Rezoning and Planning Amendments

Rezoning, or amendment of Council’s Local Environmental Plans (LEP), is an action under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act), and must be carried out in accordance with that Act. A rezoning or LEP amendment is a formal planning process which, when complete, alters the local planning framework. Such alterations can include changes to the range of activities permissible on land.

A request to amend the zoning of land, or the development standards that apply to land, is known as a Planning Proposal.

For more information about the LEP making process and how to prepare a planning proposal, see the LEP making guidelines.

As of July 2021, all planning proposals must be submitted and processed through the NSW Planning Portal. Hardcopy applications and documents emailed to Council are no longer accepted.

You can view and track the progress of a planning proposal through the NSW Planning Portal.