Council Notices 2024

4 September 2024

Notice of Meetings

There are no Ward Committee meetings or Ordinary meeting scheduled for this month due to the Local Government Elections on 14 September 2024.

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/198 PAN-447279
Applicant: Evolve Planning Services Pty Ltd
Property: Lot 526 DP 1281430, 3 Windrow Ave Cumbalum
Proposal: Temporary operation of an exhibition home from the existing dwelling, and alterations to create sales office and associated signage. The exhibition home will be open 7 days per week, 9am-5pm.
Submissions close: Thursday 19 September 2024

DA No: 2024/199 PAN-447286
Applicant: Evolve Planning Services Pty Ltd
Property: Lot 525 DP 1281430, 5 Windrow Ave Cumbalum
Proposal: Temporary operation of an exhibition home from the existing dwelling and associated signage. The exhibition home will be open 7 days per week, 9am-5pm.
Submissions close: Thursday 19 September 2024

DA No: 2024/141 PAN-434545
Applicant: Paul R Gray Architect Pty Ltd
Property: Lot: 18 Sec: 7 DP: 11867, 73 Stewart Street Lennox Head
Proposal: Multi dwelling housing development comprising the construction of 2 x dwellings and retention of the existing dwelling, demolition of the existing shed, construction of a carport and 3 x swimming pools, associate infrastructure and landscaping works and subsequent Strata Title subdivision.
Submissions close: Thursday 19 September 2024

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applications may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Integrated Development Proposal 

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: DA 2024/106 PAN-425234

Applicant: The Trustee for Alstonville Unit Trust
Property:  Lot: 10 DP: 1059499, 10 Lismore Road Alstonville
ProposalConstruction of a tourist park comprising 145 sites (116 long term and 29 short term) and including:  

  • Community building with office and reception
  • Swimming pool
  • Amenity buildings including toilet/shower amenities, and laundry facilities
  • Manager’s residence
  • Earthworks, vegetation management works, retaining walls, landscaping, car parking and infrastructure works

Submissions close: Thursday 19 September 2024 

The development is classified as ‘integrated development’ under the EP&A Act 1979 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure’s website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal. This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings. 

2 September 2024

Draft Amendment No 19 Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 (DCP2012)

At its Ordinary meeting on 22 August 2024, Council resolved to place draft Amendment No 19 to DCP2012 on public exhibition in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and associated Regulation. The proposed amendments relate to DCP2012 Chapter 4.

The proposed amendments focus on controls applying to dwelling houses, secondary dwellings and dual occupancies and include proposed changes to:

  • Setbacks, including building height plane
  • Solar access and climate appropriate building design
  • Landscaping and open space
  • Lot sizes for dual occupancy.

The relevant local environmental plan is Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012 (2013 EPI 20) - NSW Legislation

The proposed draft amendments are on exhibition from Monday 2 September 2024 to Tuesday 1 October 2024.

Information on public submissions and public disclosure requirements is available on our website at

Documents can be viewed and feedback provided at
Submissions close: Tuesday 1 October 2024.
Enquiries: Paula Newman, Strategic Planning Manager, Ph 1300 864 444

Amended Integrated Development Proposal 

Notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application, the subject of Land and Environment Court proceedings 0228105 of 2023, has been amended. 

DA No: DA 2022/721 PAN-294809

Applicant: GTH Resorts No 10 Pty Ltd
Property:  Lot: 1 DP: 124173, Lot: 1 DP: 522558 550-578 River Street WEST BALLINA, 6 Burns Point Ferry Road WEST BALLINA
Proposal: Erection of a Seniors Housing Development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 in five stages including 110 independent living units, community facilities, managers residence, earthworks (filling) and retaining walls, removal of vegetation, stormwater management and infrastructure works, landscaping and outdoor recreation areas. Vehicular access to the development is proposed via Burns Point Ferry Road with an emergency access via River Street. 

Submissions close: Monday 16 September 2024

On 29 August 2024 the Applicant received leave from the NSW Land and Environment Court to amend the abovementioned development application. This matter has been listed for a hearing on 16-20 and 23 September 2024, where the Court will determine whether the DA should be approved. 

Please Note: the NSW Land and Environment Court will exercise the functions of the Determining Authority for this Development Application. Should you make any submission in relation to this application that submission will be made available to the Land and Environment Court for their consideration and may be viewed by other interested persons.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Any person may make a submission on the amended DA in writing to Council. All submissions will be forwarded on to the Land and Environment Court for its consideration. Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public. They will also be included in the documentation prepared as part of the appeal proceedings and submitted to the Land and Environment Court. You may wish to provide an anonymous submission. However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

All submissions that have been made to date have been considered by Council and have been, where appropriate, raised by Council as issues for consideration by the Court. If you would like to make any further submission in relation to the amended material provided for DA 2022/721, please do so strictly by Monday 16 September 2024.

The development also comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires an approval from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and Department of Planning and Environment - Water under the Water Management Act 2000.

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 28 March 2024 Meeting to place the following policy on exhibition for public comment:

Busking Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close: Wednesday 2 October 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

28 August 2024

Development proposal/voluntary planning agreement 

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: DA 2024/133  -  PAN-431954
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot: 1 DP: 598049. 28 Smith Drive, West Ballina
Proposal: Proposed Recreation Facility (Indoor), incorporating associated demolition works, new building, on site carparking, on street car parking with associated Voluntary Planning Agreement, signage & landscaping.

Voluntary Planning Agreement
The construction of public domain works in Smith Drive to offset a shortfall in on-site car parking spaces, including: 

  1. 15 car parking spaces to be sized in accordance with AS2890:5;
  2. kerb and gutter adjacent to Smith Drive;
  3. a kerb ramp leading from Smith Drive to the Land;
  4. and the widening of Smith Drive within the site frontage to 11 metres 

Submissions close: Friday 27 September 2024

In connection with the development application, Council is proposing to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with the owners of the land as described above. In accordance with section 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, this VPA is on public notice together with the proposed development under the DA 2024/133.

