Planning and Delivery

Community Strategic Plan

Ballina Shire Council’s Community Strategic Plan(PDF, 13MB) sits above all other council plans and policies in the planning hierarchy.

The CSP identifies the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future to promote a positive lifestyle and improve the amenity for our residents and visitors.

Council uses this document to guide and inform their decision making and planning for the next ten years.

While council has a custodial role in initiating, preparing and maintaining the CSP on behalf of the Ballina Shire, it is not wholly responsible for its implementation. Other partners, such as state agencies and community groups may also be engaged in delivering the long term objectives of the Plan.

The CSP is deliberately broad in scope. Specific items, services or activities of Council are not contained in the CSP, but rather are outlined in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan (combined document) below.

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2024 - 2028(PDF, 8MB) (combined document) is designed as a single point of reference for all key activities to be undertaken by the Council during the four year elected term.

This document is reviewed annually with Council receiving progress reports every quarter. You can view the progress reports in the business papers each quarter (July, October, January, April). These are located on the minutes and agendas page of this website.

Resourcing Strategy

The Resourcing Strategy identifies – time, money, assets and people – to carry out actions in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan. The current resourcing strategy documents are listed below:

The Resourcing Strategy assists Council to translate the outcomes in the CSP into actions. Some outcomes will be the responsibility of Council, some will be the responsibility of other levels of government and some will rely on input from community groups and individuals.

View previous year's Integrated Planning and Reporting documents

Fees and Charges

The schedule of fees and charges cover all council services, requests, applications, approvals, licences, hire bookings and entry fees.

Fees and charges are determined by Council each financial year and contribute towards covering council's costs its providing services and facilities.

In setting and approving the fees and charges, Council takes into consideration the following factors:

  • the cost of council providing the service
  • the price suggested by relevant industry bodies or schedule of charges published by the Office of Local Government
  • the importance of the service to the community
  • any factors specified in the regulations.

Download the 2024/25 Fees and Charges(PDF, 2MB)