Real Estate Signs

Council’s Development Control Plan (DCP) Chapter 8 - 3.4 Signage, sets out guidelines for advertising in Ballina Shire.

Real Estate signs (without the need for consent of Council) must comply with the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

For Sale or Rent signage

Temporary signs advertising properties for sale or rent:

  • Must be placed within the property for sale or rent
  • Only one sign for each parcel of land or dwelling
  • For between one to 9 dwellings, the maximum size of the sign is 1.5m² in area and the sign must be no higher than 3m above ground level, in any other case, maximum size 10m² and the sign must be no higher than 5 m above the ground level
  • The sign must not be externally illuminated
  • The sign must be removed within 14 days of the sale or before construction starts on the land.

Open House signage

Council's position is that one sign at the property and one at the street entrance will be acceptable on the day of the open house.

Council Rangers may issue a fine to offending Real Estate agents who do not comply with the above requirements.

Impounded signs

To retrieve impounded signs, the Real Estate Agent must contact Council and pay the impounding fee at Council's Customer Service Centre. Signs may be destroyed if impounded and held longer than 30 days.

Any signage that is placed in unsuitable locations, such as blocking traffic signs or sight distances or obstructing pathways will be impounded. Transport for NSW and Council do not permit signs on main or arterial roads including intersections as indicated on the following map:

Prohibited Roads - Real Estate Open House Advertising Signage on Public Land Map(PDF, 895KB)