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All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
Eaton’s Pit is located between Old Bagotville Road and the Pacific Highway, Wardell. The quarry was approved under DA 1996/29. The approved extraction site has an area of approximately 5.8 hectares and is situated on an un-named connecting road which adjoins Old Bagotville Road some 4 km south-west of the township of Wardell. Extraction of the materials involved the use of a bulldozing or excavator, crushing, screening, stockpiling, loading and hauling of the product. The approval permitted extraction of up 50,000 tonnes per annum, with a total extraction amount of 975,000 tonnes of clay/shale material from the site being extracted up until January 2018. The operational life of the quarry has expired, and the quarry site must now be rehabilitated in accordance with the undertakings of the conditions of approval under DA 1996/29. Eaton’s Pit lies near the southern limits of Ballina Shire and is situated within remnant wet sclerophyll forest near the confluence of Tuckean Broadwater and the Richmond River. The quarry adjoins the Pacific Highway on its eastern boundary and is joined by cleared grazing lands to the west. The southwestern face of the pit was near vertical at the time of initial inspections by Council and dropped to a pit lake which was approximately 100 m long and 40 m wide.
The development and operation of the quarry must generally be undertaken in accordance with the conditions of approval DA 1996/30, Statement of Environmental Effects and Plan of Management which generally incorporate the operational parameters, quarry development, monitoring and control of pollutants, surface water and progressive rehabilitation of the site. In addition, erosion and sediment controls were implemented throughout the site to control sediments from entering the sedimentation dam which is in the lower north-west area of the site and was limited to releasing water which retained less than 50 mg/l of total suspended solids and maintained a pH of between 6.5 and 8.5.
Like Monti’s Pit, the plan of management identified progressive rehabilitation and re-contouring of the site during operations with slopes equal to or less than the natural gradient of the local terrain- typically with slopes no greater than 1:3. The rehabilitation plan identifies that endemic tree species are to be planted at a rate of 100 trees per hectare. A list of preferred Koala feed trees is provided within the plan of management along with endemic species which arise from soil seed stack are also favoured. Significant rehabilitation works have been undertaken by the quarry owner to restore batters to 1:3 slopes and the site has been planted with a range of eucalyptus trees in accordance with the revegetation plan.
Old Bagotville Road and the Pacific Highway, Wardell 2477 View Map
Old Bagotville Road and the Pacific Highway , Wardell 2477
Western slope
Eastern slope
Pioneer regrowth
Approval: Shale extraction DA 1996/29
Location: Old Bagotville Road, Wardell