Cycling and Walking
Whether you walk, bike, skate or use your motorised wheelchair the following maps are designed to assist you to get out and about safely around Ballina Shire and enjoy our beautiful natural assets.
Download a copy of the Cycleways and Shared Paths map below.
Note: These maps are not to scale and are intended as a guide only.Users are required to abide by relevant signs along the pathways.
Pick-up your handy pocket-sized fold out map from:
Map out your own walking and cycling route! You can view all the footpaths and shared paths across Ballina Shire by viewing Pathways on the Online Mapping tool.
Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan
The Ballina Shire Council Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan(PDF, 20MB) (PAMP) is a ten-year strategy focusing on pedestrian works to improve access, mobility and the safety of our community.
The 2018 PAMP includes 96 priority projects to improve connection to business, recreational, educational and community services across Ballina Shire. Projects focus on new and upgraded footpaths, pedestrian refuges and centre medians.
The PAMP was developed in partnership with Transport NSW and the Ballina Shire community. Over 300 submissions were received during consultation, with feedback focusing on improving safety, access and walkability. Submissions also recognised that improved pedestrian facilities not only benefit the environment and economy but also the physical, social and mental health of the community.
The PAMP includes:
- relevant planning policies and pedestrian research
- pedestrian crash data in Ballina Shire
- community consultation results
- mapped priority list of planned pedestrian projects from 2018 to 2029.
Factors used to prioritise projects so that funding is used effectively include:
- location of pedestrian crashes
- usage by vulnerable pedestrian groups (such as children or older pedestrians)
- land use and traffic
- community need and benefit and
- feasibility.
Note: mapped path locations are subject to detailed design considerations.
Bike Plan
The Ballina Shire Bike Plan(PDF, 4MB) aims to make Ballina Shire bicycle-friendly and better integrate cycling in our transport network.
To form a well-planned network, the Bike Plan reviews existing facilities and commitments and proposes new facilities.
The Plan focuses on four main areas:
- plan, deliver and maintain a well-connected cycle network
- improve safety for cyclists
- provide cycling support facilities, such as signs, lighting and bike parking areas
- encourage and promote benefits of cycling.