For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including recovery assistance, road closures, power outages, and more. For real-time updates, visit:
All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
Weeds are basically plants that are growing in the wrong place and should not be there. Weeds have come about from agricultural and ornamental plantings gone wrong that have spread from the scene of planting. Weeds can spread via multiple pathways that include birds, bats, shoes, cars, wind, water and gravity.
Weeds these days infest virtually every known vegetation community and agricultural crop. Weeds can live in the water and on the land. Weeds manage to destroy native bushland and wetland areas decreasing the areas biodiversity through displacing our native flora and fauna.
Weeds cost land managers and land owners large resources to remove and try and eradicate them. Volunteers spend thousands of hours annually removing weeds from bushland areas to bring back the Australian bush, the rainforest we like to walk through and the animal life, be it birds, butterflies or sugar gliders that depend on their local food source.
Think native when planting and preferably only use local native plant species.
For more information about weeds visit Rous County Council's website.
Ballina Shire Council manages an extensive and diverse range of public places with weed and pest control programs being a management priority for Council. Pesticide use is about balancing public safety against the benefits pest and weed control provide, to ensure the best outcome. Council has developed a policy to guide its approach and notification plan to keep the community informed. A factsheet also assists landholders to maintain roadside pesticide free areas.
The use of pesticides is regulated by the Pesticides Act 1999 which is administered by the NSW EPA. Councils have no powers or authority in relation to the use of pesticides on private land. Any complaints relating to the use of pesticides on private land should be reported to the NSW EPA on their pollution line 131 555 for investigation.
The NSW EPA may require evidence, such as video footage, of the alleged breach being reported and will require an accurate property address to enable investigation.