The subject development application and associated documents including the VPA may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.


Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 9A and 9B of the EP&A Act, notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: DA 2024/173 PAN-440304
Applicant: Evolve Planning Services Pty Ltd
Property:  Lot: 246 DP: 755684. 20 Bangalow Road, Ballina
Proposal: Fit out and use of an existing tenancy as a community facility
Submissions close: Friday 27 September 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.  Notification of those development applications to be reported to Council.


21 August 2024

No further updates

14 August 2024

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2024/195 - PAN-446178

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 8A and 9A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/195 PAN-446178
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 100 DP 855195 - 30 Links Avenue, East Ballina
Proposal: Decommissioning and replacement of underground fuel storage tanks and associated dewatering works and remediation works. 
Submissions close: Friday 13 September 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment-Water under Section 90(2) of the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal Council File Reference DA 2024/190  -  PAN-445882

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/190 PAN-445882
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property:  Lot 0 SP 2442 - 6-8 Norlyn Avenue Ballina
Proposal: Proposed flood mitigation works to an existing revetment wall 
Submissions close: Wednesday 11 September 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment-Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Proposed Licence Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into a licence agreement for occupation of part of the land known as Lumley Park which is on land classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (‘the Act’) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

TenantAlstonville Tennis Club Inc
Location of Property: Part of Lumley Park, Alstonville, being part of Lot 333 DP755745 and part Lot 7004 DP92641
Purpose Sports courts and sports buildings (excluding the public toilets) (Note: this is a proposed new licence to the existing licensee)
Term12 month licence
Submissions close: 4.30pm Monday 23 September 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified. All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public. Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Proposed Lease Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into a lease agreement for occupation of part of the land known as Tintenbar Oval which is on land classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (‘the Act’) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

TenantTintenbar Tennis Club Inc
Location of Property: Part of Tintenbar Oval, being part of Lot 371 DP 729061 - 56 Fernleigh Road, Tintenbar
PurposeTennis courts and tennis building (Note: This is a proposed new lease to the existing occupant)
TermFour (4) year lease
Submissions close: 4.30pm Monday 23 September 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified. All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public. Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

7 August 2024

Draft Amendment No 17 Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 (DCP2012)

At its Ordinary meeting on 25 July 2024, Council resolved to place draft Amendment No 17 to DCP2012 on public exhibition. The proposed amendments relate to DCP2012 Chapters 1, 2, 2a, 3 and 4 and Special Area Control Map SR_005_020. The proposed amendments include:

  • Chapter 1 – Amend definition of ancillary development to include shade structure.
  • Chapter 2 – Amend cl 3.16 Public Art, cl 3.18 Protection of Foreshore and Public Open Space Areas, cl 3.19 General Carparking Requirements for pubs and registered clubs and insert new cl 3.24 Acid Sulfate Soils.
  • Chapter 2a – Amend cl 3.2 to specify consent required for vegetation management works in the C3 zone and provide additional exemptions in cl 3.3 for vegetation management works in the C2 and C3 zones.
  • Chapter 3 - Delete Section 5.8 and Schedule F Burns Point Ferry Road Area, insert new Schedule F Park Infrastructure Elements.
  • Chapter 4 – Amend Element E Building Line Controls.
  • Amend Special Area Control Map SR_005_020 to remove the Burns Point site.

The proposed draft amendments are on exhibition from Friday 9 August 2024 to Monday 9 September 2024.

Information on public submissions and public disclosure requirements is available on our website at

Documents can be viewed and feedback provided at
Submissions close: Monday 9 September 2024
Enquiries: Klaus Kerzinger, Strategic Planner, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Community Land - Lease

TenantBallina Junior Rugby League Football Club Inc
Location of Property: Part of Kingsford Smith Reserve (on Lot 7064 DP 1118403), off Bentinck Street, Ballina
PurposeSport amenities building and sport storage (Note: This is a proposed new lease of the new sports amenities building)
TermFour (4) year lease
Submissions close: 4.30pm Monday 9 September 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified.  All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public.  Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at or by letter to Council at PO Box 450 Ballina NSW 2478 or by email to
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 

Community Land - Licence

TenantBallina Seagulls Football Club Inc
Location of Property: Part of Kingsford Smith Reserve (on Lot 153 DP 1098090), off Bentinck Street Ballina
PurposeSport amenities building (Note: This is a proposed new licences to the existing licensee)
Term12 month licence
Submissions close: 4.30pm Monday 9 September 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified.  All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public.  Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at or by letter to Council at PO Box 450 Ballina NSW 2478 or by email to
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 

Community Land - Lease

TenantBallina Netball Association Inc
Location of Property: Part of Kingsford Smith Reserve (on Lot 7064 DP 1118403) off Owen Street, Ballina
PurposeSport amenities building and sport storage (Note: This is a proposed new lease to the existing tenant)
TermFour (4) year lease
Submissions close: 4.30pm Monday 9 September 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified.  All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public.  Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at or by letter to Council at PO Box 450 Ballina NSW 2478 or by email to
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 

1 August 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina (unless another venue is stated):

  • Monday 5 August 2024 - 4pm - Commercial Services Committee
  • Wednesday 14 August 2024 - 10am - Local Traffic Committee
  • Thursday 22 August 2024 - 9am - Ordinary meeting
  • Tuesday 27 August - 4pm - A Ward Committee
  • Thursday 29 August - 5pm - C Ward Committee (Crawford House, Alstonville)

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 25 July 2024 Meeting to place the following policies on exhibition for public comment:

Developer Contributions Investment Incentive Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close: Friday 30 August 2024
Enquiries: Klaus Kerzinger, Strategic Planner, Ph 1300 864 444

Donations - Australian Representation Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close: Friday 30 August 2024
Enquiries: Tracy Lister, Manager Communications and Customer Service, Ph 1300 864 444

Events on Public Land Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close: Friday 30 August 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

Voluntary Planning Agreements Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close: Friday 30 August 2024
Enquiries: Paula Newman, Manager Strategic Planning, Ph 1300 864 444

24 July 2024

New 2024/25 Fee

At its June 2024 Ordinary meeting, Council resolved to adopt a new fee for 2024/25 to recover the administration costs for Council's technical officers, under a service agreement, to provide developer proponents access to the West Ballina Overland Flood Model. 

View fee details and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Friday 16 August 2024
Enquiries:  Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

17 July 2024

No further updates

10 July 2024

No further updates

3 July 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina (unless another venue is stated):

  • Tuesday 9 July - 4pm - A Ward Committee
  • Thursday 11 July 2024 - 5pm - C Ward Committee (Wollongbar Hall)
  • Monday 15 July - 4.30pm - B Ward Committee
  • Thursday 25 July 2024 - 9am - Ordinary meeting

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 27 June 2024 Meeting to place the following policies on exhibition for public comment:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 31 July 2024
Enquiries: Fran Summerfield, Manager People and Culture, Ph 1300 864 444

Financial Assistance (Hardship) - Rates and Charges
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 31 July 2024
Enquiries: Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Investments Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 31 July 2024
Enquiries: Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Public Art Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 31 July 2024
Enquiries: Paula Newman, Manager Strategic Planning, Ph 1300 864 444

Rates and Charges - Debt Recovery Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 31 July 2024
Enquiries: Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Proposed Licence Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into a licence agreement for occupation of part of the land known as The Ballina Community Gardens which is on land classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (‘the Act’) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

TenantThe Ballina Community Gardens Inc
Location of Property: Part Lot 4 DP 1153430 – Canal Road, Ballina
PurposeOperation and management of a community garden
TermFour (4) year lease
Submissions close: 4.30pm Tuesday 30 July 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified. All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public. Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

26 June 2024

Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2018/518 PAN-428696
Applicant: Mr J H Jarzynski
Property: Lot: D DP: 359030, 23 Richmond Street Wardell
Proposal: Modification to consent and approved plan set to enable the removal of three x Swamp Oak trees and the pruning of two x Swamp Oak trees. 

Submissions close: Thursday 11 July 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment-Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

19 June 2024

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/85 PAN-421418
Applicant: Mr G Meineke
Property: Lot 9 DP 31154, Lot 10 DP 31154; 18 Riverside Drive West Ballina, 20 Riverside Drive West Ballina
Proposal: Torrens title Subdivision involving a boundary adjustment to create two modified lots comprising one x 391.8m2 and one x 620m2 allotment, and associated changes to boundary fencing.

Submissions close: Thursday 4 July 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Division 2 Section 9B Council related development applications of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/132 PAN-431784
Applicant: Bitupave Ltd
Property: Lot 21 DP 1243105, 540 Gap Rd Alstonville
Proposal: Decommissioning of asphalt plant including demolition and removal of buildings and structures and make-good site works.

Submissions close: Friday 5 July 2024

This development application is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/110 PAN-426955
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 5 DP 255583, Lot 1 DP 877181;178 Kirklands Lane Fernleigh, Majors Lane Fernleigh
Proposal: To undertake a boundary adjustment subdivision of 2 x rural lots (Lot 1 – 39.93ha and Lot 5 – 14.32ha) to create 2 x modified rural lots (Proposed Lot 1 – 6.13ha and Proposed Lot 2 48.1ha). 

Submissions close: Thursday 4 July 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as it requires approval from NSW RFS under Section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

12 June 2024

No further updates

5 June 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina (unless another venue is stated):

  • Wednesday 12 June 2024 - 10am - Local Traffic Committee
  • Wednesday 12 June 2024 - 4pm - Commercial Services Committee
  • Thursday 27 June 2024 - 9am - Ordinary meeting

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 23 May 2024 Meeting to place the following policies on exhibition for public comment:

Donations - Rates and Charges Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 26 June 2024
Enquiries: Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Community Property Leasing and Licensing Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 26 June 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

Festival and Events Sponsorship Policy - Community
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 26 June 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

Festival and Events Sponsorship Policy - Commercial
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 26 June 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Division 2 Section 9B Council related development applications of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/132 PAN-431784
Applicant: Bitupave Ltd
Property: Lot 21 DP 1243105, 540 Gap Rd Alstonville
Proposal: Decommissioning of asphalt plant including demolition and removal of buildings and structures and make-good site works.

Submissions close: Friday 5 July 2024

This development application is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

29 May 2024

No further updates

22 May 2024

Community Donation Programs 2024/25 closing soon

Council’s draft 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan provides funding through our donations programs to assist community-based groups deliver services to our residents.

Applications are now open for the following donation programs for the 2024/25 period, to be eligible for financial assistance the relevant online form must be completed and submitted online by the closing date:

Donations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups

For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the policy hereDonations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups
Apply here2024/25 Donations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups Application Form
Applications close: Friday 31 May 2024
Enquiries: Nikki Glassop, Administration Officer - Corporate and Community, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Donations - Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups

For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the policy hereDonations - Community Sporting Groups Capital Works 
Apply here2024/25 Donations - Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups Application Form
Applications close: Friday 31 May 2024
Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

15 May 2024

Community Donation Programs 2024/25

Council’s draft 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan provides funding through our donations programs to assist community-based groups deliver services to our residents.

Applications are now open for the following donation programs for the 2024/25 period, to be eligible for financial assistance the relevant online form must be completed and submitted online by the closing date:

Donations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups

For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the policy hereDonations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups
Apply here2024/25 Donations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups Application Form
Applications close: Friday 31 May 2024
Enquiries: Nikki Glassop, Administration Officer - Corporate and Community, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Donations - Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups

For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the policy hereDonations - Community Sporting Groups Capital Works 
Apply here2024/25 Donations - Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups Application Form
Applications close: Friday 31 May 2024
Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

8 May 2024

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Our Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2024/2025 - 2027/2028 is on exhibition on our Your Say Ballina page, and we are seeking your feedback.

The plans provide key actions and services for the 2024/25 financial year, a summary of our major capital works and our longer-term financial information.

As a Council, we are the closest level of government to the community. Many of the services we provide, such as water, wastewater, waste, open spaces, footpaths and drainage, are all critical components of our day-to-day lives.

The next four years promise to remain challenging as our shire grows. We strive to maintain our essential infrastructure and provide new infrastructure as and when required.

You are welcome to attend the following Community Information Session:

  • Wednesday 15 May - 6pm - 7.30pm - Wardell & District War Memorial Hall

If you are unable to make it in person, an online video presentation will be uploaded to the Your Say Ballina page this week.

View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Enquiries:  Linda Coulter, Manager Financial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Development Proposals

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 9B Environmental Planning and Assessment Act , notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/59 PAN-416576
Applicant: Senica Consultancy Group Pty Limited
Property: Lot 2 DP 1205880, 21 Alston Ave Alstonville
Proposal: Alterations and additions to existing community facility. 

Submissions close: Friday 24 May 2024

DA No: 2024/75 PAN-419476
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 1 DP 611789 and Lot 2 DP 1031929, 42-46 Commercial Rd Alstonville and 22-40 Commercial Rd Alstonville
Proposal: Torrens title Subdivision involving a boundary adjustment to create two modified lots comprising one x 5,168m2 lot and one x 5.638ha allotment, and demolition of existing toilet facility. 

Submissions close: Friday 24 May 2024

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applications may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

1 May 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina (unless another venue is stated):

  • Thursday 9 May - 5pm - C Ward Committee, Crawford House, Alstonville
  • Tuesday 14 May - 4pm - A Ward Committee
  • Monday 20 May - 4.30pm - B Ward Committee
  • Thursday 23 May - 9am - Ordinary meeting

Community Donation Programs 2024/25

Council’s draft 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan provides funding through our donations programs to assist community-based groups deliver services to our residents.

Applications are now open for the following donation programs for the 2024/25 period, to be eligible for financial assistance the relevant online form must be completed and submitted online by the closing date:

Donations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups

For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the policy hereDonations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups
Apply here2024/25 Donations - Financial Assistance for Community Groups Application Form
Applications close: Friday 31 May 2024
Enquiries: Nikki Glassop, Administration Officer - Corporate and Community, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Donations - Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups

For guidelines on how financial assistance is provided refer to the policy hereDonations - Community Sporting Groups Capital Works 
Apply here2024/25 Donations - Capital Works Assistance for Community Sporting Groups Application Form
Applications close: Friday 31 May 2024
Enquiries: Luke Marshall, Open Spaces Development Officer, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 24 April 2024 Meeting to place the following policies on exhibition for public comment:

Cemetery Management Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 28 May 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

Naming and Addressing Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 28 May 2024
Enquiries: David Kelly, Manager Infrastructure Planning, Ph 1300 864 444

Weddings on Public Land Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 28 May 2024
Enquiries: Cheyne Willebrands, Manager Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444

BSDCP 2012 Development Control Plan Amendment – Cumbalum Precinct B (Kinvara)

At its Ordinary meeting on 24 April 2024, Council resolved to place draft amendments to Chapter 3 of the Ballina Shire Development Control Plan 2012 (BSDCP2012) on public exhibition. The proposed amendments are to Section 5.5 of Chapter 3 – Cumbalum Precinct B. The main amendments are reflected in the draft DCP plans as well as the detailed provisions and are as follows:

  • Relocation of the local commercial centre to an area more centrally located to future housing
  • Realignment of the road network to better respond to topography
  • Relocation of stormwater retention basins
  • Nomination of areas where significant bulk earthworks may occur
  • Modify location and requirements for parks and community halls
  • New provision regarding impacts of development on groundwater
  • Update of provisions to reflect contemporary planning and environmental management practices.

The proposed draft amendments are on exhibition from Monday 6 May 2024 to Monday 3 June 2024.

Information on public submissions and public disclosure requirements is available on our website at

Documents can be viewed and feedback provided at
Submissions close: Monday 3 June 2024
Enquiries: Paula Newman, Strategic Planning Manager, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clauses 9A and 9B of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/22 PAN-405994
Applicant: Ballina Shire Council
Property: Lot 1 DP 1153430, 31 Canal Rd Ballina
Proposal: Earthworks comprising the removal and disposal of 933m³ of arsenic contaminated soil from the site and in accordance with a Remedial Action Plan prepared for the site, replacement with clean fill, and associated vegetation management works comprising the removal of eight trees.

Submissions close: Friday 17 May 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

24 April 2024

Amended Integrated Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application, the subject of Land and Environment Court proceedings 0228105 of 2023, has been amended.

DA No: 2022/721 PAN-294809
Applicant: GTH Resorts No 10 Pty Ltd
Property: Lot: 1 DP: 124173, Lot: 1 DP: 522558, 550-578 River Street West Ballina, 6 Burns Point Ferry Road West Ballina
Proposal: Erection of a Seniors Housing Development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 in five stages including 146 independent living units, community facilities, managers residence, earthworks (filling) and retaining walls, removal of vegetation, stormwater management and infrastructure works, landscaping and outdoor recreation areas. Vehicular access to the development is proposed via Burns Point Ferry Road with an emergency access via River Street.

