Council Notices 2021

29 December 2021

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal - Council File Reference DA 2021/303

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/303
Applicant Certifiers 2U
Property Lot 10 DP 864457  |  41 Dalwood Rd Dalwood
Proposal Establishment of a Dual Occupancy (detached) involving the relocation of a second dwelling and associated works.
Submissions close: Friday 4 February 2022

This development application is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Natural Resources Access Regulator under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

22 December 2021

Notice of Meeting

The following meeting is scheduled in January at the Council Chambers:

  • Thursday 27 January 2022  9.00am   Ordinary meeting

Due to COVID-19, the relevant NSW Public Health Orders must be complied with at the time of the meetings.  Please contact Sandra Bailey, Ph 6686 1273 to clarify the ability to participate in meetings.  You may access the Ordinary meeting via our Live Streaming link at

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2019/376 PAN-158525
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 3 DP 579576 | 348 Rous Rd Rous Mill
Proposal Review of Determination of Council’s Refusal of DA 2019/376 (Amended Proposal - erection of two greenhouses to be used to propagate potted plants, two shade house structures, one work shed, eight rainwater tanks, extensive earthworks, access driveways, vegetation removal, landscaping, other associated works and demolition of an existing farm shed).
Submissions close: Friday 14 January 2022

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal - Council File Reference DA 2021-665 - PAN-143032

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following Nominated Integrated Development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/665 PAN-143032
Applicant K Tunks
Property Lot 5 DP 1018006 | 594 Hinterland Way Newrybar
Proposal The installation of a pumped effluent line across a creek.
Submissions close: Friday 28 January 2022

The development is classified as “nominated integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Natural Resources Access Regulator under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

15 December 2021

Development Applications

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No.  2021/663 PAN-143523
Applicant Mr D P Roberts
Property Lot 10 DP 749332 38 Hillcrest Dr Tintenbar
Proposal Change of use from a shed to a home industry (commercial kitchen).
Submissions close: Friday 7 January 2022

DA No. 2021/633 PAN-136258
Applicant Northern Rivers Land Solutions
Property Lot 1 DP 1037189, Lot 20 DP 1043497 and Lot 2 DP 1037189 | 877 Friday Hut Rd and 935 Fernleigh Rd Brooklet
Proposal Torrens Title Subdivision, involving boundary adjustment and re-subdivision of three existing lots, to create three new lots (Proposed Lot 101 – 4ha, Proposed Lot 102 – 3.88ha and Proposed Lot 103 – 63.1ha).
Submissions close:  Friday 7 January 2022

DA No. 2021/702 PAN-149513
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot 7006 DP 1068885 and Lot 7036 DP 1068936 Bentinck St and Namitjira Pl Ballina
Proposal Expansion of the Ballina Farmers Market at Commemoration Park to comprise a total of 62 individual temporary stalls.
Submissions close:  Friday 7 January 2022

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

8 December 2021

Proposal to Lease Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into a Lease Agreement for occupation of the land classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

Tenant: Ballina Bowling and Recreation Club Limited
Location of Property:Lot 31 DP 11905, 10, Stewart Street, Lennox Head, known as Club Lennox 
Purpose: Bowls and Sports Club and Associated Recreational Activities
Term: Twenty One (21) years
Further information and locality map(PDF, 90KB)
Submissions close:  Tuesday 11 January 2022.

Enquiries: Leanne Harding, Coordinator Property, Ph 1300 864 444

Proposal to Lease Part Road Reserve

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into a Lease Agreement for occupation of land classified under the Roads Act 1993 (“the Act”) as road reserve. The details are as follows:

Tenant: Ballina Bowling and Recreation Club Limited
Location of Property:Part of King Street, Lennox Head 
Purpose: Bowls and Sports Club and Associated Recreational Activities
Term: Five years

Further information and locality map(PDF, 83KB)

Submissions close:  Tuesday 11 January 2022.

Enquiries: Leanne Harding, Coordinator Property, Ph 1300 864 444

Draft Ballina Flood and Protection Feasibility Plan

Council resolved at its meeting of 25 November to exhibit the Draft Ballina Flood and Protection Feasibility Plan for public comment.

For further information go Council’s website

Submissions close: Friday 28 January 2022.

Enquiries: Jacob Franklin, Stormwater/Floodplain Engineer, Ph 1300 864 444.

Rezoning Proposal - Alstonville

Council resolved at its Ordinary meeting of 28 October to support a proposal to rezone land at Alstonville from R2 Low Density Residential to R3 Medium Density.  This is a recommendation of the Alstonville Strategic Plan as a way to provide new housing opportunities that promote affordability and provide choice for people to meet changing life needs. The rezoning proposal applies 64 individual lots in Daley Street, The Avenue, Coral Street and Wardell Road, located in easy walking distance to the Alstonville Village Centre.  A Planning Proposal describing the rezoning is currently on public exhibition, including appendix documents providing a range of additional information, including a local heritage study of the area. A proposed ‘Special Area Provision’ is proposed to be added into Ballina Development Control Plan 2012, aimed at maintaining the existing heritage character of parts of Daley Street.

Download the Draft Special Area Additions to DCP Chapter 4 - Residential and Tourism Development(PDF, 275KB)

Submissions close:  Wednesday 2 February 2022.

Enquiries:  Rob van Iersel, Strategic Planner  Ph 1300 864 444.

1 December 2021

Proposal to Lease Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into a Lease Agreement for occupation of the land known as "B Space" which is on land classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

Tenant: Social Future Ltd ACN 612 367 192
Location of Property:Part of 30-32 Swift Street, Ballina (known as “B Space”), located on part of Lot 12 DP 1714, and the whole of Lots 13 and 14 DP1714
Purpose: Youth Centre
Term: 4 year lease

Further information and locality map(PDF, 77KB)

Submissions close: 4.30pm Wednesday 12 January 2022.
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Ph 1300 864 444

Flat Rock Tent Park - Proposed 2022/23 Fees and Charges

Council resolved at its meeting of 25 November to exhibit the proposed 2022/23 fees, booking and cancellation policy for Flat Rock Tent Park for the period of 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023 for public comment, as required by Section 610F(3) of the Local Government Act, prior to the introduction of the new fees.

The proposed documents can also be viewed at the Flat Rock Tent Park website

Provide feedback at 

Submissions close: Tuesday 4 January 2022.
Enquiries: Leanne Harding, Coordinator Property, Ph 1300 864 444.

Airport Carparking – Proposed Fees and Charges – 1 March 2022 – 30 June 2022

Council resolved at its meeting of 25 November to exhibit the proposed Airport Carparking Fees and Charges from 1 March 2022 to 30 June 2022 for public comment, as required by Section 610F(3) of the Local Government Act, prior to the introduction of the new fees.

Provide feedback at 

Submissions close: Tuesday 4 January 2022.
Enquiries: Julie Stewart, Airport Manager, Ph 1300 864 444.

Alcohol Free Zones - Lennox Head, Alstonville, Ballina and Wardell

Ballina Shire Council is seeking public comment on the continuation of Alcohol Free Zones (AFZs) in Lennox Head, Alstonville, Ballina and Wardell. AFZs have been in place in Ballina Shire since 2007 and have been successful in assisting NSW Police managing anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related violence in specific public settings which include public roads, carparks and footpaths. The continuation of these AFZ’s don’t apply to parks, sportfields and beaches, these locations are regulated separately and considered under Council policy. The NSW Police has requested Council continue with the AFZs that are currently in place, which are proposed to continue for a further 3-year period.

View the proposed location maps and further information at 

Provide feedback at

Submissions close: Monday 10 January 2022. 
Enquiries: James Brideson, Natural Resource Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No2021/712  -  PAN-150094
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot: 7 DP: 1239938 Hutley Drive Lennox Head
Proposal Construction of 26 x Three-Storey Live/Work Units on 26 Approved Torrens Title Lots (under Major Project Approval 07_0026) and Associated Works including Infrastructure Works, Earthworks/Construction of Retaining Walls and Landscaping.
Submissions close: Thursday 16 December 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Note: The development application relates to, and is reliant on, a Planning Proposal currently under consideration which requests an amendment to Ballina Local Environmental Plan 1987 to allow a veterinary hospital and an information and education facility on the land.  The Planning Proposal was exhibited from 6 October to 20 October 2021.

Persons making a submission as part of this development application may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

24 November 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship.

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer Ph 1300 864 444

17 November 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship.

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer Ph 1300 864 444

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/484 -  PAN-114219

In accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/484 PAN-114219   
Applicant Byron Bay Planning and Property Consultants
Property Lot 3 DP 1216863 192 Friday Hut Rd Tintenbar
Proposal Tourist and Visitor Accommodation comprising three cabins, a swimming pool and associated infrastructure works and landscaping.
Submissions close: Friday 3 December 2021

A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) dated 1 June 2021 has been prepared by Byron Bay Planning and Property Consultants to accompany the development application.

