Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires the prior approval of Council to be obtained for the installation and operation of specific amusement devices.
No. Regulation 75 of the Local Government General Regulation 2021 exempts ‘small amusement devices’ from the need for a Section 68 approval.
A Small Amusement Device is defined in the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 as “an amusement device that is designed primarily for the use of children 12 years of age and under and includes such amusement devices as mini-Ferris wheels, battery operated cars and miniature railways but in the case of rotating amusement devices, includes only those devices that have a maximum rotation of 14 revolutions per minute.”
The owner/operator of the device will need to lodge an Application to Operate an Amusement Device form(PDF, 151KB) located on Council's website at least 6 weeks prior to the event.
Up to six weeks (as long as all the required documentation requested is supplied in its correct form). Applications should be lodged six weeks before the planned event to ensure there is sufficient time for the address of issues and applications to be processed.
SafeWorkNSW requires a detailed inspection to be carried out every 12 months by a competent person such as a chartered professional engineer or a person on the National Professional Engineers register. The event organiser should ensure that the inspection report is current for the duration of the event.
Inflatable devices with a platform (the surface customers stand on) less than 3 metres high may be installed without a Section 68 Council approval if:
An Amusement Device Application form and a copy of the owner’s Certificate of Currency (minimum $20 million) must be submitted to Council for approval at least 14 days prior to the event.
Please contact Council's Events Support Officer, ph 1300 864 444.