Submissions close: Thursday 2 May 2024

Please Note: the Land and Environment Court will exercise the functions of the Determining Authority for this Development Application. Should you make any submission in relation to this application, that submission will be made available to the Land and Environment Court for their consideration and may be viewed by other interested persons.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Any person may make a submission on the amended DA in writing to Council. All submissions will be forwarded on to the Land and Environment Court for its consideration. Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public. They will also be included in the documentation prepared as part of the appeal proceedings and submitted to the Land and Environment Court. You may wish to provide an anonymous submission. However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

All submissions that have been made to date have been considered by Council and have been, where appropriate, raised by Council as issues for consideration by the Court. If you would like to make any further submission in relation to the amended material provided for DA 2022/721, please do so by Thursday 2 May 2024.

The development also comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires an approval from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and Department of Planning and Environment - Water under the Water Management Act 2000.

Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/40 PAN-411548
Applicant: Anthony Hart
Property: Lot 101 DP 1289402, Lot 102 DP 1289402 and Lot 103 DP 1289402, 877 and 851 Friday Hut Rd Brooklet and 935 Fernleigh Rd Brooklet
Proposal: To undertake a three lot rural subdivision by way of a boundary adjustment to create 1 x 1.7ha, 1 x 2.8ha and 1 x 66.5ha allotments. 

Submissions close: Friday 10 May 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/45 PAN-412873
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 2 DP 527953, 246-250 Lismore Rd Wollongbar
Proposal: Construction of a single storey building for the purposes of a medical centre, associated business identification signage, car parking, infrastructure and landscape works. 

Submissions close: Friday 10 May 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Development Proposals

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 9B Environmental Planning and Assessment Act , notice is hereby given that the following integrated development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/59 PAN-416576
Applicant: Senica Consultancy Group Pty Limited
Property: Lot 2 DP 1205880, 21 Alston Ave Alstonville
Proposal: Alterations and additions to existing community facility. 

Submissions close: Friday 24 May 2024

DA No: 2024/75 PAN-419476
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 1 DP 611789 and Lot 2 DP 1031929, 42-46 Commercial Rd Alstonville and 22-40 Commercial Rd Alstonville
Proposal: Torrens title Subdivision involving a boundary adjustment to create two modified lots comprising one x 5,168m2 lot and one x 5.638ha allotment, and demolition of existing toilet facility. 

Submissions close: Friday 24 May 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

17 April 2024

Proposal to Lease Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into the following Lease Agreement for land which is classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

TenantTintenbar East Ballina Football Club Inc
Location of Property: of Ballina Heights Sports Field, being the sports building located at 33 Power Drive, Cumbalum (part of Lot 99 DP 1196589)
PurposeSports building (Note: This is a proposed new lease to an existing tenant).
TermFour (4) year lease
Submissions close: 4.30pm Monday 20 May 2024

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified. All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public. Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at
Enquiries: Katie Miller, Property Officer, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/16 PAN-406187
Property: Lot 503 DP 1281430, 6 Windrow Ave Cumbalum
ProposalTemporary operation of an exhibition home from the dwelling for a 3 year period, including fit out of sales office and one associated pole sign. The exhibition home will be open 7 days per week, 9am-5pm.

Submissions close: Friday 3 May 2024

DA No: 2024/37 PAN-410760
Applicant: Mr J Orchard
Property: Lot 1 DP 309610, 3 Sinclair St Wardell
ProposalContinued use of the former National Bank building and ancillary outbuildings as a Community Facility (WardellCORE), associated alterations and additions to the existing buildings and structures, retention of an existing storage container, and construction of a new colourbond shade structure.

Submissions close: Friday 3 May 2024

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applications may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 9A and 9B of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2024/22 PAN-405994
Applicant: Ballina Shire Council
Property: Lot 1 DP 1153430, 31 Canal Rd Ballina
Proposal: Earthworks comprising the removal and disposal of 933m³ of arsenic contaminated soil from the site and in accordance with a Remedial Action Plan prepared for the site, replacement with clean fill, and associated vegetation management works comprising the removal of eight trees.

Submissions close: Friday 17 May 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

10 April 2024

Amended Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application, the subject of Land and Environment Court proceedings 0228105 of 2023, has been amended.

DA No: 2022/721 PAN-294809
Applicant: GTH Resorts No 10 Pty Ltd
Property: Lot: 1 DP: 124173, Lot: 1 DP: 522558, 550-578 River Street West Ballina, 6 Burns Point Ferry Road West Ballina
Proposal: Erection of a Seniors Housing Development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 in five stages including 146 independent living units, community facilities, managers residence, earthworks (filling) and retaining walls, removal of vegetation, stormwater management and infrastructure works, landscaping and outdoor recreation areas. Vehicular access to the development is proposed via Burns Point Ferry Road with an emergency access via River Street.

Submissions close: Thursday 2 May 2024

Please Note: the Land and Environment Court will exercise the functions of the Determining Authority for this Development Application. Should you make any submission in relation to this application, that submission will be made available to the Land and Environment Court for their consideration and may be viewed by other interested persons.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Any person may make a submission on the amended DA in writing to Council. All submissions will be forwarded on to the Land and Environment Court for its consideration. Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public. They will also be included in the documentation prepared as part of the appeal proceedings and submitted to the Land and Environment Court. You may wish to provide an anonymous submission. However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

All submissions that have been made to date have been considered by Council and have been, where appropriate, raised by Council as issues for consideration by the Court. If you would like to make any further submission in relation to the amended material provided for DA 2022/721, please do so by Thursday 2 May 2024.

The development also comprises “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires an approval from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and Department of Planning and Environment - Water under the Water Management Act 2000.

3 April 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina:

  • Tuesday 9 April - 4pm - Finance and  Facilities Committee
  • Wednesday 10 April - 10am - Local Traffic Committee
  • Wednesday 24 April - 9am - Ordinary meeting (please note change of date due to Anzac Day)

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 28 March 2024 Meeting to place the following policies on exhibition for public comment:

Building Over or Adjacent to Council Assets Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 30 April 2024
Enquiries: David Kelly, Manager Infrastrcuture Planning, Ph 1300 864 444

Management of Contaminated Land Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 30 April 2024
Enquiries: Rachael Jenner, Coordinator Public and Environmental Health, Ph 1300 864 444

Private Structures Within Council Owned Waterways Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 30 April 2024
Enquiries: Leanne Harding, Coordinator Property, Ph 1300 864 444

Street Light Shielding Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Tuesday 30 April 2024
Enquiries: Stuart Hynes, Road Assets Engineer, Ph 1300 864 444

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2022/173 PAN-210153 (re-advertised)
Applicant: BRS Northern Rivers Pty Limited
Property: Lot 527 DP 1281430, Lot 528 DP 1281430 and Lot 363 DP 1273203, Unara Parkway, Ballina Heights Drive and 658 Tamarind Drive, Cumbalum
Proposal: Amended Plans - Torrens Title Subdivision of three existing allotments to create 93 new residential lots (reconfiguration and subdivision of Stages 10 and 11 of the Banyan Hill Estate as originally approved via DA 2016/184) ranging in area from 455m² to 1741m², one x public reserve lot, one x drainage reserve lot and three residual allotments. The subdivision involves earthworks, construction of retaining walls, infrastructure and servicing works, and vegetation management works (removal of 54 paddock trees).

Submissions close: Tuesday 23 April 2024

This development application is classified as:

  • “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000; and 
  • “integrated development” under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

27 March 2024

Fishery Creek - Marine Barge
A marine barge will be temporarily located at Fishery Creek Bridge from Tuesday 2 April 2024. This barge will be gathering geotechnical samples for future Council projects. The nearby boat ramp remains open. Please follow all navigation markers and boat safety advice. 

For more information, contact Civil Services on 1300 864 444. 

20 March 2024

Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/406 PAN-373645 (re-advertised)
Applicant: Town Planning Alliance (NSW) Pty Ltd
Property: Lot 1 DP 204760, 290 North Teven Rd Teven
Proposal: Increase the number of events/functions associated with the Place of Assembly (Function Centre & Refreshment Room) approved under DA 2017/557 to a maximum of two per week and 104 over a 12-month period. 

Submissions close: Tuesday 9 April 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

Council acknowledges any previous submissions that has been received for this development application. Council is re-advertising the application due to confirmation from NSW Rural Fire Services (RFS) that the application is Integrated Development.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Nominated Integrated Development Proposals

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/500 PAN-393659
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 10 DP 1297404, Ascot Rd Ballina
Proposal: To undertake the construction of an industrial complex containing 2 x units/tenancies.

Submissions close: Friday 5 April 2024

This development is classified as “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment – Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.

DA No: 2022/173 PAN-210153 (re-advertised)
Applicant: BRS Northern Rivers Pty Limited
Property: Lot 527 DP 1281430, Lot 528 DP 1281430 and Lot 363 DP 1273203, Unara Parkway, Ballina Heights Drive and 658 Tamarind Drive, Cumbalum
Proposal: Amended Plans - Torrens Title Subdivision of three existing allotments to create 93 new residential lots (reconfiguration and subdivision of Stages 10 and 11 of the Banyan Hill Estate as originally approved via DA 2016/184) ranging in area from 455m² to 1741m², one x public reserve lot, one x drainage reserve lot and three residual allotments. The subdivision involves earthworks, construction of retaining walls, infrastructure and servicing works, and vegetation management works (removal of 54 paddock trees).

Submissions close: Tuesday 23 April 2024

This development application is classified as:

  • “nominated integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000; and 
  • “integrated development” under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applications may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

13 March 2024

Proposal to Lease Community Land

Ballina Shire Council is proposing to enter into the following Lease Agreement for land which is classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:

TenantCountry Women's Association of New South Wales Incorporated (CWA)
Location of Property: Lot 8 Section 5A DP 758047 – River Street, Ballina (Council is Crown Land Manager)
PurposeThis building will be leased as a community hall for functions and meetings.
TermFour (4) year lease
Submissions close: 4.30pm Tuesday 16 April 2024.

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the lease.

Where a submission is an objection, the grounds of objection must be specified. All submissions, including any personal information, will become publicly available and will be made available to the applicant and interested members of the public. Submissions may be included in Council’s business paper and provided to the Minister for Local Government.

Provide feedback at
Enquiries: Jessica Saad, Property Officer - Community Land, Open Spaces, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

Development Proposal - Remedial Action Plan

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 9A Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/534 PAN-401706
Applicant: Tim Fitzroy & Associates
Property: Lot 1 DP 874576, 33 Canal Rd Ballina
ProposalThe aim of this development application is to implement the remedial action plan (RAP) that has been prepared specifically for this site. The RAP recommends removal of up to 35m3 of arsenic contaminated soil from the site. Removal of contaminants comprises excavating the contaminated material for off-site disposal.

Submissions close: Friday 29 March 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Pesticide Use Notification - Epiq Estate, Lennox Head

Dipel DF Biological Insecticide will be applied to Brush Box street tree plantings to control a Bagworm Moth caterpillar infestation in the Epiq Estate Lennox Head.

Trees will have canopy foliage sprayed in the following locations:

  • Road reserve adjacent to Epiq Market, 5 Snapper Drive, Lennox Head

  • 89 Hutley Drive, Lennox Head to the intersection of Cooloola Road, Lennox Head

  • Road reserve adjacent to 8-28 Cooloola Road, Lennox Head

Application is scheduled to take place Thursday 14 and Friday 15 March 2024 (weather dependent).

The product does not have a withholding period and areas will be safe to enter after application.

Enquiries: Bronson Branch, Arborist, Ph 1300 864 444 or email

6 March 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina (unless another venue is stated):

  • Tuesday 12 March - 4pm - A Ward Committee
  • Wednesday 13 March - 4pm - Finance and Facilities Committee
  • Thursday 14 March - 5pm - C Ward Committee (Crawford House, Alstonville)
  • Monday 18 March - 4.30pm - B Ward Committee
  • Thursday 28 March - 9am - Ordinary meeting

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/535 PAN-401909
Property: Lot 685 DP 1291797, Ballina Heights Dr Cumbalum
Proposal: Erection of a new retail premises comprising a supermarket and bottle shop, associated bin enclosure, earthworks, infrastructure works, driveways, car parking spaces and the erection of a free standing multiple identification sign.

Submissions close: Thursday 21 March 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Nominated Integrated Development Proposals

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/504 PAN-394750
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 2 DP 1031929, 22-40 Commercial Road Alstonville
Proposal: Stock holding yard comprising use of existing stock holding pens and cattle entry ramp, erection of shade structures above the existing stock holding pens, construction of six additional stock holding pens with shade structure, and ancillary earthworks and stormwater management works.

The stock holding yard will have capacity for 120 cattle and will be utilised for a maximum of six showground events per year.

Submissions close: Friday 22 March 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the Department of Planning and Environment – Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.

DA No: 2023/500 PAN-393659
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 10 DP 1297404, Ascot Rd Ballina
Proposal: To undertake the construction of an industrial complex containing 2 x units/tenancies.

Submissions close: Friday 5 April 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment – Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applicatione may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

28 February 2024

Council Policies on Public Exhibition

Ballina Shire Council resolved at its 22 February 2024 Meeting to place the following policies on exhibition for public comment:

Commercial Use of Footpaths Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: Leanne Harding, Coordinator Property, Ph 1300 864 444

Fire Asset Protection Zones - Private use of Public Land Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: James Brideson, Natural Resource Officer, Ph 1300 864 444

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: Caroline Klose, Director - Corporate and Community, Ph 1300 864 444

Markets on Public Land Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: Roberto Kenk, Social Planning Coordinator, Ph 1300 864 444

Property Investment and Development Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: Paul Tsikleas, Manager Commercial Services, Ph 1300 864 444

Risk Management Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: Stuart Roach, Coordinator Risk Management, Ph 1300 864 444

Road Closing Applications for Public Roads Policy
View documents and provide feedback at
Submissions close:  Wednesday 27 March 2024
Enquiries: David Kelly, Manager Infrastructure Planning, Ph 1300 864 444

Development Proposal

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/530 PAN-400088
Applicant: BRS Northern Rivers Pty Limited
Property: Lot 8 DP 734619, 826 Friday Hut Road Brooklet
ProposalStaged development application:

Stage 1
- Use of alterations and additions to dwelling;
- Use of alterations and additions to the ‘barn’ and change of use to tourist and visitor accommodation;

- Use of the building as a dwelling house to create a dual occupancy; and

- Use of the building as studio/shed ancillary to the principal dwelling.

Stage 2 include the construction of outdoor recreational facility.

Stage 3 change of use of farm building to farm gate premises.

Submissions close: Thursday 14 March 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Development Proposal - Remedial Action Plan

In accordance with Schedule 1 Division 2 – Clause 9A Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/534 PAN-401706
Applicant: Tim Fitzroy & Associates
Property: Lot 1 DP 874576, 33 Canal Rd Ballina
ProposalThe aim of this development application is to implement the remedial action plan (RAP) that has been prepared specifically for this site. The RAP recommends removal of up to 35m3 of arsenic contaminated soil from the site. Removal of contaminants comprises excavating the contaminated material for off-site disposal.

Submissions close: Friday 29 March 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

21 February 2024

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/491 PAN-392153
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 686 DP 1291797, Ballina Heights Drive Cumbalum
Proposal: To undertake a Torrens Title Subdivision of 1 x lot (12.275ha) to create 2 x lots (1 x 5.315ha and 1 x 6.957ha).

Submissions close: Thursday 7 March 2024

DA No: 2023/521 PAN-399211

Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 36 DP 1266221, 61 Habitat Way Lennox Head
Proposal: Two lot Torrens Title Subdivision of an existing residential allotment to create one x 606.9m2 allotment (containing dwelling house) and one x 1235m2 allotment (vacant) and associated infrastructure works.

Submissions close: Thursday 7 March 2024

DA No: 2023/528 PAN-400025

Applicant: Intrapac Skennars Head Pty Ltd
Property: Lot 544 DP 1294963, 1 Bream Lane Skennars Head
Proposal: Torrens Title Subdivision to create four new residential lots (ranging in area from 504m2 to 551m2).

Submissions close: Thursday 7 March 2024

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applications may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/504 PAN-394750
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 2 DP 1031929, 22-40 Commercial Road Alstonville
Proposal: Stock holding yard comprising use of existing stock holding pens and cattle entry ramp, erection of shade structures above the existing stock holding pens, construction of six additional stock holding pens with shade structure, and ancillary earthworks and stormwater management works.

The stock holding yard will have capacity for 120 cattle and will be utilised for a maximum of six showground events per year.

Submissions close: Friday 22 March 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” pursuant to Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires approval from the Department of Planning and Environment – Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Development Proposal - Northern Regional Planning Panel

Notice is hereby given that the following development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and for determination by the Northern Regional Planning Panel.

DA No: 2023/537 PAN-400658
Applicant: Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service Limited
Determining authority: Northern Regional Planning Panel – Reference number  PPSNTH-284
Property: Lot B DP 412148, Lot A DP 412148, Lot 1 DP 301763 and Lot C DP 412148, 18, 20 and 22 Grant St and 109 Tamar St Ballina
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings, construction of a two and three storey medical centre, variation to onsite carparking, related infrastructure works and landscaping.

Submissions close: Thursday 7 March 2024

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Please Note:  The Northern Regional Planning Panel is the Determining Authority for this Development Application.  Should you make any submission in relation to this application that submission will be made available to the Northern Regional Planning Panel for their consideration and may be viewed by other interested persons.

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  All submissions will be forwarded on to the Northern Regional Planning Panel for their consideration.  Where a submission is by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in the assessment report prepared by Council and submitted to the Northern Regional Planning Panel.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available, you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This Development Application will be reported to a meeting of the Northern Regional Planning Panel for determination.  Notification of the Regional Panel meeting is to be given by the Panel Secretariat, Department of Planning.

14 February 2024

Development Proposals

Notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/482 PAN-389573
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 2 DP 241585, 160 North Creek Road Lennox Head
Proposal: Demolition of existing structures, removal of vegetation and the subsequent Torrens Title Subdivision to create 8 x vacant residential lots involving earthworks, the construction of a new public road, associated infrastructure works and services.

Submissions close: Thursday 29 February 2024

DA No: 2023/503 PAN-394484
Applicant: Shakeup Architecture Pty Ltd
Property: Lot 2 DP 565096, 91 Moon St Ballina
Proposal: Demolition of all existing structures, tree removal, and construction of a multi dwelling housing development comprising four two story dwellings, associated infrastructure with a variation to the car parking requirements, and landscaping works.

Submissions close: Thursday 29 February 2024

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2018/747
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 129 DP 1276352 and Lot 43 DP 1242246, 17 Millbrook Terrace and 22 Scarlett Court Wollongbar
Proposal: To undertake a Torrens Title Subdivision and Boundary Adjustment Subdivision to create 17 x residential lots (ranging in area from 763m² to 4735m²), one x residual lot (Proposed Lot 19 – area of 2. 79ha), one x drainage reserve lot (area of 1736m²), involving bulk earthworks, the construction of a new road and the installation of infrastructure services.

Submissions close: Friday 1 March 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

7 February 2024

Notice of Meetings

The following meetings are scheduled to be held at the Ballina Shire Council Chambers, 40 Cherry Street, Ballina:

  • Wednesday 14 February - 10am - Local Traffic Committee
  • Wednesday 14 February - 4pm - Commercial Services Committee
  • Thursday 22 February - 9am - Ordinary meeting

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/421 PAN-377088
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 23 DP 842886, 43 Midway Ave Wollongbar
Proposal: To undertake a Torrens Title subdivision to create five x vacant residential lots (areas ranging from 794m² to 3243m²), one x residential lot with an area of 6338m² (containing an existing dual occupancy) and 1 x vacant residue lot (with no dwelling entitlement), involving the construction of a shared access driveway, associated infrastructure services and removal of vegetation.

Submissions close: Friday 23 February 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

31 January 2024

Nominated Integrated Development Proposals

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development applications have been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/479 PAN-386332
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 35 Sec: 2 DP 11687 and Lot 34 Sec: 2 DP 11687, 52 and 54 Ballina St Lennox Head
Proposal: Construction of a tourist and visitor accommodation development comprising hotel accommodation (35 rooms), guest services including swimming pool and bar, restaurant, two level basement car park for hotel patrons and the general public (paid parking after 1 hour) lot consolidation, and associated demolition works, earthworks, dewatering, vegetation management works, landscaping and civil works.

Submissions close: Friday 16 February 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000.

DA No: 2018/747
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 129 DP 1276352 and Lot 43 DP 1242246, 17 Millbrook Terrace and 22 Scarlett Court Wollongbar
Proposal: To undertake a Torrens Title Subdivision and Boundary Adjustment Subdivision to create 17 x residential lots (ranging in area from 763m² to 4735m²), one x residual lot (Proposed Lot 19 – area of 2. 79ha), one x drainage reserve lot (area of 1736m²), involving bulk earthworks, the construction of a new road and the installation of infrastructure services.

Submissions close: Friday 1 March 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 Section 100B.

The subject development applications and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

These development applications may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

24 January 2024

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/421 PAN-377088
Applicant: Ardill Payne & Partners
Property: Lot 23 DP 842886, 43 Midway Ave Wollongbar
Proposal: To undertake a Torrens Title subdivision to create five x vacant residential lots (areas ranging from 794m² to 3243m²), one x residential lot with an area of 6338m² (containing an existing dual occupancy) and 1 x vacant residue lot (with no dwelling entitlement), involving the construction of a shared access driveway, associated infrastructure services and removal of vegetation.

Submissions close: Friday 23 February 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment - Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000 and the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 section 100B.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

17 January 2024

Nominated Integrated Development Proposal

In accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that the following nominated integrated development application has been lodged for Council’s assessment and determination.

DA No: 2023/479 PAN-386332
Applicant: Newton Denny Chapelle
Property: Lot 35 Sec: 2 DP 11687 and Lot 34 Sec: 2 DP 11687, 52 and 54 Ballina St Lennox Head
Proposal: Construction of a tourist and visitor accommodation development comprising hotel accommodation (35 rooms), guest services including swimming pool and bar, restaurant, two level basement car park for hotel patrons and the general public (paid parking after 1 hour) lot consolidation, and associated demolition works, earthworks, dewatering, vegetation management works, landscaping and civil works.

Submissions close: Friday 16 February 2024

This development is classified as “integrated development” for the purposes of Section 4.46 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as it requires a Controlled Activity approval from the Department of Planning and Environment-Water under Section 91  – Water Management Act 2000.

The subject development application and associated documents may be viewed by visiting Council’s DAs (Development Applications) Online website, and clicking on Applications On Exhibition under the Applications menu.

Persons making a submission may need to disclose political donations/gifts provided to a Councillor or Council employee. Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure. For further information visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment's website

Any person may make a submission in writing to Council.  Where a submission is by way of objection the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.  All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available to the applicant and any other interested members of the public.  They may also be included in Council’s business paper.  If you do not wish your submission to be publicly available you must provide Council with written reasons for this.  Alternatively, you may wish to provide an anonymous submission.  However, anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in the overall consideration of the proposal.

This development application may be reported to Council for determination at one of its Council Meetings.

10 January 2024

No further updates

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Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

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Ballina NSW 2478


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