This development application comprises “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) under the Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) under the Rural Fires Act 1997.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

10 November 2021

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled in November.

  • Thursday 11 November             5.00 pm            C Ward Committee
  • Monday 15 November               4.30pm             B Ward Committee
  • Tuesday 16 November               4.00pm             Commercial Services Committee
  • Thursday 25 November             9.00am             Ordinary meeting

Due to COVID-19, the relevant NSW Public Health Orders must be complied with at the time of the meetings.  Please contact Sandra Bailey, Ph 6686 1273 to clarify the ability to participate in meetings.  You may access the Ordinary meeting via our Live Streaming link at

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship.

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer Ph 1300 864 444

Council Documents on Exhibition

Council resolved at the 28 October 2021 Council meeting to exhibit the following documents for public comment.

Rates and Charges – Debt Recovery Policy (Review)

The objective of the policy is to establish guidelines for the efficient and effective collection of outstanding rates and charges and to fulfil the statutory requirements of the Local Government Act, 1993, (LGA) in relation to the recovery of outstanding rates and charges, whilst ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of proceedings for the debtor and Council.

Enquiries: Lindell Parlour, Coordinator Rates, Ph 1300 864 444.

Monuments and Memorials on Public Land Policy (Review)

The policy provides guidelines on what memorials and monuments may be placed in public places and the process that needs to be followed to gain approval for them.

Enquiries: James Brideson, Natural Resource Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.


Donations – Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups Policy (Review)

The objective of this policy is to provide guidance on the provision of financial assistance to community sporting groups.

Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.

Sports Fields Management Policy (New)

The objective of this policy is to provide guidance to Council and the community in relation to the management and use of sports fields and facilities within the Ballina Shire

Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.

Playground Upgrade and Management Plan

This plan provides an updated framework for the provision and management of playgrounds within Ballina Shire

Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.
Submissions close: Wednesday 8 December 2021.

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/614 PAN-134062

Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot 45 DP 1266221 79 Habitat Way Lennox Head
Proposal Staged development comprising Two Lot Torrens Title subdivision and Erection and Strata Title Subdivision of Dual Occupancy (Detached) Development and associated earthworks, landscaping and infrastructure works in the following Stages:

Stage 1 – Two Lot Torrens Title Subdivision (Proposed Lot 1 – 745.6m2 and Proposed Lot 2 – 883.4m2)
Stage 2 – Erection of Dwelling 1 within Dual Occupancy Development on Proposed Torrens Title Lot 1
Stage 3 – Strata Title Subdivision of Dual Occupancy Development involving the creation of vacant Strata lot
Stage 4 – Erection of Dwelling 2 within Dual Occupancy Development on vacant Strata lot.

Submissions close: Thursday 25 November 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Note: The development application relates to, and is reliant on, a Planning Proposal currently under consideration which requests an amendment to Ballina Local Environmental Plan 1987 to allow a veterinary hospital and an information and education facility on the land.  The Planning Proposal was exhibited from 6 October to 20 October 2021.

Persons making a submission as part of this development application may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

3 November 2021

Annual Financial Statements – 30 June 2021(PDF, 3MB)

The Annual Financial Statements to 30 June 2021 together with the draft Auditor’s Report were presented for consideration to the 28 October 2021 Ordinary Council meeting.

In accordance with Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Ballina Shire Council advises that the Ordinary Council meeting to be held on 25 November 2021 will include the formal presentation of the audited Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Reports for the year ending 30 June 2021.

In accordance with Section 420 of the Local Government Act 2093 (NSW), submissions in writing are invited with respect to the Council’s Audited Financial Statements or the Auditor’s Reports.





Income Statement




Total income from continuing operations




Total expenses from continuing operations




Operating result from continuing operations





Net operating result for the year




Net operating result before grants and contributions provided for capital purposes




Statement of Financial Position




Total current assets




Total current liabilities




Total non-current assets




Total non-current liabilities




Total equity




Other financial information




Unrestricted current ratio (times)




Operating performance ratio (%)




Debt service cover ratio (times)




Rates and annual charges outstanding ratio (%)




Infrastructure renewals ratio (%)




Own source operating revenue ratio (%)




Cash expense cover ratio (months)




Submissions close: Friday 12 November 2021.

Enquiries: Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer Ph 1300 864 444

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/484 -  PAN-114219

In accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/484 PAN-114219
Applicant Byron Bay Planning and Property Consultants
Property Lot 3 DP 1216863 192 Friday Hut Rd Tintenbar
Proposal Tourist and Visitor Accommodation comprising three cabins, a swimming pool and associated infrastructure works and landscaping.
Submissions close: Friday 3 December 2021

A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) dated 1 June 2021 has been prepared by Byron Bay Planning and Property Consultants to accompany the development application.

This development application comprises “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) under the Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) under the Rural Fires Act 1997.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

27 October 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer on 1300 864 444

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/605 PAN - 132802

Applicant Mr D N Snashall
Property Lot 1 and Lot 2 SP 34685 1/38 Dress Circle Drive and 2/38 Dress Circle Drive Lennox Head
Proposal Demolition of existing Dual Occupancy Development and associated works, cancellation of existing Strata Plan and reversion to a single Torrens Title Lot and subsequent Erection of a new Dual Occupancy Development comprising two attached dwellings and associated infrastructure works and landscaping.
Submissions close: Thursday 11 November 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Integrated Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/648 PAN - 139875
Applicant Balbang Pty Ltd
Property Lot 30 DP: 237818 6 Ocean Avenue East Ballina
Proposal Demolition of an existing dwelling house, vegetation management works (removal of 19 trees) and subsequent erection and strata title subdivision of a multi dwelling housing development comprising four x two storey dwellings, associated infrastructure works, landscaping and the installation of two x swimming pools.
Submissions close: Thursday 11 November 2021.

DA No. 2021/643 PAN - 137515
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 63 DP 832228 10 The Terrace East Ballina
Proposal Multi-Dwelling Housing development comprising the erection of three x two storey dwellings and associated works and Strata Title subdivision.
Submissions close: Thursday 11 November 2021.

The subject application is an Integrated Development Application, under the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings. 

20 October 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer on 1300 864 444

Proposed resolution to reclassify Wollongbar Sporting Fields as Community Land

At the Council meeting of 25 November 2021, Council will consider a proposal to reclassify the Wollongbar Sporting Fields from Operational Land to Community Land.

The Local Government Act 1993 requires all Council-owned land to be classified as either ‘community’ or ‘operational’ land.

Community Land:  Council-owned land that is kept for use by the general public. 

Community land:

  • cannot be sold
  • cannot be leased for more than 21 years
  • cannot be leased unless public notice is given
  • can only be used for purposes which are consistent with a plan of management.

Operational Land:  Council-owned land held by Council as an asset or as an investment, or land that assists Council in carrying out its functions. Council may deal with operational land in the same manner as any other land owner deals with private freehold land.

The Wollongbar Sports Field site is located at: Lot 2 DP 1168781, No. 80 Elvery Lane, Wollongbar

In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is given of Council’s intention to resolve to reclassify the land.  Submissions are invited regarding the proposed reclassification.

Submissions close:  Wednesday 17 November 2021
Enquiries:  Rob van Iersel, Strategic Planner, Email:, Ph 1300 864 444.

Notice of Meeting

The following meeting is scheduled:

  • Thursday 28 October           9.00am             Ordinary meeting

Due to COVID-19, the relevant NSW Public Health Orders must be complied with at the time of the meetings.  Please contact Sandra Bailey Ph 6686 1273 to clarify the ability to participate in meetings.  You may access the Ordinary meeting via our Live Streaming link at

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/185
Applicant Planners North
Property Lot 237 DP 755745 1243 Bruxner Hway Wollongbar
Proposal Change of use to establish a wildlife hospital and associated building and infrastructure works.
Submissions close: Thursday 4 November 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Note: The development application relates to, and is reliant on, a Planning Proposal currently under consideration which requests an amendment to Ballina Local Environmental Plan 1987 to allow a veterinary hospital and an information and education facility on the land.  The Planning Proposal was exhibited from 6 October to 20 October 2021.

