Recycle Right

Our recycling industry is changing and we all need to be flexible and adaptable to make the most of our valuable resources. There are now far tighter controls on the contamination of recyclables and it is more important than ever that we are placing the correct materials in the right bin to ensure as many resources are recovered as possible.

The Recycle Right campaign was developed in collaboration with North East Waste and our neighbouring councils as a region-wide campaign across the Northern Rivers. 

The main message is to keep it simple and ensure you are only placing clean and correct recycling materials in your yellow recycling bin. If we all do this, we can keep our resources coming ‘round and get the most life out of every product.

Download the A-Z Waste Guide



  • Avoid plastic altogether by using your own reusable bottles, containers and bags.
  • Put items smaller than a credit card in your landfill bin.
  • Larger lids such as lids off yoghurt tubs or jam jars can go into your recycling bin on or off the container. Place aluminium bottle tops or can tabs into the can or bottle before putting them in the recycling bin.
  • Drop off small problem waste including household batteries, mobile phones & accessories, reading glasses, printer cartridges, smoke detectors and x-rays to our Community Recycling Stations at Council's customer service centre or local library.
  • You can also drop-off household problem waste such as car batteries, fire extinguishers, gas bottles, oil and paint free of charge at the Community Recycling Centre (CRC) located at the Resource Recovery Centre. There is a 20kg / 20-litre limit after which fees apply.
  • Large e-waste such as computers, laptops, TVs and electrical cords can also be dropped off at the Resource Recovery Centre free of charge.
  • Clean recycling means you don’t need to line your kitchen recycling bin and can just put all items in loose!


Connect with us

Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

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40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday