Kerbside Bins

Kerbside bin collection services will resume on Monday 10 March. To assist residents affected by missed collections due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred, a supplementary bin collection service has been scheduled for next week:

  • Bins missed on Thursday 6 March will be collected on Tuesday 11 March (landfill red and FOGO green bins)
  • Bins missed on Friday 7 March will be collected on Wednesday 12 March (landfill red and FOGO green bins)
  • For these impacted properties, the regular collection schedule will resume on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 March (yellow and green bins)

Residents can drop off household waste from missed bins (Thursday 6 and Friday 7 March) at the Resource Recovery Centre free of charge. Find out more about Ballina Shire waste disposal and bin collection for residents here.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work together to clean up our community!


Our bin system is an easy and convenient way to sort recyclables, reduce what we send to landfill and turn our 'waste' into valuable resources.

Find everything you need to know about bin collection services for urban and rural residents as well as businesses and events, what waste goes where, A-Z recycling guidelines and more.

 Report a missed or damaged bin here

More information about bin collections and services

What day are my bins collected?

Enter your address to search online for your next bin day or download a waste calendar below - print in portrait mode on A4 paper, or collect a copy from Council's Customer Service Centre.

Why weren't my bins collected?

  • You may have put your bin out too late (bins should be out by 5am)
  • Your bin might be too heavy, our trucks can only lift up to 60 kg’s
  • Your bin might be overfull (your bin lid must be closed)
  • Your bin is inaccessible (the truck is not able to gain access to the bin for some reason)
  • Your bin might be too far back from the kerb

If the truck is unable to collect your bin for any of these reasons, you will need to make other arrangements to transport your materials to the Resource Recovery Centre or wait to the next collection day.

Occasionally, our trucks break down and require repair. If this occurs and your bin has not been emptied, please leave it out and your waste will be collected as soon as possible. 

Each week over 20,000 bins are emptied across Ballina Shire. Please follow our Bin Collection Guidelines so we can collect your kerbside bins.

Report a Missed Bin Collection online



When I move properties, do I take my bins with me?

No. Council supplies and maintains all waste bins and they are assigned to set addresses so these must remain on the property if moving.

How to collect up-to-date household bin lid stickers?

Stickers for the top of your kerbside bins and other educational material like magnets can be collected for free at:

My bin has disappeared, what should I do?

  • Wait at least 48 hours as they have a habit of turning up.
  • If it doesn’t reappear, call the Ballina Resource Recovery Centre on 6686 1287 and they’ll help you organise a replacement. 

I have a medical condition, can I get help presenting my bins for collection?

You can apply for this service if you meet the following conditions:

  • you are unable to present your bins on the kerbside due to a medical condition
  • the bin storage area on the property is located within fifty (50) metres of the kerbside
  • there are no obstacles at the property such as grid crossovers, dogs, gates, or fences
  • there is no other person who is able to assist with placing your bins out for collection.

Apply here for supported household bin collection(PDF, 117KB)


How much are bin collection services and tip fees?

Most waste materials that do not fit or cannot be placed in your existing bin system can be taken to Ballina's Resource Recovery Centre. View the Resource Recovery Centre Fees and Charges.

Download the Waste Services Fees and Charges factsheet (PDF, 3MB)



How do I organise bins for an event?

Council offers recycling, organics and landfill event bins, with or without event bin lids, with clear signage for attendees on what goes in each bin. Bins are available to hire for event organisers. Charges apply for the transportation of bins to and from the event and waste disposal. Please contact the Resource Recovery Centre on 6686 1287 for more information.

Click here for more information on Waste Wise Events



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