Persons making a submission as part of this development application may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

13 October 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer on 1300 864 444

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/487 PAN-114408
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot 1 DP 729125, Lot 1 DP 715708 and Lot 2 DP 618507 552 Houghlahans Creek Rd Pearces Creek and 80 Kirklands Ln Fernleigh
Proposal Torrens Title Subdivision, involving boundary adjustment and consolidation of three existing lots, to create two new lots (Proposed Lot 100 – 53.79ha and Proposed Lot 101 - 3.89 ha).
Submissions close: Thursday 28 October 2021

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

6 October 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer on 1300 864 444

Ballina Local Environmental Plan 1987

Planning Proposal BSCPP 21/001 – Wildlife Hospital 46 Lindendale Road, Wollongbar

Council has prepared a planning proposal requesting an amendment to Ballina Local Environmental Plan 1987 (Ballina LEP 1987), to facilitate the development of a wildlife hospital on land at Lindendale Road, Wollongbar, known as part Lot 237 DP755745.   The land is currently zoned 7(c) Water Catchment Zone in Ballina LEP 1987 and a veterinary hospital is a prohibited use in the 7(c) Zone.  A new clause is proposed to be added to the LEP to allow, with development consent, a veterinary hospital and an information and education facility on the land.  The existing 7(c) zoning will not change. The proposal will be on exhibition from Wednesday 6 October to Wednesday 20 October 2021.

An amendment to the Ballina LEP 1987 was lodged with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and a Gateway determination has been issued which allows the planning proposal to progress to public exhibition. 

Planners North have lodged a Development Application (DA 2021/185) on the behalf of the Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital Limited (NRWH) for the construction of the veterinary hospital, being a place for diagnosing or surgically or medically treating animals, and an information and education facility.

The land to which this planning proposal relates is shown outlined in red in the diagram below.  The site of the proposed wildlife hospital is approximately 2ha in area and has a frontage of approximately 200m to Lindendale Road, as shown on the site map below.  This is part of the Wollongbar Primary Industries Institute site located at 1243 Bruxner Highway Wollongbar.  The overall Primary Industries site has an area of 106.4ha with frontages to the Bruxner Highway and Lindendale Road.

Council has been authorized as the local plan-making authority and has been given delegation by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to make or not make the local environmental plan (s3.36(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979).

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further Information visit the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website


Submissions close: Wednesday 20 October 2021.
Enquires: Rob van Iersel, Strategic Planning, Ph 1300 864 444 | Email

Proposed Resolution to Classify Operational Land

Lot 163 DP 1261459, being land located on the western side of Carroll Avenue, Skennars Head, is land utilised for the purpose of a sewer pump station.  Council proposes to resolve to classify the land as operational land in accordance with the provisions of section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993.

The subject land is located as shown by red outline on the Location Plan.

Location Plan(PDF, 77KB)

Submissions are invited in relation to the above proposal.

Submissions close:  Friday 5 November 2021
Enquiries: Leah Toole, Planning and Environmental Health Division, Ph 1300 864 444 

Designated/Integrated Development Proposal - Council File Reference DA 2021/522  -  PAN-118896

In accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.  

DA No. 2021/522 PAN-118896
Applicant Balanced Systems Planning Consultants
Property Lot 3 DP 525783 23 Compton Dr East Ballina
Proposal Demolition of a commercial building.
Submissions close: Friday 22 October 2021

The development is classified as Nominated Integrated Development pursuant to Section 91 as it requires approval from Natural Resource Access Regulator under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/574 PAN-127320
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot 1 DP 1048732, Lot 2 DP 1048732, Lot 4 DP 1048732, Lot 3 DP 1048732, Lot 203 DP 755626, Lot 133 DP 755626 Sneesbys Lane, East Wardell
Proposal Consolidation of 6 lots to create 1 x 77.4ha rural allotment and subsequent erection of a new dwelling house, associatedearthworks and vehicular access and upgrade to Sneesbys Lane.
Submissions close: Thursday 21 October 2021

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

29 September 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit and events

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer on 1300 864 444

22 September 2021

Festival and Event Sponsorship Program 2022/23

Council’s Festival and Event Sponsorship Program for the financial year 2022/23 is now open.  All local Event Organisers are invited to express an interest for access to funding. There is approximately $100,000 available for distribution for event sponsorship. 

For more information visit and events

Applications close: Friday 3 December 2021.
Enquiries:  Sandra Jackson, Events Support Officer on 1300 864 444

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/522 -  PAN-118896

In accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/522 PAN-118896
Applicant Balanced Systems Planning Consultants
Property Lot 3 DP 525783 23 Compton Dr East Ballina
Proposal Demolition of a commercial building.
Submissions close: Friday 22 October 2021

The development is classified as Nominated Integrated Development pursuant to Section 91 as it requires approval from Natural Resource Access Regulator under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/445 PAN-110000
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 4 DP 509201 111 Swift St Ballina
Proposal Erection of a multi dwelling housing development comprising three x single storey dwellings and one x single storey carer’s dwelling under the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 including earthworks, retaining walls, infrastructure, car parking and landscaping works.
Submissions close: Thursday 7 October 2021

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

15 September 2021

Development Application

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/541 PAN-122633
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 808 DP 1259437 254 Hutley Dr Skennars Head
Proposal Attached dual occupancy including a pool, shed & tennis court.
Submissions close: Thursday 30 September 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

8 September 2021

Expression of Interest – Land at Compton Drive, East Ballina


Council is seeking expressions of interests from parties to purchase Part Lot 1 DP 781542 Compton Drive, East Ballina. The site is approximately 142.2m2 in area and is located opposite Shaws Bay.


Download the EOI document for further details at


Expressions of Interest close: 5pm Wednesday 6 October 2021.
Enquiries:  Leanne Harding, ph 6686 1239.

Development Applications

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/486 PAN-114394
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot 4 DP 115573, Lot 1 DP 318515 and Lot 5 DP 922223 73 Main St Alstonville
Proposal Demolition of an existing service station, existing buildings and ancillary structures, removal of underground storage tanks, remediation of land and subsequent erection of a new Service Station incorporating signage, underground fuel tanks, bulk earthworks, car parking, stormwater management, landscaping and fencing.
Submissions close: Thursday 23 September 2021

DA No. 2021/520 PAN-118878
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 22 DP 1242246 62 Avalon Ave Wollongbar
Proposal Two Lot Torrens Title Subdivision to create 1 x 607m² allotment (Proposed Lot 1) and 1 x 685m² allotment (Proposed Lot 2).
Submissions close: Thursday 23 September 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

1 September 2021

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled

  • Thursday 9 September              5.00pm             C Ward Committee
  • Tuesday 14 September              4.00pm             A Ward Committee
  • Monday 20 September              4.30pm             B Ward Committee
  • Thursday 23 September            9.00am             Ordinary meeting

Due to COVID-19, the relevant NSW Public Health Orders must be complied with at the time of the meetings.  Please contact Sandra Bailey on 6686 1273 to clarify the ability to participate in meetings.  You may access the Ordinary meeting via our Live Streaming link at

Council Policies on Exhibition

Council resolved at the Council meeting 26 August 2021 to exhibit the following policies for public comment.

Concealed Water Leaks – Financial Assistance Policy (Review) - To clarify the financial assistance Council will provide for excessive water bills as a result of a concealed water leak.

Enquiries: Lindell Parlour, Coordinator Rating, Ph 1300 864 444 
Submissions close: 29 September 2021

Community Event Signage Policy (Review) - To provide a documented process explaining how community event organisers may obtain Council approval to install temporary, short-term community event signage which relates to special events taking place within Ballina Shire.

Enquiries: Sandra Jackson, Event Support Officer, Ph 1300 864 444
Submissions close: 29 September 2021

25 August 2021

Expressions of Interest - Ballina Byron Gateway Airport Precinct Public Art

Ballina Shire Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from Northern Rivers Ngangbul artists to design and develop a series of public artworks within the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport precinct, including the new Airport Boulevard entrance.

This public art, which will welcome people arriving at the airport, will visually represent the local indigenous landscape values, Country and distinctive landscape character of Ballina Shire.

Download the Expression of Interest document at Applications should be emailed to

Expressions of interest close: Thursday 30 September 2021.

Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/496 -  PAN-114911

In accordance with section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/496 PAN-114911
Applicant BN Jones Pty Ltd
Property Lot 38 DP 1165840 10 Megan Crescent Lennox Head
Proposal Erection and subsequent strata title subdivision of a multi dwelling housing development containing 6 x single storey attached dwellings, car parking, infrastructure servicing and landscaping works.
Submissions close:  Thursday 9 September 2021.

The subject application is an Integrated Development Application under Section 90 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

18 August 2021

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/420 -  PAN-105650

In accordance with section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/420 PAN-105650
Applicant Urbis
Property Lot 1 DP 517111 20 North Creek Rd Lennox Head
Proposal Torrens Title Subdivision to create 24 residential lots, comprising:

  • the creation of seven new residential lots

  • modifications to DA 2018/51 (redesign of 10 approved residential lots) and DA 2020/284 (redesign of seven approved residential lots)

  • road construction, installation of infrastructure and services, earthworks and landscaping.

