Developer Contributions
Developer contributions, including monetary payments, works inkind or works part of a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), are made to Council to upgrade infrastructure and facilities to cater for demand generated by development. Larger scale developments may also need to dedicate land to Council for open space and/or other facilities.
Contributions Plans and Development Servicing Plans are for roads, the embellishment of public open space, community facilities, carparking for commercial developments, water supply, sewerage headworks and roads impacted by heavy vehicles.
Contribution rates can be found in Council's fees and charges document and are subject to change from 1 July each year.
Council's current Contributions Plans and Development Servicing Plans are outlined below:
Current Plans
Cumbalum Urban Release Area Precinct A Contributions Plan 2015(PDF, 2MB)
This contributions plan enables Council to levy section 7.11 contributions on developers of Precinct A of the Cumbalum Urban Release Area for the provision of district open space, sporting fields, community facilities and associated works.
Ballina Shire Car Parking Contributions Plan 2014(PDF, 3MB)
This contributions plan enables Council to levy section 7.11 contributions on developers for car parking-deficient developments in the Ballina, Lennox Head and Alstonville commercial centres.
Ballina Shire Open Space and Community Facilities Contribution Plan 2022(PDF, 12MB)
This contributions plan enables Council to levy section 7.11 contributions from residential and tourist developments towards the provision of open space, recreation and community facilities. The plan became operational on 1 August 2022.
Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan 2019(PDF, 2MB)
This contributions plan enables Council to levy section 7.11 contributions on development that generates heavy haulage traffic. The plan seeks a contribution for road reconstruction work due to the impact of heavy haulage vehicles on the local road network.
Ballina Shire Roads Contribution Plan, Version 4.2(PDF, 5MB)
This contributions plan enables Council to level section 7.11 contributions on development that generates additional vehicle movements. These additional movements will result in Council having to undertake roads and traffic upgrades in response to the demands generated by new development, to ensure the overall level of service of the road network is maintained and the contributions collected will help Council fund the upgrades as per the works schedule in the contributions plan.
Rous County Council Development Servicing Plan (DSP)
This Development Servicing Plan has been prepared by Rous County Council, the bulk water supply authority for Ballina Shire, Byron Shire, Lismore City and Richmond Valley Shire. This DSP requires all development to make a payment to augment future bulk water supply infrastructure where such development is connected to a reticulated water supply that relies on bulk water supplied by Rous. In Ballina this applies to all reticulated areas except for Wardell. Ballina Shire Council acts as the collection agent of contributions under this plan in Ballina Shire and the issue of the accompanying certificate of compliance.
Wastewater Development Servicing Plan (DSP)(PDF, 6MB)
This Development Servicing Plan covers developer charges for wastewater and recycled water infrastructure for all development areas serviced by Ballina Shire Council.
Water Supply Development Servicing Plan (DSP)(PDF, 4MB)
This Development Servicing Plan covers developer charges for water supply infrastructure for all development areas serviced by Ballina Shire Council.
Superseded Plans (but may be valid for old consents)
Ballina Shire Open Space and Community Facilities Contribution Plan 2016(PDF, 22MB)
This plan became operational on 1 January 2017.
Ballina Shire Roads Contribution Plan, Version 4.0(PDF, 1MB)
This contribution plan came into affect on7 October 2015.
Ballina Shire Contributions Plan 2008(PDF, 9MB)
This plan became operational on 1 November 2008.
This contribution plan came into affect on 8 February 2010.
Ballina CBD Car Parking(PDF, 340KB)
This Contributions Plan enables Ballina Shire Council to levy s.94 developer contributions for the provision of car parking within the Ballina Central Business District. This plan does not apply to new developments. It remains operational for consents granted prior to 14 May 2014 that contain conditions which require a payment under this plan.
Ballina Shire Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan 2011(PDF, 931KB)
Community Facilities Contribution Plan 1993(PDF, 218KB)
This plan is referred to as the 'Section 94 Contributions Plan for Ballina Shire - Community Facilities'. This plan does not apply to new developments. It remains operational for consents granted prior to 1 November 2008 that contain conditions which require a payment under this plan.
Lennox Head Village Centre Car Parking(PDF, 287KB)
This Contributions Plan enables Ballina Shire Council to levy s.94 developer contributions for the provision of public car parking in the Lennox Head Village Centre. This plan does not apply to new developments. It remains operational for consents granted prior to 14 May 2014 that contain conditions which require a payment under this plan.
Public Garden and Recreation Space Enhancement 1993(PDF, 247KB)
This plan is referred to as the 'Section 94 Contributions Plan for Ballina Shire - Public Garden & Recreation Space Enhancement'. This plan does not apply to new developments. It remains operational for consents granted prior to 1 November 2008 that contain conditions which require a payment under this plan.
Road Contribution Plan 2002(PDF, 2MB)
The Ballina Road Contribution Plan contribution plan has been replaced by Ballina Shire Roads Contributions Plan 2010 for all new development applications. It remains applicable for older consents, where a contribution was required to be paid under this plan.