Rural Dwelling Development Application Guide
Ballina Shire receives numerous Development Applications (DAs) each year for the construction of new dwelling houses in our rural areas. Straightforward applications can be approved relatively quickly. However, assessment of dwelling entitlements, zoning, building design, height, setbacks and location, access and parking arrangements, potential land use conflicts, and natural hazards or environmental issues need to be considered. Council wants applications for compliant low impact rural dwelling houses to be determined without delay. The Ballina Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) reflect Council’s vision and strategic intent for new development in the Shire.
Potential issues for rural dwelling house development applications include:
- Bushfire hazard - much of the Shire is mapped as bushfire prone land.
- Impact on native animals and plants - the Ballina Shire has one of the highest rates of biodiversity in NSW. The conservation and enhancement of local biodiversity is important to residents of Ballina Shire.
- On-site sewage management systems - the adequacy of on-site sewage management systems is important to ensure the health and quality of local waterways and groundwater supplies.
- Land use conflict - the right to farm vs a resident’s rural lifestyle amenity can be a source of conflict. Taking into consideration established and potential surrounding land uses and maximising separation distances is important in the early planning and site selection process for rural dwelling houses.
- Archaeology/Aboriginal heritage - the Shire is rich in first inhabitant’s history. Due diligence assessments, including an AHIMS search, is an important initial step to take in selecting a suitable building location.
- Land contamination – previous agricultural land uses and activities (e.g. spraying of pesticides) and existing and previous buildings on the land (e.g. asbestos, lead paint) may have resulted in the contamination of soil. A preliminary site investigation may be required to determine the likelihood of contamination of the site of the new dwelling house.
- Flooding - large areas of the Shire are subject to flooding. There is a need to ensure new rural dwelling houses (and the land surrounding the dwelling) can be built above the required minimum fill and floor areas identified in Council’s Development Control Plan (DCP).
Follow these steps to complete your development application for a rural dwelling:
1. Start your online application
2. Clearly describe the proposal
You will need to complete a written Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) document.
Part 3 Development Applications of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 sets out the information requirements to accompany a DA. You will need to provide answers to the following questions in your written (SEE) document:
- What is the intended use of the building? (e.g. residential use, short term tourist and visitor accommodation use)
- Will occupation involve a commercial, or non-residential use requiring a separate consent?
- What is the floor area, number of bedrooms and building height, if not marked on submitted plans?
- How will vehicles access the property? (including car parking arrangements and driveways)
- Is excavation, earthworks or vegetation removal required?
- What provisions are there for drinking water and an On-Site Sewage Management (OSSM) system? (refer to
3. Consider the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and relevant State Planning Policies (SEPPs)
You will also need to provide answers to the following questions in your written Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) document :
- Which Local Environmental Plan (LEP) applies and what is the zoning of the land?
- Is the site in an escarpment or water catchment zone, bushfire prone or close to a main road? (refer to
- Are there any relevant State Planning Policies? (e.g. Remediation of Land, Koalas, Coastal Land, refer to
- Are there any special or relevant Ballina LEP clauses? (e.g. building height, visual impact, acid sulfate soils, flood planning etc.)
- Are there any clauses of the Ballina LEP that you are not complying with? If so, you will need to include additional details or justification about why the proposal is not compliant and why the proposal should be approved. We recommend you discuss this with Council’s Duty Planner prior to submitting your application.
4. Consider the Development Control Plan (DCP)
The written Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) document needs to provide information relating to the following Chapters of the Ballina Shire DCP 2012:
- Chapter 2 – General & Environmental Controls(PDF, 977KB), including controls covering land use conflict, ridgelines, natural areas, potential contamination, on site sewer management, and erosion.
- Chapter 2B – Floodplain Management(PDF, 6MB) including risks and flood planning levels
- Chapter 7 – Rural Living and Activity(PDF, 476KB) including overall design, building lines and setbacks, road access and parking
- If there is any part of the DCP that you are not complying with, you will need to include some additional details and justification about why the proposal is not compliant.
5. Consultation and Advice
Answer these questions to help you identify any other matters to address in the written (SEE) document:
- Have you spoken to the neighbours about any potential concerns or impacts?
- If you are not clear about any LEP or DCP clauses that apply to your proposal, have you sought advice from Council’s Duty Planners?
- If there are any proposed variations to the controls, difficult issues to resolve or prior development history, do you need a consultant to assist?
6. Submit Your application