Submissions close: Friday 3 September 2021

The development is classified as “nominated integrated development” pursuant to the EP&A Act 1979, as it requires approval from the NSW Office of Water under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

11 August 2021

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/482 PAN-114094
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 38 DP 1266221 65 Habitat Way Lennox Head
Proposal Staged development comprising Two Lot Torrens Title subdivision (Stage 1), erection of a two storey dwelling house on proposed Lot 1 and erection of a two storey detached dual occupancy on proposed Lot 2 (Stage 2) and associated earthworks and infrastructure works.
Submissions close: Thursday 26 August 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

4 August 2021

Council Policies / Documents on Exhibition

Council resolved at the 22 July 2021 meeting to exhibit the following policies and documents for public comment.

Biodiversity Compensatory Habitat and Offsets Policy (New)
A new policy is proposed to establish a transparent and consistent framework for when offsets can be used in relation to mitigation of biodiversity impacts and how they are to be applied in Ballina Shire. 
Enquiries: Jack Hastings, Environmental Scientist, Ph 1300 864 444.

Water and Wastewater Connections Policy (Review) (formerly titled Water Metering Policy)
The purpose of this policy is to detail water and wastewater connection eligibility, define the connection requirements for new developments, provide information on connection and access costs and clarify ownership and maintenance responsibilities of water and wastewater connections within the Ballina Shire Council (Council) local government area.
Enquiries: Belinda Fayle, Strategic Engineer, Ph 1300 864 444.

Pat Morton Precinct – Car Park and Shared Path Concept Design
A draft car park and shared path concept design (the concept design) planning document has been prepared to guide the future direction of the Pat Morton car park precinct and adjacent lookout area.
Enquiries: Alistair Weallans, Project Engineer, Roads, Engineering Works, Ph 1300 864 444.

Submissions close: Wednesday 1 September 2021.

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/451 PAN-110472
Applicant GeoLINK Consulting Pty Ltd
Property Lot 473 DP 729088 3 Park Lane Lennox Head
Proposal Community Markets comprising 120 individual temporary stalls to be held twice a month.
Submissions close: Thursday 19 August 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/420 -  PAN-105650

In accordance with section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/420 PAN-105650
Applicant Urbis
Property Lot 1 DP 517111 20 North Creek Rd Lennox Head
Proposal S

Torrens Title Subdivision to create 24 residential lots, comprising:

  • the creation of seven new residential lots,
  • modifications to DA 2018/51 (redesign of 10 approved residential lots) and DA 2020/284 (redesign of seven approved residential lots),
  • road construction, installation of infrastructure and services, earthworks and landscaping.
Submissions close: Friday 3 September 2021

The development is classified as “nominated integrated development” pursuant to the EP&A Act 1979, as it requires approval from the NSW Office of Water under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

28 July 2021

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000
Notice of Approval of Contributions Plan

In accordance with Clause 31(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is given that following public exhibition and consideration of submissions, Draft Ballina Shire Roads Contribution Plan Version 4.2 was adopted by Council at the meeting held 22 July 2021, in the form in which it was publicly exhibited.

The approved Contributions Plan Version 4.2 comes into effect on Wednesday 28 July 2021.

The approved plan can be downloaded at Ballina Shire Roads Contribution Plan, Version 4.2(PDF, 5MB)

Enquiries: Patrick Knight, Development Engineer, Ph 1300 864 444

Integrated and Nominated Integrated Development Proposal - Council File Reference DA 2021/429

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/429
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 1 DP 1038613 Bletchingly St Wollongbar
Proposal Subdivision to create 13 residential allotments ranging in size from 615sqm to 765sqm, earthworks, civil infrastructure, retaining and vegetation removal.
Submissions close: Friday 13 August 2021

The development is classified as Integrated Development pursuant to Section 100B as it requires approval from NSW Rural Fire Service under the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 and Nominated Integrated Development pursuant to Section 91 as it requires approval from Natural Resource Access Regulator under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/430
Applicant Zentveld's Coffee
Property Lot 6 DP 732540 179 Broken Head Rd Newrybar
Proposal Alterations and additions to an existing coffee processing farm building.
Submissions close: Thursday 12 August 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

21 July 2021

Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 – Amendments to Chapter 7 – Rural Living and Activity, Section 3.9 – Rural Function Centres

Council adopted Amendment No. 14 to the Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 (the DCP) at its Ordinary Meeting held on 22 April 2021. Amendment No. 14 to the DCP will take effect from 25 June 2021.
Amendment No. 14 incorporates provisions relating to rural function centres.
This advice is provided in accordance with Clause 21 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
Enquiries: Leah Toole, Strategic Planner, Ph 1300 864 444

Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 – Amendments to Chapter 2 – General and Environmental Considerations, Section 3.6 – Mosquito Management

Council adopted amendments to the Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 (the DCP) at its Ordinary Meeting held on 24 June 2021. The DCP amendment will take effect from 21 July 2021.
The DCP amendment incorporates provisions relating to mosquito management.
This advice is provided in accordance with Clause 21 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
Enquiries: Leah Toole, Strategic Planner, Ph 1300 864 444

Development Applications

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2017/643.2
Applicant Mr D J Moloney
Property Lot 1 DP 1111973 78 Moon St Ballina
Proposal To amend development consent 2017/643 by undertaking modifications to the approved design of the development.
Submissions close: Thursday 5 August 2021

DA No. 2021/472
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 39 DP 1266221 67 Habitat Way Lennox Head
Proposal Two Lot Torrens Title subdivision, erection of a two storey dwelling house on proposed Lot 1 and erection of a two storey detached dual occupancy on proposed Lot 2 and Strata Title subdivision of the dual occupancy and associated earthworks and infrastructure works.
Submissions close: Thursday 5 August 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/412

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/412
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot 1 DP 579243 12 Florence Price Pl Ballina
Proposal Seniors housing development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 comprising the erection of a two storey building containing 26 independent living units for seniors and associated site filling, civil works and demolition of six existing single storey buildings (containing 14 x 1 bedroom independent living units). A variation to Clause 4.3A of the Ballina LEP 2012 is sought to vary the maximum permissible height of the building from 10.5m AHD to 10.7m AHD.
Submissions close: Friday 6 August 2021

The development is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) under the Water Management Act 2000

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

14 July 2021

Integrated and Nominated Integrated Development Proposal - Council File Reference DA 2021/429

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/429
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 1 DP 1038613 Bletchingly St Wollongbar
Proposal Subdivision to create 13 residential allotments ranging in size from 615sqm to 765sqm, earthworks, civil infrastructure, retaining and vegetation removal.
Submissions close: Friday 13 August 2021

The development is classified as Integrated Development pursuant to Section 100B as it requires approval from NSW Rural Fire Service under the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 and Nominated Integrated Development pursuant to Section 91 as it requires approval from Natural Resource Access Regulator under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

7 July 2021

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers.

  • Thursday 8 July            5.00pm               C Ward Committee
  • Monday 19 July            4.30pm               B Ward Committee
  • Tuesday 20 July            4.00pm               A Ward Committee
  • Thursday 22 July          9.00am               Ordinary Meeting

Attendees must ensure compliance with NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Orders.  As attendance numbers are limited, please contact Sandra Bailey on 6686 1273 to book your seat.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at; Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website.

Council has the capability to enable deputations to be heard via video conferencing. To arrange a deputation for Council’s Ordinary meeting (in person or through video conferencing) please call Sandra Bailey on 6686 1273.

