Development Design and Construction

Development Design and Construction Manuals

The Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals have been adopted by Council to provide uniform design and construction standards for new infrastructure associated with developments within the shire. The development industry is encouraged to use these guidelines during planning and design phases to ensure timely processing of developments through Council.

Development Asset Spreadsheet(XLSX, 2MB)

Applicants are required to complete and submit the Development Asset Spreadsheet to Council to provide asset information for all new infrastructure to be dedicated to Council as part of a new development. This asset information is required at Subdivision Works Certificate stage and at the completion of works. When emailing this document to Council, please ensure the document has Developer_Assets_Template in the title.

Subdivision Works Certificate Application (apply through NSW Planning Portal)

A Subdivision Works Certificate (SWC) application (as required by conditions of a development consent) is to be lodged through the NSW Planning Portal.

Works and Activities on Public Roads - Section 138 Application (apply through NSW Planning Portal)

A Section 138 Application is required to be lodged through the NSW Planning Portal when seeking approval from Council to undertake works and/or activities on or over a public road.

Commencement of Civil Works Form(PDF, 47KB)

A Commencement of Civil Works Form must be completed and submitted to Council prior to the commencement of any civil works associated with the conditions of a development consent.
