Community Recycling Centre (CRC)

Temporary Closure

Ballina's Community Recycling Centre is currently at capacity and cannot accept:

  • Household Batteries**
  • Light globes
  • Non Motor Oils
  • Gas cylinders & fire extinguishers
  • Aerosols
  • Smoke detectors
  • Paints

Please hold on to this problem household waste until further notice and store it safely in a cool, dry place away from children and pets. Motor vehicle batteries and engine oil is still accepted.

** Household batteries weighing up to 5kgs each can still be disposed of for free, at any other B-cycle drop off location. Find a B-cycle drop off location near you.

This closure is due to a recent fire at Cleanaway’s recycling facility which has delayed the collection of problem household waste at Community Recycling Centres across the state. The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) are working with Cleanaway and councils to resolve the issue, and we hope to be back up and running in March.


Community Recycling Centre icons

Our Community Recycling Centre (CRC) is located at Ballina's Resource Recovery Centre and supports residents to drop off a range of common household hazardous wastes for FREE:

Waste Centre community recycling centre (5).JPG
  • Aerosols
  • Computer and TV accessories
  • Fluoro globes and tubes
  • Gas bottles and fire extinguishers
  • Household, car and other light vehicle batteries (including lead acid and lithium ion batteries)
  • Motor oils and other oils
  • Paint (oil and water based) - if you have multiple paint tins with small volumes left, simply pour them into the same tin for easy transport. Please ensure oil-based and water-based paints remain separated
  • Smoke detectors
  • X-rays

Only household quantities accepted, with a limit of 20kg or 20 litres per customer per day. Please transport materials carefully. Dangerous goods and items other than those listed cannot be accepted.

Check out the North East Waste website to see what happens to the problem waste you bring to the Community Recycling Centre. By separating your problem wastes and taking them to your local CRC, you are reducing waste going to landfill and helping to support a safer environment.

Community Recycling Stations

Community Recycling Centre icons

Ballina Shire Council also hosts Community Recycling Stations to accept common household problem wastes that cannot go into kerbside bins:

  • Household batteries (including AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, 6V and button cell batteries)
  • Smoke detectors
  • Mobile phones and accessories
  • Reading glasses
  • Printer cartridges
  • X-rays

These stations are located at Council's Customer Service Centre, Alstonville Cultural Centre, Ballina Library, Lennox Head Community Centre, and Salvage Shed Tip Shop.

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