For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including recovery assistance, road closures, power outages, and more. For real-time updates, visit:
All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
Ballina is located in a sub tropical region of Australia and as a result we experience higher than average rainfall.
Whilst the rainfall is welcomed in most instances it does encourage rapid growth of vegetation particularly during the spring and summer months. It is during this period that Council receives a significant number of customer requests in relation to overgrown properties.
Not all residents have the desire to keep properties in a ‘park like’ condition and this should be taken into consideration before a complaint is lodged with Council. Many properties may be considered to be untidy, but untidy does not necessarily mean that the property is in an unsafe or unhealthy condition and in need of Council intervention.
Council encourages residents to try to solve the problem amicably by talking to the property owner or manager, if these contact details are not known Council’s Rates Section can provide them. Often people are unaware that their activity or lack of property maintenance is causing a problem and are usually happy to address the problem after being notified. The Community Justice Centre also offers free mediation to parties in dispute, and have a high rate of success. Visit the Community Justice Centre website or phone 1800 990 777.
In the event that neighbourhood communications are unsuccessful and Council’s assistance is requested Council will proceed with the following:
Note: If this step is taken you may be required to provide a signed witness statement as evidence of how you are being impacted by the overgrown property. This may then be used as evidence in court if necessary.
Therefore the time taken from initial customer request to have vegetation maintained to final resolution will depend upon a number of variables but most significantly weather conditions and the property owner’s willingness to respond to and manage the overgrown vegetation.
From experience, overgrown lots in residential areas tend to become a repository for other people’s garden waste or litter for which the landowner then becomes responsible.
Council strongly recommends that the owners of vacant land establish an agreement with a slashing or mowing contractor to maintain the land on a regular basis.