Event Approvals

The Events on Public Land Policy(PDF, 124KB) outlines how event organisers can obtain approval to hold an event on public land such as parks, open spaces or streets under the ownership and/or control of Ballina Shire Council.

The Event Guidelines(PDF, 566KB) will assist event organisers with the requirements of staging events on public land.

Venue availability is often a determining factor, so applicants are encouraged to lodge their applications as early as possible before the proposed event. Ideally organisers should lodge applications at least 3-months before the proposed event.

  • Large events may require a Development Application (DA) for the erection of temporary structures; allow 12-weeks for these applications to be assessed.
  • Events that require a temporary road closure will need to lodge their application at least 4-months before the proposed event.
  • Minor event applications, take less time to assess, however applications should be lodged at least 4-weeks before the proposed event.
  • Applications will be assessed and have approval conditions issued if approved, generally within one month of lodgement.

Applicants may be required to attend a meeting with Council staff to discuss approval conditions.

Council reserves the right to refuse applications where insufficient information is provided. Events deemed a hazard to the general public and/or the environment or where Council believe there is lack of event management skills and experience by the applicant may not be approved.

Applicants may be subject to fees and charges, ground bonds or key deposits. Please refer to Council’s Fees and Charges(PDF, 3MB) .


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