Planning Portal
The NSW Planning Portal is a digital platform used to lodge planning applications. Hardcopy applications and documents emailed to Council are no longer accepted.
The use of the portal will apply to the following applications and certificates:
- Development Applications
- Construction Certificates
- Complying Development Certificates
- Occupation Certificates
- Section 68 Applications
- Section 138 Applications
- Subdivision Certificate Applications
- Subdivision Works Certificates
The customer will be kept informed during the assessment process through to determination via the NSW Planning Portal.
Information about development proposals and their assessment will also remain available to the community through Council’s DAs online portal
DA assessment times
How you can help
To help us progress the assessment of your application and to reduce delays, please ensure your application is complete and the required information is comprehensive, clearly labelled and referenced throughout the application documentation.
Your application should be accompanied by all of the required documents and plans as detailed in Council’s Development Application Lodgement Checklist(PDF, 492KB).
Please ensure your application includes:
- A complete statement of environmental effects (or environmental impact assessment where required).
- Evidence of land owner’s consent for the application.
- A correct cost estimate, in accordance with Council’s Estimated Cost of Development form(PDF, 229KB)
To help things run as smoothly as possible, we ask applicants to please:
- Upload all responses to additional information requests or any further documentation in support of your application via the NSW Planning Portal.
- Use the Planning Portal as the source of all information relating to development applications. It will continue to be upgraded and improved for this purpose.
- If you have an enquiry regarding your specific development application please email the assessment officer assigned to your application. These enquiries should come from a single representative for the applicant only and not multiple persons/parties. Please allow at least three working days for all non-urgent replies.
- The assessment officer will contact community members who make a submission directly for any clarification if required. Multiple contacts about submissions are unnecessary.