For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including recovery assistance, road closures, power outages, and more. For real-time updates, visit:
All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
From 8 December 2023 food service, caterers and related retail food premises in Australia will need to meet new food safety requirements under Standard 3.2.2A of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code).
The new food safety management requirements include:
In order to support food businesses in meeting the food handler training requirements Council has aligned with the NSW Food Authority's online food handler training program. To sign up for the training visit the NSW Food Authority's website.
For further information and to determine how the new requirements apply to your food business please visit Food Safety Management Tools.