Illegal Dumping and Litter
Report Illegal Dumping
Report Illegal Dumping

What is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping of household rubbish, garden waste, building and commercial waste is a significant financial, environmental and social problem.
Illegal dumping is the unlawful disposal of any rubbish in public places (such as bushlands, waterways, streets, laneways, parks and footpaths).
We are trying to reduce illegal dumping because it:
- harms the environment
- is extremely expensive to clean up
- makes public spaces unsightly
- causes public safety risks including fire risk
- dumped waste can attract others to dump waste at the same location
- attracts pests and creates odours
You can be fined
With over 100 reported cases of illegal dumping in Ballina Shire each year, Council is concerned with the rising costs of clean up and the environmental impacts of dumped waste.
Small scale illegal dumping carries on-the-spot fines of up to $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for corporations caught dumping. Maximum court-imposed penalties of $50,000 for individuals and $100,000 for corporations. Maximum penalties for large-scale waste dumping offences can exceed $2million and possible jail time.
Shopping Trolleys
Did you know you could be fined for dumping a shopping trolley in a public place? Help keep our Shire beautiful - please return your trolley and report an abandoned trolley:
For all other abandoned trolleys, please call your local store or contact Council’s Health and Environment Section on 1300 864 444.
What is litter?
Littering is the act of intentionally or carelessly leaving small waste, such as plastic bottles, cigarette butts, or food wrappers, in public spaces like streets, parks, and beaches. Although some people see littering as insignificant, it has a detrimental impact on the environment, public health, tourism, and the appearance of our community. It harms wildlife, pollutes waterways, and costs resources for cleanup.
If you are caught littering in public spaces you will be fined $250 on-the-spot, with court-imposed penaltties up to $2,200 .
What should I do with my unwanted items?
There are no excuses for dumping waste illegally. There are a number of ways you can dispose of your unwanted household items responsibly:
Cover your load
Did you know you can be fined for not covering a load on your trailer or ute?
Make sure every load is adequately covered. Uncovered loads can spill onto the road creating a dangerous road hazard. Litter and dust from uncovered loads can affect the vision of other road users.
Report littering from vehicles
You can 'report a tosser' to the NSW Environmental Protection Authority
You need to provide details such as the vehicle registration, location, type of litter, date and time.