All Council facilities have returned to normal operating hours. Ballina Resource Recovery Centre is OPEN daily (8am to 4pm) - expect delays as high demand will mean longer wait times.
For ongoing updates, the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard provides the latest information, including recovery assistance, road closures, power outages, and more. For real-time updates, visit:
Book an appointment with a Planning or Building Officer for advice with general town planning and building enquiries
Information on house raising, building and repair works, temporary accommodation after the 2022 floods
Regulations for home swimming pools and spas
Application forms and factsheets for plumbing and drainage works including recycled water
Your guide to building a granny flat or secondary dwelling in Ballina Shire
Register your holiday rental and Air BnB and learn about the new state rules that apply
Important information and resources for renovating homes containing asbestos
Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Control on building sites
Development consent is needed for works in areas identified as having the potential for acid sulfate soils
This section provides information regarding Available Fill Material
A quick overview of the key steps to get started with a tiny house in Ballina Shire