Submit a Road Naming Suggestion

Council has an "available road names list" that is used by Council's Development Engineers and land developers to find suitable road names for new subdivisions or by the Geospatial Team when an existing road requires a road name for addressing purposes.

Council is inviting the community to provide locally significant road naming suggestions to add to the list. The suggestions need to be unique to Ballina Local Government Area (LGA) and not similar in spelling or pronunciation to existing road names.

Road Naming - Geographical Names Board of NSW provides more information and a Eligibility Check (NSW Place and Road Naming Proposals Systemto assist you with your suggestions.

Name suggestions that pass the Geographical Names Board check and meet the criteria outlined below, can be submitted to Council using the following online form.

Submit your road naming suggestion

Please note that you will need to include the following in your request:

  • documentation identifying the proposed road name’s local significance and/or meaning
  • specific location, Indigenous or community area that the proposed name is significant to
  • your contact details – name, email, phone, and any relationship to the suggested name.

What happens next?

  • An “Eligibility Check” will be run to ensure the road name is available.
  • Name details are added to the ‘available road names list’
  • The road name is advertised in the local media following a decision of Council.
  • Any new addresses will be allocated once the road name is approved, and signposted.
  • Australia Post and other major organisations will be notified of any address changes.

Submit your Road Naming Suggestion

Please note that you will need to include the following in your request:

  • Documentation identifying the proposed road name's local significance and/or meaning
  • Specific location, Indigenous or community area the proposed name is significant to
  • Your contact details - name, email, phone and any relationship to the suggested name