Access to Information and Support
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA)
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) and the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018, we make information available to the public, provided there is no overriding public interest against doing so.
Open access information is available on our website or upon inspection at the customer service centre.
In accordance with the GIPA Act, Council is required to produce an agency information guide detailing the publicly available information. This information can be obtained by clicking on the links below:
Proactive Release of Information
Council routinely identifies and makes information available on our website. There are links to information and documents of current and historical interest.
Informal Release of Information
Wherever possible information that is not available on our website can be provided to you informally unless there are good reasons for requiring a formal application.
Some information may not be available to you informally because, for example, it contains another person’s personal information, or a third party’s business information.
To make a request for information not available on the website, contact the Coordinator Information Management. Wherever possible, informal access will be arranged and if copies of documents are required, photocopying charges will apply. Where informal access is not possible formal GIPA procedures and associated fees will apply.
Formal Application for Access
A formal application will be required for information concerning a third party, or where a large amount of documentation or research will be required to satisfy the request.
The application fee for a formal application under the GIPA Act is $30, and $30 per hour processing fee may also apply.
Fraud and Corruption Control
Ballina Shire Council has zero tolerance for fraudulent or corrupt conduct by its councillors, employees, volunteers, contractors and suppliers. Further, council does not tolerate detrimental action taken against people who come forward to report suspicions of such conduct.
We are committed to a high standard of ethical and accountable conduct and will support and protect the reporting of wrongdoing. We will take action to detect, investigate and discipline fraudulent and corrupt conduct. Where appropriate or required by law, we will report fraudulent and corrupt conduct to the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the NSW Police Force.
If you wish to provide information about suspected fraudulent or corrupt conduct, please contact the Director Corporate and Community on 1300 864 444. Alternatively, we respect your decision to disclose alleged wrongdoing through external reporting avenues.
External Reporting Avenues
Public Interest Disclosures (PID)
From 1 October 2023 new Public Interest Disclosure (PID) legislation is in force in NSW.
The PID Act 2022 provides public officials with multiple pathways to report serious wrongdoing. This includes reporting to a manager, a disclosure officer, or integrity agencies.
Council’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy(PDF, 329KB) provides information about how public officials can report serious wrongdoing.
Council encourages the reporting of PIDs directly to the Disclosure Coordinators via the secure and confidential email address
Disclosure Coordinators