Emergency Services

Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard

Stay informed and prepared with the Ballina Shire Emergency Dashboard. Access the latest emergency information, including updates on weather warnings, road closures, power outages, bushfires, floods and more. This platform provides vital information from key agencies such as the RFS, BOM, and SES, tailored specifically to the Ballina region.

Emergency service contacts

floods and storms
132 500

Fire and Rescue NSW
urban fires

Rural Fire Service NSW
rural fires

NSW Police

NSW Ambulance

Live Traffic NSW
Local road status information

Ballina Local Emergency Management Committee (Ballina LEMC)

Ballina Shire has a Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) constituted under the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act (SERM Act).

The committee is facilitated by Council, meets quarterly, and includes:

  • Senior Council representatives: who have the authority of Council to coordinate the use of Council's resources in an emergency
  • Senior local representative of emergency service agencies including: NSW Police, Fire & Rescue, Ambulance, Rural Fire Service, SES, Marine Rescue, Airservices and Surf Lifesaving
  • Representatives functional area organisations including: Primary Industries, Human Services, Family & Community Services, and Local Health District
  • Other representatives including: RMS, Telstra, Essential Energy, Rous Water, Environmental Protection Agency, Fisheries, and Red Cross.

The executive positions in the LEMC are:

  • LEMO Local Emergency Management Officer: a senior Council Officer who provides support for the Committee
  • LEOCON Local Emergency Operations Controller: a Senior Police Officer who is the operations controller in times of emergency.

The LEMC is responsible to the Regional Emergency Management Committee (REMO).

Ballina Emergency Management Plan (Ballina EMPlan)

Ballina Shire Council has coordinated the development of the local Ballina Emergency Management Plan (EMPlan) with the emergency agencies that sit on the LEMC. This document describes the local level arrangements to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

The EMPlan objectives include:

  • participating organisations, roles and responsibilities
  • control, coordination and liaison arrangements
  • activation and alerting arrangements for involved agencies
  • arrangements for the acquisition and coordination of resources.

This plan will be reviewed regularly by the LEMC to ensure it remains current.