Marine Animals

Green Sea Turtle - Chelonia mydas
Endangered in NSW and Nationally
Green Sea Turtles can be found in the waters along the coast of Ballina Shire. They are named not for the colour of their shell but the colour of their skin. Their herbivorous diet of seagrass and algae turns their fat a greenish colour.
They migrate long distances between feeding grounds and nesting beaches, and similar to loggerhead turtle females they lay their eggs on the very same beach which they hatched. It takes Green Sea Turtles between 30-50 years to reach sexual maturity, and following this females will only nest every 5-8 years. Clutches can contain up to 120 eggs but only about 1 in 1000 survive to adulthood.
One of the main threats to Green Sea Turtles is marine debris. Turtles often mistake plastic debris for food and eventually suffer from plastic indigestion which can be fatal. Entanglement in marine debris is also a common occurrence. Vessel strike and recreational disturbances such as 4WD, dogs and people impacting nests by trampling or vandalism are key impacts.
How can you help?
- Give turtles lots of space to emerge from or move towards the ocean.
- Remember to dispose of your rubbish so that it does not make its way into the sea.
- If you live in proximity to the beach keep control of your cats and dogs so that they do not eat turtle eggs.
- Decrease your boat speed in estuaries and shallow in shore areas.
- Turtles are sensitive to light pollution – if you are living in a coastal community turn off non-essential lights to reduce disturbance from artificial light
- Report any sightings to Council on 1300 864 444.
The NSW State Government has established a Saving Our Species program for Green Sea Turtles. For more information visit:

Loggerhead turtle - Caretta caretta
Endangered in NSW and Nationally
Loggerhead turtles are highly migratory. They can be found in subtropical and temperate waters from the Mediterranean Sea all the way down to the waters of the Australian coastline. They can be distinguished by their large heads and powerful jaws. They feed on fish, crustaceans, and other marine animals, using the force of their jaws to crush their prey.
Females don’t reach reproductive maturity until they are over 30. When they are ready to lay their eggs, they return to the same beach where they were born. This occurs typically in the warmer months, with the female laying, on average, four clutches of about 100 to 120 eggs. The sex of the hatchling is determined by incubation temperature - the warmer the sand is, the more likely they are to be females. Due to climatic changes, there has been an impact on sex ratios, with more females hatching.
Hatchlings face the risky crawl from their nest to the ocean. Predation is a key concern, but disturbance from artificial light can lead to disorientation of the hatchlings. Tire ruts from vehicles can also impede their path to the water and result in an unsuccessful journey. Overall threats to this species include light pollution, fisheries bycatch, entanglement in marine debris, predation of hatchlings, and changes to habitat (dunes and beaches).
How can you help?
- Give turtles lots of space to emerge from or move towards the ocean
- Remember to dispose of your rubbish, so it does not enter the sea
- If you live near the beach, keep control of your cats and dogs, so they do not eat turtle eggs
- Decrease your boat speed in estuaries and shallow inshore areas
- Turtles are sensitive to light pollution – if you live in a coastal community, turn off non-essential lights to reduce disturbance from artificial light.
For more information on monitoring programs visit: