For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including recovery assistance, road closures, power outages, and more. For real-time updates, visit:
All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
A home-based food business must be in accordance with the definition of home-based businesses under planning laws and policies, and with the Australian Food Standards Code (Chapter 3).
Home-based food businesses are required to seek written acknowledgement from Council prior to the commencement of any food related activities. The application from can be downloaded from Council’s website at the link shown above.
While residential premises do not generally require any modifications to conduct a small scale home-based food business, the activity may require owner’s permission (if you are renting) and is required to comply with the general hygiene and food safety requirements for food businesses.
The food preparation activities are required to be conducted in a clean and hygienic environment where the risk of contamination has been identified and managed. Home garages generally will only be suitable for the storage of packaged goods and related articles, and refrigerators.
After an application has been made, Council's Environmental Health Officer will conduct an advisory inspection for start-up home-based food businesses.
Home-based food businesses that sell directly to the consumer, sell online or from a market food stall will be registered as a commercial food premises and may be subject to inspection by Council's Environmental Health Officer. The preparation of low risk foods such as biscuits, cakes, chocolate or confectionery will not be subject to routine inspections but will be required to notify the Council of any changes to the food business. Preparation involving higher risk potentially-hazardous foods will be subject to routine inspections.
Home-based food businesses that on-sell (wholesale) to other food businesses will be required to notify their food business activities to the NSW Food Authority. If you require further clarification about notification requirements for home-based wholesale food businesses please contact the NSW Food Authority.