Our Koala Conservation Projects

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage provided funding to Council to prepare a Koala Habitat Study during 2012 and 2013. 

The study indicates that the Bagotville, Meerschaum Vale, Coolgardie, Wardell, Uralba and Lynwood localities combined have a koala population of national significance, for the purposes of the Commonwealth Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

In 2016, Ballina Shire Council adopted the Ballina Shire Koala Management Strategy (KMS). The aim of the KMS is to support a self-sustaining long-term koala population in Ballina Shire.

Ballina Council continues to implement the Koala Management Strategy with valuable input from our community, other regional Councils and the NSW State Government.

Some key projects include:

  • Working with project partners and landowners through the North East Hinterland Koala Project to secure areas of koala habitat through private land conservation agreements.
  • Collaborating with koala experts, NSW Government and Jali Local Aboriginal Land
  • Following the 2019-2020 bushfires, Council assists koala recovery through the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program.
  • Establishing new Koala Road Safety Zones in priority locations on our roads.
  • Planting koala habitat - including 5000 trees at the Old Bagotville Quarry site.
  • Introducing a Koala Management Road Works Toolbox for Council staff.
  • Supporting community education and involvement with koala conservation through the Koala Watch project.
  • Hosting field days to promote the Koala and Farmer Friendly Windbreaks project.
  • Installing educational koala displays at the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport and the Ballina Visitor Information Centre.
Related Pages


Information on Ballina Shire's Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management

Ballina Shire Koala Management Strategy

The Ballina Shire Koala Management Strategy aims to identify koala habitat and establish an overarching management framework.

Koalas in Ballina

Ballina Shire is home to a nationally important population of koalas.

Report a koala sighting

Be a Citizen Scientist and easily report your Koala sightings online or by phone

How you can help Koalas

There are lots of ways you can help to recover our nationally significant koala population in Ballina. We can all make a difference!

Threats to Koalas

There are many threats to koalas in our local area.

Connect with us

Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

View more contacts

40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday