer their time to help with garden restoration in the form of weeding, planting, mulching and watering at the Lennox Head Cultural Centre and the Ballina Indoor Sports Centre. Volunteering can be very fulfilling; all you need is sun safe attire, including a hat, enclosed shoes, a bottle of water – and a big smile.
More information: Roberta O'Brien, Coordinator Community Facilities, Ph 02 6681 0572, communityspaces.com.au
Northern Rivers Community Gallery
The Northern Rivers Community Gallery (NRCG) is now taking applications to join our passionate and dedicated team of gallery volunteers. Volunteering is a terrific opportunity to immerse yourself into the creative community, develop new friendships, grow your skills, learn about arts and culture and meet arts industry contacts from across the Northern Rivers. Our volunteers are vital to NRCG operations and we would love for you to be part of the team.
We are looking for enthusiastic and engaged volunteers who have knowledge of or interest in arts and culture, experience or willingness to learn Microsoft Office and other relevant technologies, excellent interpersonal skills, including ability to negotiate and consult through effective written and verbal communication, the ability to develop practical solutions to daily work issues, excellent customer service skills, willingness to learn about arts and culture, enjoy working as part of a team, good eye for detail and ability to develop appealing shop displays, experience working with merchandise.
More information: Visit the Gallery website nrcgballina.com.au or email us at nrcg@ballina.nsw.gov.au
Ward Committees (A, B and C)
Council's shire is divided into three Wards. Each Ward is represented by its own Ward Committee. The Ward Committees are designed to provide Council with feedback and policy advice on matters referred by Council and/or raised by members on behalf of their community. To apply to join, download the Ward Commitee Application Form (0.8mb pdf)(PDF, 101KB).
More information: Sandra Bailey, PA to the General Manager and Mayor, Ph 1300 864 444.