On-Site Sewage Management

OSSM Strategy and Guidelines

The OSSM Strategy provides information on how the OSSM Program will be operated, key objectives and how to obtain approval to install or operate an On-site Sewage Management System (OSSMS). If you intend to install, alter or construct and OSSM system then please refer to the OSSM Guidelines for essential information for OSSM designers, plumbers and drainers (installers) and OSSM homeowners.

OSSMS are required in all non-sewered areas. There are over 4,000 OSSMS installed in Ballina Shire.

OSSMS include septics, aerated wastewater treatment systems, composting toilets, reedbeds, sand filters, biological filters, membrane reactors and greywater systems.

These systems treat wastewater from premises before applying the effluent to land. Effluent land applications include absorption/evaporation beds or subsurface irrigation.

Forms and Checklists

Application for Approval to Operate (ATO) and OSSM Inspection Checklists

The checklist and the ATO application form are to be completed and submitted to Council once a suitably qualified person (ie NSW licenced plumber and drainer or suitably qualified OSSM designer) has been engaged and inspected their OSSMS prior to the expiry date of the ATO certificate. Please note the checklists can only be completed by a NSW licenced plumber and drainer or suitably qualified designer. For homeowners with Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTS), the most recent service report can be submitted to Council with an ‘Approval to Operate – Renewal Form (Section 68)’ to obtain an ATO certificate.

These checklists can also be submitted on behalf of the property owner who may be wishing to sell their property. New homeowners must apply for an ATO certificate to Council within two months of the date of property transfer. This will require the submission of an 'Approval to Operate OWMS Renewal Form (Section 68)' and an inspection checklist report or AWTS service report.

OSSM Suitably Qualified Person

  • OSSM Suitably Qualified Person Application Form(PDF, 119KB)
    If you intend to conduct site and soil assessments, design OSSM systems and/or service AWTS within the Ballina Shire then you are required to be a suitably qualified person. Complete the application form and submit to Council with supporting documentation.

List of Suitably Qualified People

OSSM Owner Education Booklet

The OSSM owner educational booklet provides information for existing and future OSSM owners on the fundamentals on how to choose an OSSM system, how it works and how to maintain the system.


These factsheets will assist the homeowner, wastewater consultant, plumber & drainer to design, install and maintain the OSSMS.

OSSM Desktop Study Information

Groundwater Bores Location

To check for the location of the nearest licensed groundwater bores click on the link below to take you to the NSW Waterinfo website:

Drinking Water Catchment Areas - Application Process

To check if a property is within the Drinking Water Catchment Area of the Shire:

  1. Click on 'View Online Mapping'
  2. Select 'Public - Environment' from the menu on the left hadn side.
  3. Select 'Drinking water catchments'
  4. If the property is within the Drinking Water Catchment Area then refer to the Rous Water On-Site Wastewater Management Guidelines(PDF, 672KB) for application requirements.

Note: There are four drinking water bore sites within the Shire with a 250m radius catchment protection zone around each bore. If your property is located within this protection zone and you intend to install a new or upgrade an existing OSSM system then please contact Council to determine the application requirements.

Contact Council's Planning and Environmental Health Division if you need further clarification.

Priority Oyster Aquaculture Areas

If you are intending to upgrade or install a new OSSM system, in close proximity to the Richmond River or tributary stream, then you must determine if the property is within the Priority Oyster Aquaculture Area zone of influence. When a property is within this zone of influence then further OSSM design specifications may be required to ensure that there are no impacts on the Priority Oyster Aquaculture Areas.

The OSSM consultant is to refer to the NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fishing and Aquaculture website for the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy and Priority Oyster Aquaculture Area Maps.

The following facts sheets have been created to assist OSSM consultants:

Flood Level Maps

To obtain the 1:50 ARI flood level readings for the flood plain region of Ballina Shire Council:

  1. Click on 'View Online Mapping'
  2. Select 'Public - Environment' from the menu on the left hadn side.
  3. Select + next to 'flooding'
  4. Select 'Flood map 50yr 2050. A drop down will show the colours for each height.

Soil Factsheets

The information in these soil factsheets are general in advice and have been obtained from the Victorian Resources Online website, Department of Primary Industries Victoria. © State of Victoria, Department of Primary Industries 2012 (reproduced with permission). This information may be of assistance when preparing reports involving soil assessments on properties where it is proposed to install On-Site Sewage Management Systems (OSSMS).

Additional Information and Publications