Water Outages and Interruptions

Known planned and unplanned water outages will be listed below. If you are having issues with your water or recycled water supply and its not listed below, please contact Council on 1300 864 444

Council aims to provide a continuous, reliable water supply to our customers, however there are times when the system is interrupted for maintenance, new developments or emergency repairs. There are two types of water outages that occur:

Planned water outages

To maintain a safe and reliable water supply, Council may need to interrupt your water supply to carry out essential maintenance or upgrade works. This may involve temporarily shutting off your water or decreasing your water pressure.

If a water outage is planned for your area, you should receive a notice in your letterbox indicating the type of water outage and the expected outage time.

Unplanned water outages

Council does our very best to ensure a reliable water network for our community. However, your water supply may be temporarily switched off for emergency repairs, such as a burst water main or leak.

Changes in rainfall, temperature, water pressure and ground movement can all cause water pipes to leak or burst. We constantly maintain and upgrade our network to minimise the number and duration of outages. If this happens, Council’s Water and Wastewater Team will work as quickly as possible to restore your water service. During these events Council will notify residents via this website, local media, and social media.

Water outage tips

Before a water outage

While we always work quickly to restore your water service, it's a good idea to prepare for any kind of water outage. We recommend having four litres of water per person, per day set aside for drinking.

  • place drinking water in your fridge
  • fill a tub or bucket with water to use for toilet flushing. Pour water from the bucket into your toilet bowl after use, but only flush when necessary.
  • use anti-bacterial hand sanitiser for hand washing.

During a water outage

It’s important to leave your taps off as the water may return at any time.

After a water outage

  • When water returns it may be discoloured or cloudy. This is due to sediment. Please run the tap until your water runs clear.
  • Your water may appear milky. This is caused by small air bubbles. Don’t be alarmed it is not harmful, and will settle in a short period.
  • A glass of water should turn clear if left for 1-2 minutes. If it doesn't please contact Council on 1300 864 444.