23 June 2021

Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/328

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/328
Applicant Planners North
Property Lot 16 DP 1013485 119 Smith Dr West Ballina
Proposal Alterations and additions to an existing golf driving range facility.
Submissions close: Friday 9 July 2021

This development application comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it required a controlled activity approval from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NSW Office of Water) under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2021/299

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/299
Applicant BASEC Engineering
Property Lot 2 DP 1148951 168 Pearces Creek Rd Alstonville
Proposal River bank stabilisation works.
Submissions close: Friday 9 July 2021

The development is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) under the Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries under the Fisheries Management Act 1994.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

Development Applications

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/387
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 37 DP 1266221 63 Habitat Way Lennox Head
Proposal Two lot Torrens Title subdivision and erection of a dwelling house on one proposed lot and the erection and Strata Title subdivision of a two storey detached dual occupancy on the other proposed lot and associated works.
Submissions close: Thursday 8 July 2021

DA No. 2021/388
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property Lot A DP 390713 144 Tamar St Ballina
Proposal Multi Dwelling Housing Development and Strata Title subdivision comprising the erection of two attached two storey dwellings, retention of the existing dwelling and associated works.
Submissions close: Thursday 8 July 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

16 June 2021

Current Proposals to Lease Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into Lease/Licence Agreements for occupation of land classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

State of New South Wales – Department of Education

Location:Prospect Lake Boat Shed, 6 Links Avenue, East Ballina, part of Lot 105 DP871675(PDF, 4MB)
Purpose: Boat storage and ancillary storage
Term: 4 year licence

Tintenbar East Ballina Football Club Incorporated (Y2380919) and Ballina Little Athletics Club Incorporated (INC9889767)

Location:Cumbalum Sportsfield Clubhouse Buildings, 33 Power Drive, Cumbalum, part of Lot 99 DP1196589(PDF, 2MB)
Purpose: Sports clubhouse
Term: 4 year lease

Wardell and District Tennis Club Incorporated (Y0206705)

Location:Wardell Tennis Clubhouse and Tennis Courts, Fitzroy Park, 32 Bridge Drive, Wardell, part of Lot 18 DP1129974(PDF, 2MB)
Purpose: Tennis clubhouse and tennis courts
Term: 4 year lease

Lennox Head Football Club Incorporated (Y0961122)

LocationSkennars Sportsfield Clubhouse Building and part of Storage Shed, 54 Skennars Head Road, Lennox Head, part of Lot 13 DP1245669(PDF, 5MB)
Purpose: Sports clubhouse and storage of sporting equipment
Term: 4 year lease

Le-Ba Boardriders Inc (Y1211612)

Location:Part of Storage Shed at Skennars Sportsfield, 54 Skennars Head Road, Lennox Head, part of Lot 13 DP1245669(PDF, 5MB)
Purpose: Storage of sporting equipment
Term: 4 year licence

Submissions close: 4.30pm Wednesday 28 July 2021

As the above land is classified as Community Land, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 47A of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission with respect to the granting of the Lease/Licence Agreements. Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified. All submissions, including personal information, will become publicly available and may be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public. Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Further information:  Katie Miller, Property Officer, ph 1300 864 444, email

Integrated Development Proposal – Council File Reference DA 2021/324

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/324
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 228 DP 1121079Teven Rd, West Ballina
Proposal To establish a liquid fuel depot.
Submissions close: Friday 2 July 2021

This development application comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it required a controlled activity approval from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NSW Office of Water) under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

Integrated Development Proposal – Council File Reference DA 2021/304

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/304
Applicant Ballina Slipway & Marine Services Pty Ltd
Property Lot 1 DP 856852 34 Smith Dr West Ballina
Proposal Boat Ramp and Pontoon
Submissions close: Friday 2 July 2021

This development application comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it required a controlled activity approval from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NSW Office of Water) under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

9 June 2021

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers:

  • Wednesday 9 June                    10am           Local Traffic Committee
  • Thursday 24 June                      9am             Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website. 

Deputations to the Ordinary meeting can be made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey on 6686 1273.

Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012

Council has prepared a planning proposal to amend the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012 to rezone certain land for residential purposes at 6-20 Fitzroy Street, Wardell and to amend associated development controls. The land to which this planning proposal applies involves four land parcels  as shown outlined in red in Diagram One(PDF, 2MB) .

The subject site comprises Lots 2-5, Section 10, DP 759050 and is located at No. 6-20 Fitzroy Street, Wardell. It is proposed to rezone the subject land from RU2 Rural Landscape to R3 Medium Density Residential, apply a minimum lot size requirement of 800m2 and to remove the Strategic Urban Growth Area designation that applies to the land.
The planning proposal (BSCPP 20/002) will be on public exhibition between Wednesday 9 June 2021 and Friday 25 June 2021 at:

  • Council’s Customer Service Centre between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
  • Community Access Points (shire libraries) and on Council’s website

Council has been authorised as the local plan-making authority and has been given delegation by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to make or not make the local environmental plan (s3.36(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979).

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website

Submissions close: Friday 25 June 2021.
Enquiries: Leah Toole, Ph 1300 864 444 

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Council resolved at the 27 May meeting to exhibit the following policies for public comment:

Policy – Built Environment Fire Safety Program (Review)
Enquiries: Matthew Wood, Director Planning and Environmental Health Division
Policy – Swimming Pool Barrier Fencing (Review)
Enquiries: Matthew Wood, Director Planning and Environmental Health Division
Policy – Burials on Private Rural Land (New)
Enquiries: Stewart Lloyd, Environmental Health Officer
Policy – Companion Animals Management Plan (Review)
Enquiries:  Rachael Jenner, Coordinator Public and Environmental Health
Policy – Naming of Council Owned Facilities (Review)
Enquiries:  David Kelly, Manager Infrastructure Planning
Policy – EEO Policy and Management Plan (Review)
Enquiries: Tonia Leckie, Manager People and Culture
Policy – Complaints Management (Review)
Enquiries: Kelly Brown, Director Corporate and Community Division
Policy – Councillor Expenses and Facilities (Review)
Enquiries: Kelly Brown, Director Corporate and Community Division

Contact Phone Number 1300 864 444.

For further information go to

Submissions close:  Wednesday 7 July 2021.

New Fee – Burials on Private Rural Land

 At its meeting of 27 May 2021, Council resolved to approve the public notice of a new fee of $460 for applications for burials on private land in accordance with Section 610F Public Notices of Fees (Local Government Act 1993) for inclusion in the 2021/22 Fees and Charges.

Enquiries:  Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444.
Submissions close:  Wednesday 7 July 2021.

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/301
Applicant Project Equity Pty Ltd
Property Lot 17 DP 243087 475 Pearces Creek Rd Alstonvale
Proposal Temporary Use of Land as a function centre for the purposes of hosting wedding ceremonies for a period of five years. The proposed use is to operate for a maximum of 38 days per year. Ancillary works include the construction of a jetty.
Submissions close: Friday 25 June 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Integrated Development Proposal – Council File Reference DA 2021/328

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/328
Applicant Planners North
Property Lot 16 DP 1013485 119 Smith Dr West Ballina
Proposal Alterations and additions to an existing golf driving range facility.
Submissions close: Friday 9 July 2021

This development application comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it required a controlled activity approval from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NSW Office of Water) under the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

Integrated Development Proposal – Council File Reference DA 2021/299

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.  

DA No. 2021/299
Applicant BASEC Engineering
Property Lot 16 DP 1013485 119 Smith Dr West Ballina
Proposal River bank stabilisation works.
Submissions close: Friday 9 July 2021

The development is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) under the Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries under the Fisheries Management Act 1994.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

2 June 2021

Draft Ballina Shire Roads Contributions Plan Version 4.2

Ballina Shire Council is seeking feedback on the Draft Ballina Roads Contribution Plan Version 4.2.

Draft Version 4.2 incorporates the Barlows Road Link between West Ballina and Cumbalum, and associated adjustments in the contribution plan works schedule, contribution rates and other minor amendments.

Submissions close: Wednesday 30 June 2021

Enquiries: Patrick Knight, Civil Services Group, Ph 6686 1447

This notice is given in accordance with Clause 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. The Draft Ballina Roads Contribution Plan Version 4.2 will be on exhibition from 2 June until 30 June 2021. It is proposed that this version will repeal and replace the current version being Ballina Shire Roads Contribution Plan Version 4.1.

The Barlows Road Link

Ballina Shire Council has proposed amendments to the Ballina Shire Roads Contribution Plan to incorporate the Barlows Road Link.

The Barlows Road Link would create a direct route between West Ballina and North Ballina, enabling motorists to bypass Kerr Street and Ballina town centre. 

Location of Works



The link is estimated to cost $7.8 million, with 64.5% of the cost covered by development contributions and the remainder through Council’s Long Term Financial Plan from loan funds and internal reserves.

A net reduction in the cost of works to be constructed under the Draft Roads Contribution Plan would result in a corresponding decrease in developer contributions. On a typical subdivision lot the roads contribution would decrease from $12,704 to $12,432.

In the short term (2020s), the Barlows Road Link would provide major improvements to the road network. It would reduce trip times (in flood free periods) between West Ballina and North Ballina by transferring traffic from congested sections of Tamarind Drive, Bangalow Road and Kerr Street. 

In the longer term (2036), the Barlows Road Link would reduce trip times between West Ballina and North Ballina while also taking some traffic from the future Western Arterial, possibly providing scope to defer this project by some years. It would also enable part of the works planned for Tamarind Drive between Flathead Lane and North Creek Road (Item 40 on the attached map) to be removed from the roads contribution plan works program, saving an estimated $8 million.

