Calculate your rates

An example of a calculation of rates and charges for 2024/25 for a residential property with a land value of $175,000:

Annual Rates
Residential Rate (175,000 x 0.00092240) $161.42
Residential Base Amount $634
Annual Charges
Domestic Waste - Urban (3 bins) $448
Stormwater Residential $25
Water Access Residential 20mm $250
Wastewater Charge Residential $1,074
Total Rates & Charges for 2024/25
this does not include water consumption

Approximate Rates Calculator

To get an estimation of residential rates, please enter your land value below as a number and press the Tab key.

(Note: enter land value as numerals e.g.: enter $175,000 as 175000)


Please note this is an approximate rate calculator and does not constitute a formal calculation of your rates.


2024/25 Ordinary Rates

Council levies an ordinary rate (cents in the dollar value) on the unimproved land value for each parcel of rateable land, plus a base amount for each property in the Council area. The table below is just the base rate: waste, water, wastewater are also included in your rates notice (see second table).

Rating Category Base Amount Rate - Cents in the dollar
Residential $634 0.0009224
Business $634 0.0054900
Farmland $634 0.0008181

2024/25 Residential Charges (business charges not included)

Domestic Waste  
Domestic Waste – Urban (3 bins) $448
Domestic Waste – Rural (2 bins) $391
Domestic Waste – Vacant Land $48
Additional Bin – Waste Urban collected fortnightly $133
Additional Bin – Waste Rural collected weekly $267
Additional Bin – Recycling collected fortnightly $108
Additional Bin – Garden/Organics collected fortnightly $189
Water Residential Access Charges  
Not Connected – Vacant Land (minimum charge) $250
20mm water meter $250
25mm water meter $390
On Site Sewage Management Fee – Septic Tanks $80
Residential Wastewater Charge $1,074
Residential Wastewater Charge – Not Connected (Vacant Land) $811
Stormwater Residential per property $25
Stormwater Strata Lot (Residential) per property $12.50


Please visit for water fees and charges and visit for more water information.


Connect with us

Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

View more contacts

40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday