Trade Waste

Click through the topics below to learn more about wastewater:

Liquid trade waste is wastewater generated by businesses which then flows down drains and into the sewerage system. This is treated and recycled at our wastewater treatment plants. Liquid trade waste includes: 

  • wastewater from industrial or commercial sites 
  • wastewater transported by vehicles such as septic effluent 
  • wastewater from boats and ships 

Most businesses in the Ballina Shire generate liquid trade waste. The NSW Government and Ballina Council require all businesses in the Ballina Shire to gain approval to discharge liquid trade waste so we can: 

  • protect our environment including our waterways 
  • protect the people working in our wastewater operations 
  • protect our wastewater infrastructure from damage 
  • continue to produce high quality recycled water and biosolids.
Why do you need Council approval to discharge trade wastewater? 

Accepting trade wastewater into Council's wastewater network has the potential to harm the environment, the health and safety of the community and Council staff, as well as potentially damaging Council equipment. 

Council's wastewater treatment plants produce high quality recycled water for use in our homes and public spaces and for release back into waterways. 

It is important that Council knows and controls what chemicals and substances are entering the wastewater supply. 

If you discharge trade wastewater without Council approval, Council can disconnect your wastewater service. Council can also disconnect or restrict your water service which could have a serious impact on your business.