However, a negative impact could be increased traffic on Horizon Drive and River Street in West Ballina. Submissions received during the exhibition period of the Roads Contribution Plan will be reported to the July Council meeting. This report will also include configuration options to negate additional traffic on Horizon Drive and minimise the impact on residents.  

Traffic Modelling: 2 Scenarios

Traffic consultants Cardno Qld were engaged by Council in 2021 to model the impacts of building the Barlows Road Link.

In 2015, they modelled the Ballina Shire road network with predicted 2036 traffic volumes. They used this model to predict the usage of the Barlows Road Link.

Two model scenarios were run: 

  • Scenario One – Inserting the Barlows Road link into the model of 2036 traffic volumes, travelling on the existing road network before any planned extra links (such as the Western Arterial).
  • Scenario Two – Inserting the Barlows Road link into the model of 2036 traffic volumes, travelling on a road network where all planned upgrades (including Western Arterial) are completed.

The traffic modelling for these two scenarios is represented in the following two diagrams. 

The predicted volumes (in vehicles per day – vpd) are shown in black text and predicted traffic volumes without the Barlows Road link are highlighted in bold red text.

Scenario One - Barlows Road Link, 2036 traffic volumes on existing road network 



Scenario Two - Barlows Road Link, 2036 traffic volumes with upgraded road network


Traffic Impacts

Scenario One 

This scenario involves the construction of Barlows Road, without additional network links (such as the Western Arterial and North Creek Bridge) being constructed. This scenario found that in the medium term:

  • Barlows Road link would convey around 9,077 vehicles per day (vpd) in 2024, (9,985 vpd 2036). This is a significant volume of traffic.
  • Tamarind Drive daily traffic between Flathead Lane and North Creek Road would reduce by around 10% and reduce 22% between North Creek Road and Kerr Street. 
  • Kerr Street daily traffic would reduce by around 30%.
  • Bangalow Road daily traffic would drop by around 9%.
  • River Street daily traffic would increase by around 6%. This would be manageable provided the current dual lane works are completed.
  • Horizon Drive daily traffic volume, near Emmanuel Anglican College, would increase by around 83% to 4,490 vpd. This could contribute to congestion at school drop off/pick up times and loss of some residential amenity.
  • In heavy rainfall/flooding periods, Barlows Road would not be trafficable and traffic would revert back to other links in the network.

Scenario Two

This scenario involves the construction of Barlows Road, 2036 traffic volumes and all other planned Road Contributions Plan network links (such as the Western Arterial and North Creek Bridge) being constructed. This scenario found that in the long term:

  • Barlows Road link would convey a significant volume of around 7,810 vpd in 2036.
  • Western Arterial traffic would be reduced to 10,675 vpd (compared with 14,411 in the absence of Barlows Road).
  • Tamarind Drive traffic between Flathead Lane and North Creek Road/Western Arterial would be reduced to 13,085 vpd (compared with 20,634 in the absence of Barlows Road). This means the planned dual laning of Tamarind Drive from Cumbalum to North Creek Road, as provided for in the Road Contributions Plan, would no longer be required. The estimated cost of this work was $10.6m, as at the last review of the Road Contributions Plan.
  • Tamarind Drive traffic between North Creek Road/Western Arterial and Kerr Street would drop to 15% to 25,560. There are similar reductions in volumes on Bangalow Road, facilitating an improved level of service between Kerr Street and Angels Beach Drive and Cherry Street/Moon Street. This may allow construction of the Western Arterial to be deferred by some years.
  • River Street traffic volumes would increase around 10%, but still stay within the dual lane capacity of 36,000 vpd.
  • Horizon Drive traffic volumes would substantially drop long term compared to Scenario One, most likely due to traffic switching to the Western Arterial.
  • As in Scenario One, in heavy rain/flooding periods, Barlows Road would not be trafficable and traffic would revert back to other links in the network.

Impacts of Amendments on Developer Contributions Plan

Amendments to the Works Schedule in Draft Version 4.2 are summarised in the Table below:

Table of Works Schedule Amendments




Reasons for Change

Additional Works


Barlows Road Link


* 64.5% cost apportioned to Contributions Plan

Additional item

Works Amended

40 (v4.1)

Tamarind Dr, Four lanes Highway to North Creek Road
4.15 km


100% cost apportioned to Contributions Plan

Superseded item

40 (Draft v4.2)

Tamarind Dr, four lanes highway to Flathead Lane and North Creek Road approaches
1.2 km


100% cost apportioned to Contributions Plan

Provision of Barlows Rd Link reduces traffic on Tamarind Drive, part duplication between Flathead Lane and North Creek Road is no longer required

Works Amended

1a - 43

All other Items

Indexed to Road and Bridge Construction NSW A233685A

Indexation to account for construction price escalation

The net impact of the works schedule additions/deletions/changes on developer contributions results in a small net decrease in Draft Version 4.2 as per the following table.


Road Developer Contributions


Version 4.1 Rate Indexed to 1 July 2020

Rate in Draft Version 4.2

Per trip



2% Decrease

Per Lot



Admin per trip



Admin per Lot



Proposed Draft Version 4.2 Contribution Rates for a range of development types are shown in Table 1.3 of the Draft Plan.


Ross Park Lennox Head Landscape Works: RFT1421

Ballina Shire Council is inviting tenders from suitably experienced organisations/contractors to undertake the redevelopment and landscaping works to Ross Park Lennox Head.

A compulsory Pre-Tender Meeting will be held at 11:00am Thursday 10 June 2021 on site at Ross Park Ballina Street Lennox Head.

Tenders close:  2pm Thursday 24 June 2021 Late tenders will not be accepted.
Enquiries: Brett Dyki , Manager Project Management Office Ph 1300 864 444

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/300
Applicant GM Project Development & Management
Property Lot 27 DP 236402 33 Midway Ave Wollongbar
Proposal Subdivision to create one 1364sqm and one 659sqm allotments and associated works.
Submissions close: Friday 18 June 2021

DA No. 2021/318
Applicant Planit Consulting Pty Ltd
Property Lot 7 DP 771032 152 Nashua Rd Fernleigh
Proposal Two lot Torrens Title subdivision to create one 49ha lot and one 3.94ha primary production lot.
Submissions close: Friday 18 June 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

26 May 2021

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/307
Applicant Council Approval Group
Property Lot 3 DP 719999 30 Smith Drive West Ballina
To establish an indoor recreation facility including retention of existing caretaker’s dwelling and associated alterations and additions to existing industrial premises.
Submissions close: Thursday 10 June 2021

DA No. 2021/284
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot 42 DP 1266221 73 Habitat Way Lennox Head
Two Lot Torrens Title Subdivision to create one x 618m2 and one x 1693m2 lots, Erection of a Dual Occupancy comprising two x two storey dwellings on one of the Proposed Lots and Strata Title subdivision of the Dual Occupancy, Earthworks and other Associated Works.
Submissions close: Thursday 10 June 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

19 May 2021

Climate Change Policy (Draft)

In 2019 Council declared a state of Climate Emergency and in response has prepared a draft Climate Change Policy. The policy sets organisational emissions reduction targets, and a framework for progressing climate change adaptation and resilience strategies.


The targets are more ambitious than the NSW and Australian Governments and aim to achieve rapid emissions reduction by:

  • reducing our operational greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero emissions by 2030.
  • using 100% renewable electricity for our operations by 2030.

These targets are considered achievable as they focus on Council’s own operations such as water and wastewater, street lighting, community facilities, and planning and development. Our draft Climate Change Policy also looks at ways to progress climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience strategies within the community.

You can provide feedback on the draft policy and also complete the climate change action survey by visiting Change Action

Enquiries: Sharyn Hunnissett, Sustainability Projects Officer, Ph 1300 864 444
Feedback closes: Wednesday 16 June 2021.

Northern Rivers Community Gallery NRCG Draft Creative Action Plan

The Creative Action Plan proposes a pathway for the future of the NRCG, identifying four strategic directions. The directions are supported by a series of creative actions that aim to achieve sustainable growth and continued service provision of high quality arts and cultural activities for the Ballina Shire community and visitors.

To view the draft plan and provide feedback visit

Ballina Shire Council is seeking feedback on the four strategic directions in the plan via a short survey.

