Council committees

Standing committees

Council has three Standing Committees:

  • Commercial Services Committee introduces, evaluates and reviews commercial dealings and operations of Council, with the aim of any commercial activity providing supplementary revenue to assist Council in its service delivery to the community.
  • Environmental and Sustainability Committee considers strategic and regulatory land use and planning matters.
  • Finance and Facilities Committee considers financial matters of a strategic nature including Council's annual budget deliberations and to provide strategic input into the facilitation and construction of major community facilities.

The above Committees have no delegated authority and minutes are confirmed by the elected Council.

Membership of the Standing Committees consists of all Councillors.

Reference groups

Council's one Reference Group involves community participation:

  • Access Reference Group identifies major access needs for various disability groups and makes recommendations to Council to resolve identified issues in priority order. Membership consists of community representatives who are either disabled or represent a disability group. The Committee has no delegated authority and there are no Councillor-appointed representatives, although Councillors can attend as observers.

Ward committees

Ballina Shire is divided into three Wards (view the Ward boundary map). Each Ward is represented by a Ward Committee which provides Council with feedback and policy advice on matters referred to them by Council and/or raised by members. Ward committees have no delegated authority.

Ward Committee membership is open to not-for-profit community groups, with eligible groups having one representative on a committee. Groups can apply for representation (form below). Applications are considered at the next Ordinary Council meeting.

Ward Committee Application Form

A Ward Committee

meets on odd-numbered months on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4.00 pm at the Council Chambers 

  • Tuesday 9 July 2024
  • Tuesday 27 August 2024 (due to Local Government Election in September)
  • Tuesday 12 November 2024

B Ward Committee

meets on odd-numbered months on the 3rd Monday of the month at 4.30 pm at the Council Chambers

  • Monday 15 July 2024
  • September 2024 meeting cancelled due to Local Government Election in September
  • Monday 18 November 2024

C Ward Committee

meets on odd-numbered months on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 5.00 pm at Crawford House, Alstonville (unless stated below)

  • Thursday 11 July 2024 at Wollongbar Hall
  • Thursday 29 August 2024 (due to Local Government Election in September)
  • Thursday 14 November 2024

Other committees

  • Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee provides information to Council for the purpose of improving the Council’s performance of its functions. The Committee aims to keep under review Council operations, such as compliance, risk management, fraud control, financial management and governance. The Committee also reviews the implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies including service reviews, collection of performance measurement data by council and any other matters prescribed by the regulations. The Committee consists of two councillors and four community representatives. Staff attend meetings as required. Meetings are held every quarter.
  • Ballina Shire Economic Activation Group to bring together key stakeholders to share and promote ideas and strategies that support the long term economic sustainability, increase business and social diversity of activities, support actions that increase day and night activities that optimise the benefits from the infrastructure and businesses in Ballina Shire. Membership includes the Mayor, one councillor from each Ward, and one representative from each of the three shire chambers of commerce, Destination NSW or Visitor Economy, and Business NSW. Meetings are held at least every three months. 
  • Local Traffic Committee is a requirement of Council’s statutory obligations as delegated by the Transport for NSW with respect to the Roads Act 1993. The role of the Committee is to consider the technical aspects of any proposal and make recommendations to the Council. Membership includes Council's Civil Services Division, Transport for NSW, NSW Police and the local State Member. Meetings are held 10am on the second Wednesday of every second month (dependent on sufficient agenda items). 
  • Public Art Advisory Committee provides guidance on the implementation of the Council’s Public Art Policy. Membership includes three councillors. Meetings are held as required.
  • Waterways Advisory Group - its primary objective is to pursue the restoration of the waterways within the Ballina Shire to a healthy state, while supporting the social and economic benefits that a healthy and diverse waterway system can bring to our community. Membership includes the Mayor, two councillors, representatives from the Ballina Chamber of Commerce, Ballina Fishermen's Co-operative, the Department of Planning Industry and Environment - Crown Lands and Fisheries, Transport for NSW - Maritime, Ozfish and community representatives. Meetings are held at least twice per annum.

Delegates to other organisations and Rous County Council

  • Alstonville/Wollongbar Chamber of Commerce (or similar organisation) Three C Ward Councillors and the Mayor
  • Ballina and District Chamber of Commerce Three A Ward Councillors, the Mayor and Cr Jeff Johnson.
  • Ballina Naval Museum Jeff Johnson and Cr Stephen McCarthy.
  • Cape Byron Marine Park (Auhority) Advisory Committee (when nominations are called by the Committee): Cr Simon Chate.
  • Country Mayors' Association: Mayor and General Manager.
  • Northern Region Planning Panel : Cr Sharon Cadwallader (Mayor), Cr Stephen McCarthy with Cr Jeff Johnson and Cr Eva Ramsey as alternate delegates 
  • Lennox Head Chamber of Commerce Three B Ward Councillors and the Mayor.
  • NRJO (Northern Rivers Joint Organisation) Sharon Cadwallader, Mayor.
  • Richmond-Tweed Regional Library Committee Cr Eva Ramsey and Cr Simon Chate, with Cr Nigel Buchanan as alternate delegate.
  • Rural Fire Service Management Committee: Cr Kiri Dicker with Cr Eva Ramsey as alternate delegate.
  • Rous County Council Cr Sharon Cadwallader and Cr Rod Bruem. This is for the full Council term ending September 2024.

Connect with us

Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

View more contacts

40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday