Emigrant, Pearces, Maguires and Houghlahans Creeks

Emigrant Creek Bank Revegetation and Stabilisation

Completed 2019 – 2021

Objective: To stabilise the creek bank, remove weed species, plant native endemic vegetation, improve water quality and aquatic and terrestrial fauna habitat.

Funding: $520,000 funded equally by Council and NSW Govt Coastal and Estuary Grants Program

Area: 2.5 km of creek bank rehabilitated

In 2019 Council was successful in obtaining funding from the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to undertake an environmental restoration project along Emigrant Creek in Tintenbar. The project was an action of the Richmond River CZMP, carried out over 3 years between 2019 and 2021.

healthy waterways program logo

A project Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) was developed in consultation with the local community and guided the works.

The project included riverbank stabilisation and rehabilitation on publicly owned land adjoining Emigrant Creek between Tintenbar Road and the Old Bangalow Road/Tamarind Drive intersection. Approximately 2.5km of creek bank was rehabilitated in total, with 600m on both sides of the creek receiving treatment.


Riparian Rehabilitation - Emigrant and Pearce’s Creek Primary Works

Completed 2021 – mid-2022

Funding $144,765 funded by NSW Govt Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS) through Local Land Services (LLS)

Area: 4.1 km of riparian vegetation rehabilitated

This project has been carried out under the larger umbrella of projects for Strategy 2 of the MEMS assisted by LLS. These works will allow Council to reduce diffuse pollutants into sensitive aquatic habitats within the Emigrant and Pearce’s Creek Catchment. Works will include bush regeneration, revegetation riparian fence installation, alternative water points in areas of identified run off and remediating associated areas.

The intended outcomes of this project are to:

  • Mitigate against diffuse pollution into the Richmond River Estuary via the remediation of priority riparian zones to reduce the impact of sediment and nutrients.
  • Remediate 4.143km of priority riparian vegetation adjacent to agricultural and horticultural farming operations to mitigate against the movement of sediment and nutrients into Emigrant Creek and Pearce’s Creek and therefore the Richmond River.
  • The functional ability to limit diffuse pollutants entering the riparian zone from surface run-off and, over time, provide increased instream carbon loads to promote natural denitrification processes.
  • Provide functional habitat for native and threatened species and ecosystems.

Development of the Teven Recreational/Riparian Vegetation Project at Houghlahans Creek

In progress mid-2022 – mid 2025

Objective: To rehabilitate and revegetate the site and create a space with high amenity value for the community to connect with and enjoy the natural environment

Funding: $129,520 funded equally by NSW Dept of Planning and Environment (DPE) Coastal and Estuary Grants Program and Council

This project has received matching funding from the Department of Planning and Environment’s (DPE) Coasts and Estuary Grants Program to rehabilitate a parcel of land adjacent to Houghlahans Creek and Maguires Creek tributaries of the Richmond River Estuary. This project will contribute to the implementation of action 6a from the Richmond River Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) and aims to carry out weed control, riparian vegetation planting and fencing. The project will address the lack of the riparian vegetation at the site, identified in the CZMP as affecting the Richmond River estuary and its tributaries, with very few areas of the estuary with intact riparian vegetation in good condition.

Rehabilitating this site will enhance the riparian zone function and related natural processes and enhance the environmental value of the area through improved bank stability and maintenance of soil structural integrity, water quality protection, and removal of exotic species. The biological diversity and ecosystem integrity of the site will be enhanced by improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat and will also contribute to improved water quality and overall health of the wider Richmond River estuary.

This project is part of a larger scale plan for the site which will include additional bush and wetland regeneration as well as providing public access to the site and the estuary, picnic areas, a viewing platform and educational signage. For more information visit the Teven Reserve webpage.

