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All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
The Tuckombil Quarry is located at 540 Gap Road, Alstonville and was approved under DA 1995/276 for the extraction of hard rock. In 2004, a modification was approved which extended the life of the quarry beyond the ten years specified in the original approval. The latest modification - DA 1995/276.3 was approved on the 13 August 2013 for the continued operation of hard rock quarrying and associated crushing plant, with extraction rates of 100,000 tonnes per annum, expected incremental increases in extraction rates of 3%-5%, reaching a maximum extraction rate of 150,000 tonnes per annum. The latest approval was implemented to update the blasting methodologies and practices utilised at the quarry to conform to contemporary practices and to minimise impacts from the blasting on residential receivers. Council also applied for an approval to operate the quarry as a temporary emergency transfer station, with approval being granted on 6 March 2022 in response to extensive local flooding which occurred in that year. Tuckombil quarry has not had materials extracted from the site since 2016.
Tuckombil quarry is located at the intersection with Teven Road which together form the southern and western boundaries of the pit site. Excavations of hard rock within the site have resulted in a pit lake generally surrounded by near vertical walls of hard rock within the disused extraction area. The quarry has been subdivided to provide areas for two other business entities to operate. An area in the northwest of the quarry site is utilised by Ron Southon Pty Ltd. Boral also operates an asphalt plant in the south of the site, near the entry and exit point of the quarry. Council has resolved not to renew the existing lease to Boral where asphalt processing occurs, which is due to expire 31 December 2024. In addition to existing conditions of the approval, several conditions have been applied to the site which implement the latest methodologies and environmental practices however the extractive operations of the site have been dormant for some time. An updated Environmental Management Plan was provided in 2013 in compliance the latest conditions of approval DA 1995/276.3. In addition, the site also holds an environmental protection licence – EPL 3856.
The Rehabilitation Program (constituting Appendix 3) within the Flora and Fauna Assessment undertaken by J Warren, Biological and Environmental Consultant, and contained in Appendix B of the Environmental Impact Statement outlines the objectives of the rehabilitation program. The report identified that revegetation works on the site should concentrate trees that should be endemic rainforest species which will provide food sources and habitat for native fauna. The report also identifies that revegetation efforts should concentrate around the existing Creek line; however, all unmined areas and mounds are identified for revegetation with native and endemic rainforest species under the original plan.
Several options and rehabilitation plans are currently being considered by Council for the end use of the site.
540 Gap Road, Alstonville 2477 View Map
540 Gap Road , Alstonville 2477
Southwest Corner, 2022
View to the west
View to the north
Approval: Hard Rock extraction DA 1995/276.3
Location: 540 Gap Road, Alstonville
Environmental Protection Licence: EPL 3856