Feedback closes:  5pm Wednesday 16 June 2021
Enquiries: Lee Mathers, Coordinator Gallery, Ph 1300 864 444 

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/287
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot  19 DP 11867 71 Stewart Street Lennox Head
Multi Dwelling Housing development comprising the demolition of the existing dwelling fronting Stewart Street and erection of a new two storey dwelling and associated works.
Submissions close: Thursday 3 June 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

12 May 2021

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No. 2021/244
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property Lot DP 244611 5 Smiths Ln Wollongbar
Erection of a Seniors Housing Development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) comprising eight self-care dwellings, Strata Title subdivision, demolition of existing structures, infrastructure servicing, earthworks, vegetation removal and associated works.
Submissions close: Thursday 27 May 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

5 May 2021

Notice of Council Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers:

  • Tuesday 11 May                        4.00pm             A Ward Committee
  • Thursday 13 May                      5.00pm            C Ward Committee
  • Monday 17 May                        4.30pm            B Ward Committee
  • Thursday 27 May                      9.00am             Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at; Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website. 

Deputations to the Ordinary meeting can be made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey on 6686 1273.

Naming of Public Roads

Ballina Shire Council, pursuant to Roads Act 1993 (Division 1 – Part 10), in the absence of any objections, has approved the following road naming proposal:

Location Un-named lane between northern sections of Gibbon and Stewart Streets, Lennox Head
Road Name Burrows Lane

Enquiries: Leslie Sanderson, GIS Projects and Support Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.

28 April 2021

Community Donation Programs

Council’s draft 2021/22 Operational Plan provides funding through our donations programs to assist community-based groups deliver services to our residents.

Applications are now open for the following donation programs for the 2021/22 period:

  • Donations – Financial Assistance for Community Groups

Enquiries: Jay Ellis, Administration Officer, Ph 1300 864 444.

  • Donations – Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups

Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444 
Applications close: Friday 28 May 2021.

To be eligible for financial assistance the relevant form below must be completed and returned to Council. 


For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the Council’s donation policies.


Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/218
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 1 DP 1270999 9 Byron Bay Rd Lennox Head
Proposal Erection of the Lennox Head Rural Fire Service Facility and associated earthworks, vegetation management works and infrastructure servicing and including earthworks, car parking and vehicular access for a future preschool.
Submissions close: Thursday 13 May 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

21 April 2021

Designated/Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1, Clause 8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following designated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.  

Council File Reference DA 2021/152
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 228 DP 1121079 Teven Road West Ballina
Proposal Waste or Resource Management Facility comprising the storage of approximately 35,000 tonnes of mulch per year.
Submissions close: Thursday 6 May 2021.

The development is classified as designated development pursuant to Schedule 3, Clause 32 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  

Roads Act 1993 - Public Gates

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 128 of the Roads Act 1993, Ballina Shire Council has received an application to erect Public Gates at the following locations:

  • Across the unformed public road reserve that extends west from the end of Norman Jones Lane, Wollongbar
  • Across the unformed public road reserve that extends east from the end of Chesworth Lane, Wollongbar.

A period of one month from the date of publication of this notice is allowed during which time any person may lodge a written submission with Council. 

Submissions close: 21 May 2021
Enquiries: David Kelly, Manager Infrastructure Planning on 1300 864 444.

7 April 2021

Designated/Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1, Clause 8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following designated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.  

Council File Reference DA 2021/152

Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 228 DP 1121079 Teven Road West Ballina
Proposal Waste or Resource Management Facility comprising the storage of approximately 35,000 tonnes of mulch per year.
Submissions close: Thursday 6 May 2021.

The development is classified as designated development pursuant to Schedule 3, Clause 32 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council can be accessed at Council’s website on

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers

  • Wednesday 7 April                    4.00pm            Finance Committee
  • Wednesday 14 April                10.00am           Local Traffic Committee
  • Thursday 22 April                      9.00am             Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary and Finance Committee meetings through the live-streaming service at  Ordinary and Finance Committee meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website. 

Deputations to the Ordinary and Finance Committee meetings can be made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey on 1300 864 444.

31 March 2021

Council Services Closures - Easter 2021(PDF, 74KB)

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers

  • Wednesday 7 April                    4.00pm             Finance Committee
  • Thursday 22 April                      9.00am             Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at; Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website. 

Deputations to the Ordinary meeting can made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey on 1300 864 444.

24 March 2021

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/126
Applicant PRG Architects
Property  Lot 9 Sec 90 DP 758047 18 Pine Ave East Ballina
Proposal Erection and Strata Title Subdivision of a Multi Dwelling Housing development comprising four, two storey dwellings, and associated works including demolition of existing dwelling house and vegetation management works.
Submissions close: Monday 12 April 2021

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

17 March 2021

Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012

Draft Amendment Chapter 2 General and Environmental Considerations - Part 3.6 – Mosquito Management Provisions

The Draft Amendment involves a revision of the development controls relating to mosquito management to reflect contemporary understandings of mosquito risk and mitigation.

The review of the DCP provisions has been undertaken in association with mosquito specialist Associate Professor Cameron Webb.

Further information regarding the draft DCP amendment may be obtained by downloading the documents below.

Submissions close:  Friday 16 April 2021.

Enquiries: Kristy Bell, Environmental Health Officer, Ph 1300 864 444

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/99

Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 2 DP 527953 246-250 Lismore Rd Wollongbar
Proposal Erection of a service station incorporating signage, underground fuel tanks, bulk earthworks, car parking, stormwater management and provision for future retail tenancy.
Submissions close: Thursday 1 April 2021.

DA No. 2021/117

Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 2 DP 785372 419 Hinterland Way Knockrow
Proposal Two lot Torrens title subdivision to create one 2.56 hectare and one 2000sqm allotments.
Submissions close: Thursday 1 April 2021.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

10 March 2021

Tuckombil Quarry Site - Opportunities Assessment: RFQ1466

Ballina Shire Council is inviting quotations for the development of options for the future use of the Tuckombil Quarry site.

Tender documentation for may be obtained electronically via (new providers will need to register to access documentation) or in hardcopy from Council’s Customer Service Centre 40 Cherry Street Ballina.

Tenders close:  2pm Tuesday 6 April 2021.
Enquiries: Tony Partridge, Coordinator Asset Management, Ph 1300 864 444

Road Name Proposal

Ballina Shire Council proposes to name the following road in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.

Location:  Un-named lane between northern sections of Gibbon and Stewart Streets, Lennox Head
Proposed Road Name: Burrows Lane     
Name Origin: Named after John Semple Burrows, as proposed by remaining family still living on family property adjacent to un-named lane, and supported by Lennox Head Heritage Committee.

Submissions close:  Friday 2 April 2021. Submissions can be made online 
Enquiries: Leslie Sanderson, GIS Projects & Support Officer, Ph 1300 864 444

3 March 2021

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers:

  • Tuesday 9 March - 4.00pm - A Ward Committee
  • Thursday 11 March - 5.00 pm - C Ward Committee
  • Monday 15 March - 4.30pm - B Ward Committee
  • Tuesday 16 March - 4.00pm - Finance Committee
  • Thursday 25 March - 9.00am - Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website

Deputations to the Ordinary meeting can made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey, Ph 1300 864 444.

Investments Policy (Review)

Council resolved at the Ordinary meeting 25 February 2021 to place the amended Investments Policy on exhibition for public comment.

The amended Investments Policy will be on public exhibition between Thursday 4 March 2021 and Thursday 1 April 2021. 

Submissions close: Thursday 1 April 2021
Enquiries:  Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012

Draft Amendment No.14 - Chapter 7 Rural Living and Activity – Rural Function Centres

The Draft Amendment introduces special development controls which address matters of site suitability and the management of events/functions in relation to function centres (including wedding venues) on land zoned RU2 Rural Landscape zone under the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012.

The Draft Amendment relates to the recently approved Rural Function Centres Planning Proposal, adopted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting of 25 February 2021, to amend the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012. The amendment will be on exhibition from 3 March 2021 to 31 March 2021.

Site suitability criteria proposed in the Draft Amendment include the consideration of acoustic assessments (to be undertaken by qualified acoustic consultants), traffic impact assessments and rural land use conflict assessments.

The event management provisions include requirements and guidance with respect to the preparation of a site management plan addressing matters such as the transport of guests to and from the site, hours of operation, notification of neighbours, and other measures to mitigate environmental impacts and the potential for land use conflicts to arise.

Submissions close: Wednesday 31 March 2021
Enquiries: Simon Scott, Strategic Planner, Ph 1300 864 444

TENDER Provision for Business Development and Marketing Services for the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport: RFT1450

Ballina Shire Council is inviting tenders for the provision of business development and marketing services for the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport for a three year period.

Tender documentation may be obtained electronically via providers will need to register to access documentation) or in hardcopy from Council’s Customer Service Centre 40 Cherry Street Ballina.

