Boral Quarry - Teven
Boral Quarry Teven has an open cut profile and is situated on the slopes of the Teven Valley adjacent to Maguires Creek, Ballina. The quarry entrance, weighbridge and offices are located in the southwestern corner of the site. The quarry entrance, weighbridge and offices are generally located towards the intersection of North Teven Road and Beacon Road in the southwestern corner of the site. The quarry working faces and stockpiles progress towards the north and east into the sloping and mostly vegetated hillsides. Drilling and blasting is undertaken on a campaign basis when required.
Boral hard rock quarry is reported to have operated since 1959 and produces two types of crushed rock, argillite and basalt from separate extractive areas within the site. The most recent approval modification - DA 1995/292.3 was accepted in 2016 and has permission to extract up to a total of 500,000 tonnes of hard rock annually from the site. At this rate of extraction, Boral estimates that the resource will be exhausted by 2026-2028. As of June 2015, it was estimated that 10,200,000 t of extractive material remains. According to Council records- approximately 2 million tonnes have been extracted since 2015 at an average rate of approximately 75,000 tonnes per quarter. In accordance with the conditions of the approval, the quarry has been identified to close in 2026.
Environmental Constraints
The Plan of Management (1996) has been updated to comply with current industry standards and the latest Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which was produced in 2012 and outlines Boral’s responsibilities and obligations related to water management, biodiversity, noise and vibration, air quality, traffic, hazard and risk management. General operations within the site are further outlined in the EMP. In addition to the above commitments, Boral must host a Community Consultative Committee to which an annual report must be submitted which details the environmental compliance, monitoring and rehabilitation which has been undertaken in the preceding year. The site also holds an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL 2261) which regulates air, water and noise emissions. Boral Quarry Teven website identifies the approval, Environmental Management Plans and general information:
Rehabilitation Requirements
Boral has committed to progressive rehabilitation practices with revegetation and the battering of exposed faces to achieve stable angles of the surfaces. Additionally, 25,000 cubic meters of topsoil are to be stockpiled onsite to allow for final rehabilitation works. Boral has also committed that a tree planting programme would be implemented over several years with planting being conducted by Boral biannually. Council has been notified that Boral intends to seek a consent modification to extend the operation of the quarry beyond 2026.
348 North Teven Road, Teven 2478 View Map
348 North Teven Road ,
Teven 2478
348 North Teven Road ,
Teven 2478
Boral Quarry - Teven
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