For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including weather warnings, road closures, power outages, and more, from RFS, BOM, and SES. For real-time updates, visit:
The Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times. Bin collections resumed Monday 10 March.
Council's Mobile Vendors on Public Land policy identifies mobile vending activities permitted on public roads and reserves in Ballina Shire. If you wish to seek approval to operate a mobile food vendor vehicle an application form must be completed, appropriate documentation provided and the relevant fees paid. You must be familiar with the requirements of the policy and the state-wide mobile food vendor operation guidelines.
A recent food vehicle inspection report and current mobile food vendor Council registration must be submitted with the application. If you intend to sell potentially hazardous foods not in their original packaging a Food Safety Supervisor will need to be trained and appointed.
To arrange an inspection of your vehicle contact Council’s Environmental Health Section, ph 1300 864 444 or email