Starting a New Food Business

Food premises in NSW are required to be designed and constructed in accordance with Australian Food Standards. This is to ensure that food is handled in a hygienic environment.

To assist in complying with the provisions of the Food Standards a state-wide guideline has been developed.

Construction of new food premises and alterations and additions to existing food premises

Fitting out a new food premises or carrying out construction works or modifications in an existing food premises may require approval from Council. All development applications (including modifications and reviews) are to be submitted online via the NSW Government Planning Portal.

The table below summarises approvals required for new or existing food premises (the approvals required may change if the building is a heritage item).

Approved new developments with nominated food shop included within consent and approved plans Construction Certificate
Occupation Certificate
Change of use, from shop to food shop Complying Development Certificate or Development Application
Occupation Certificate
Change of use, takeaway food shop or general shop to dine-in restaurant/cafe Development Application or Complying Development Certificate (providing use does not contravene existing DA consent, car parking in accordance with existing consent or in accordance with current planning standards, seating capacity not more than 50 persons, complies with AS4674-2004 construction and fit-out of food premises)
Occupation Certificate
Significant internal construction works to an existing food shop(check existing use approved) eg new fit-out, coolroom, mechanical ventilation Complying Development Certificate or Development Application/Construction Certificate
Occupation Certificate
New plumbing and/or alterations to drainage works Section 68 Certificate
Minor refurbishing eg re-painting, updating existing fittings and appliances not required
Footpath dining on Council owned land
(seek Development Services advice that consent exists, and seek advice from Property Officer – Community Land about licensing footpath dining)
refer to Council's Commercial Use of Footpaths Policy
Signage refer to Council's Business Signage information
Home based business preparing food for sale online, through outlets, or markets written permission from Council download Home Based Business Request Form(PDF, 148KB)

Licensing and registration of food premises

Premises to be used for processing medium and high risk foods - meat, dairy, seafood, plant products, eggs, other medium-high risk food processing or preparing food for high risk populations (eg aged care facilities, correctional services) require licensing by the NSW Food Authority to operate.

Low risk food manufacturers (including home based food businesses) are required to notify their details to NSW Food Authority prior to commencement. This can be completed online at no cost.

Retail food outlets (eg restaurants, cafes, general stores, licensed premises, supermarkets, mobile food, market food stalls as well as childcare and schools) are required to notify Council prior to commencement. This is done by completing the following application form and paying the annual registration/inspection fee:

Purchasing a food business

Council provides a pre-purchase inspection service that includes a written report to prospective purchasers. Input is provided by a range of Council sections including Environmental Health, Trade Waste, Town Planning and Commercial Services.

A written request signed by the current business operator and/or landowner must be completed and returned with the appropriate fee. Please allow at least two weeks for the report to be finalised. Contact Council's Environmental Health Section for more information and complete the:


Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes are banned in all enclosed public areas in shopping centres, cinemas, libraries, trains and buses. Enforcement of the smoke free laws is the responsibility of NSW Health Authorised Inspectors. On the spot fines of up to $550 may apply to individuals who smoke in a smoke-free area, and penalties of up to $5500 may apply to business owners if a person is found to be smoking in a smoke-free area of the premises.

Further information

  • enquiries regarding approvals, construction and fit-out of food premises, notifying retail food businesses and signage Council’s Planning and Environmental Health Division, ph 1300 864 444
  • enquiries about food manufacturing and licensing, and to notify details of non-retail food businesses - NSW Food Authority, ph 1300 552 406 and
  • footpath dining enquiries - Council’s Commercial Services, ph 1300 864 444