Plumbing and Drainage

NSW Fair Trading is the regulator of plumbing and drainage in the Ballina Shire.

All plumbing and drainage work carried out in the Ballina Shire must comply with the Plumbing Code of Australia and Australia Standard AS/NZS 3500 and all work must be undertaken by a NSW licensed plumber.

Approval for plumbing or drainage work

You need to obtain Council approval if you are planning to connect or disconnect with any of Council’s sewer, stormwater or water systems or if you intend to carry out any work which may affect its system.

This includes any major or minor works such as plumbing and drainage works involved with minor alterations, renovations, additions or the relocation of an existing drainage line. Council approval is also required for sanitary drainage work being carried out on properties connected to On-site Sewage Management Systems (Septic Systems).

To obtain approval, the property owner must complete and submit a section 68 application together with the prescribed fees. All applications are to be lodged through the NSW Planning Portal.

Once approval is granted, a Section 68 Approval will be issued together with conditions specific to the proposed works. These conditions will also identify the stages when inspections will be required prior to covering or backfilling work (see Notice of Work below).

Emergency works and replacement of old for new works, involving no additional or relocated fixtures, do not require approval.

A Notice of Work Form is to be sent to Council by the licenced plumber no later than two business days before work commences.

Council is required to conduct inspections for the following:

  • drainage work finished before backfilling or covering the installation.
  • connection to Council sewer main.
  • water supply before cladding walls and or ceilings.
  • final inspection after completion of all works.
  • when required, reinspections of incomplete and or non-compliant works.

Inspections must be booked at least 48 hours in advance. To book inspections, please ensure you have the Development Application (DA) reference number, and telephone Council's Plumbing and Drainage Section on 02 6686 1415.

Prior to the final inspection a Certificate of Compliance(PDF, 369KB) and Sewer Service Diagram(PDF, 97KB) is to be provided to Council and the property owner by the licenced plumber.

Recycled water/dual water

It is important to determine if you are working in a dual water area where recycled water is available. If you are unsure please telephone Council’s Plumbing and Drainage Section on 02 6686 1415.

All works undertaken in a dual water supply area must comply with the Council’s Dual Water Supply Plumbing Policy(PDF, 189KB).

Council must be notified of any new works and alterations in dual water areas so that an audit can be carried to ensure there are no cross connections.

If selling a property in a dual water area, Council must be contacted to conduct a ‘presale’ cross connection audit.

