Waste wise events

Council offers recycling, organics and waste event bins, with or without event bin lids with clear signage for attendees on what goes in each bin. All bins are available to hire free of charge for community event organisers from Council’s Waste Management Centre. Charges apply for the transportation of bins to and from the event, as well as waste disposal charges. Please contact the Waste Management Centre on telephone 6686 1287 for information on pricing.

Why hold a Wastewise Event?

  • Changes behaviour by changing purchasing and consumption patterns
  • Conserves the environment for present and future generations

Top Six Single Use Plastic Items to Eliminate:

  1. Water bottles
  2. Plastic bags
  3. Foodware (cutlery, cups, plates etc)
  4. Straws
  5. Coffee cups and lids
  6. Takeaway containers

See our Reduce Single Use section for alternatives.

Common contaminants of recycling bins are:

  • