Bike Plan

The Bike Plan aims to make Ballina Shire bicycle-friendly and better integrate cycling in our transport network. 

To form a well-planned network, the Bike Plan reviews existing facilities and committments and proposes new facilities , including the Coastal Recreational Path and Shared Path, the NSW Coastline Cycleway, and the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP). 

The Plan focuses on four main areas:

  1. plan, deliver and maintain a well-connected cycle network
  2. improve safety for cyclists
  3. provide cycling support facilities, such as signs, lighting and bike parking areas
  4. encourage and promote benefits of cycling.


Connect with us

Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

View more contacts

40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday