For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including recovery assistance, road closures, power outages, and more. For real-time updates, visit:
All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
If you wish to install a dividing fence, or have work done on an existing dividing fence, you must discuss this with the owner of the adjoining property. The Dividing Fences Act 1991 outlines how the cost of a dividing fence is shared between land owners and sets out the minimum requirements for sufficient fencing.
If you are having difficulty reaching agreement with your neighbour over a dividing fence, the Community Justice Centre provides free mediation service and may be able to help, ph 1800 990 777. Council does not get involved in disputes between neighbours over dividing fences.
The approval requirements for boundary fences are contained within the NSW State Environmental Planning Policy Exempt and Complying Development Code 2008. Some fences will require a Development Application to Council. To check if you require a Development Application for a new fence, please contact our Building Services section on 6686 1415.