Tenders close:  2.00pm (AEDT) Tuesday 16 March 2021. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Enquiries: Paul Tsikleas, Manager Airport and Commercial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/66
Applicant Abode2 Project Management Pty Ltd
Property  Lot 27 DP 1266221, 41 Habitat Way Lennox Head
PROPOSAL Erection and Strata Title subdivision of a multi dwelling housing development comprising three detached two storey dwellings
Submissions close 18 March 2021.
DA No. 2021/82
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property  Lot 2 SP 98333, 175B Tamar St Ballina
PROPOSAL Multi dwelling housing development comprising the erection of a single storey detached dwelling being a third dwelling on site, in addition to an approved dual occupancy
Submissions close 18 March 2021.
DA No. 2021/62
Applicant Victor Holmes Town Planning
Property  Lot 2 DP 509201, 39 Kerr St Ballina
PROPOSAL Erection of a single storey dual occupancy (attached) for the purposes of providing accommodation for persons with a disability under the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors and Persons with a Disability) 2004, earthworks and vegetation removal
Submissions close 18 March 2021.
DA No. 2019/145
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property  Lot 40 DP 1176652, 29-31 Smith Dr West Ballina
PROPOSAL Construction of an Industrial development to be used for a depot and for general and light industrial purposes, and associated works
Submissions close 18 March 2021.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

February 2021

Draft Ballina Shire Plan of Management for Community Land 2021

Council has prepared a draft shire-wide Plan of Management for Community Land (POM) which provides the management framework for public land (Council owned land and Crown land managed by Council) classified as Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993. 

In 2018 the Crown Land Management Act 2016 replaced the Crown Lands Act 1989.  The reform included the requirement for councils to have compliant plans of management in place by 30 June 2021 for dedicated or reserved Crown land (where Council is the land manager) and manage the land as if it were public land under the Local Government Act 1993.  

The draft POM has been prepared on the basis that all Council managed community land (aside from land within the Ballina Coastal Reserve) will be managed under a single plan.  The draft POM has also been prepared based on Crown lands advice regarding the categorisation of land and in accordance with the legislative requirements under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Crown Land Management Act 2016

As part of the plan review and Crown land integration process, the existing Ballina Shire POM for Community Land 2015 will be replaced by the draft POM (upon its adoption). 

The draft POM will be on public exhibition from Wednesday 24 February 2021 to Wednesday 7 April 2021

The draft POM may be viewed on council’s website at A feedback button is available to assist you in making submissions. 

Hard copies of the draft POM can be accessed at:

  • Council’s Customer Service Centre between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and
  • Community Access Points (shire libraries)

If you wish to discuss the draft POM with Council staff, 30 minute appointments are available (either by phone or in-person at Council’s administration building) between 1pm – 4pm, Wednesday to Friday for the duration of the exhibition period.  To make a booking, please telephone Fiona King in Council’s Strategic Planning Section at least 24 hours in advance on 1300 864 444

Submissions close: Wednesday 7 April 2021
Enquiries: Fiona King, Planning and Environmental Health Division, Ph 1300 864 444

Management and Operation of the Flat Rock Tent Park: RFT1449

Ballina Shire Council is inviting tenders for the management and operation of the Flat Rock Tent Park for a three year period.

Tender documentation may be obtained electronically at providers will need to register to access documentation), or in hardcopy from Council’s Customer Service Centre 40 Cherry Street Ballina.

A compulsory pre-tender inspection will be held at 11:00am Tuesday 2 March 2021 on-site at the Flat Rock Tent Park, 38 Flat Rock Road East Ballina. Please note no other inspections of the Park will take place.

Tenders close  2.00pm Thursday 11 March 2021.  Late tenders will not be accepted.
Enquiries: Leanne Harding, Coordinator Property, Commercial Services, ph 1300 864 444

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/55
Applicant GM Project Development & Management
Property  Lot 1 DP 622886 and Lot 2 DP 42343, 462-470 River St West Ballina
PROPOSAL Erection of a hardware and building supplies multiple tenancy building, vehicular access and car parking, site filling, vegetation management works and associated works
Submissions close 11 March 2021.

DA No. 2020/877
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property  Lot 1 SP 33118, 1/49 Gibbon St Lennox Head
PROPOSAL Alterations and additions, including part demolition to one dwelling within an existing multi dwelling housing development
Submissions close 4 March 2021.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website and click on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers

  • Wednesday 10 February - 10.00am - Local Traffic Committee
  • Thursday 25 February  - 9.00am - Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website. 

Deputations to the Ordinary meeting can made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey on 1300 864 444

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2021/43
Applicant Mr S P Hall
Property  Lot 44 DP 1266221, 77 Habitat Way Lennox Head
PROPOSAL Stage 1: Subdivision to create two Torrens Title allotments. Stage 2: Erection and Strata Title Subdivision of a detached dual occupancy on Proposed Torrens Lot 1.

Submissions close 25 February 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012  Planning Proposal BSCPP 20/001 – Teven Road, Teven

Council has prepared a planning proposal to amend the Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012 to facilitate a dwelling on certain land at Teven Road, Teven. The land to which this planning proposal applies involves twelve land parcels as shown outlined in red in Diagram One below. Further information regarding land parcel details, including lot and deposited plan numbers, are provided in the planning proposal.

The planning proposal seeks to reinstate a dwelling entitlement on Lot 3 Section 1 DP 758964, Teven Road, Teven and to transfer the dwelling entitlement to an aggregation of lots located on Teven Road under the same ownership by identifying these lots on the Dwelling Opportunity Reinstatement Map as a group of lots having one dwelling opportunity. The dwelling entitlement transfer will enable a more suitable development site to be available for the construction of a dwelling house.

The planning proposal (BSCPP 20/001) will be on public exhibition between Friday 5 February 2021 and Friday 19 February 2021 at:

  • Council’s Customer Service Centre between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
  • Community Access Points (shire libraries) and on Council’s website under ‘Documents on Exhibition'.

Council has been authorised as the local plan-making authority and has been given delegation by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to make or not make the local environmental plan (s3.36(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979).

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website



Submissions close: Friday 19 February 2021.
Enquiries: Leah Toole, Ph 1300 864 444

January 2021

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2019/376
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 3 DP 579576, 348 Rous Rd Rous Mill
PROPOSAL Erection of two greenhouses to be used to propagate potted plants, six shade house structures, two worksheds, 13 rainwater tanks, extensive earthworks including terraced retaining walls along the western boundary, access driveways, vegetation removal and landscaping and other associated works.

DA No. 2020/850
Applicant Ardill Payne & Partners
Property  Lots 1 & 2 Sec: 2 DP 758991, Lot 51 DP 1260167 and Lot 4 DP 719072, Uralba Rd Uralba
PROPOSAL Subdivision by way of boundary adjustment and consolidation of four rural lots to create one 6.7ha and one 1.7ha allotments

DA No. 2020/869
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 333 DP 755745 and Lot 2 DP 1031929, 2 Pearces Creek Rd and 22-40 Commercial Rd Alstonville
PROPOSAL Relocation of heritage items, including Croquet Clubhouse, from Lumley Park to the Alstonville Showgrounds, construction of new shed for storage of relocated heritage items at the Alstonville Showground and associated works.

Submissions close 11 February 2021.

The subject amended development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Notice of Meeting

The following meeting is scheduled to be held at the Council Chambers:

  • Thursday 28 January - 9.00am - Ordinary meeting

To ensure compliance with the NSW Public Health (COVID-19) Order, social distancing and seat limits apply in the Public Gallery for Council meetings.

Council encourages viewing of our Ordinary meetings through the live-streaming service at Ordinary meetings are also recorded and copies are available for viewing on our website. 

Deputations to the Ordinary meeting can be made in person or by video conferencing. To arrange a deputation please call Sandra Bailey on 6686 1273.

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2020/838
Applicant Intrapac Skennars Head Pty Ltd C/- Elton Consulting
Property  Road Reserve & Lot 165 DP 1261459 Aureus Blvd Skennars Head
PROPOSAL Proposed Roundabout and Median within Aureus Boulevard

DA No. 2020/839
Applicant Newton Denny Chapelle
Property  Lot 31 DP 1266221, 51 Habitat Way Lennox Head
PROPOSAL Multi-Dwelling Housing and Strata Title subdivision of three single storey dwellings and associated works.

Submissions close 29 January 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination. 

DA No. 2020/778
Applicant R&J Harris Consulting Pty Ltd
Property  Lot 10 DP 1137966 - 540 Pimlico Rd Pimlico
Erection of 30 silos to a maximum height of 12.9m AHD for the purpose of seasonal storage of local produce and associated works. The application includes a variation to the height of building development standard under clause 4.3A of the BLEP 2012, due to the proposed height of the silos.
Submissions close 21 January 2021.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website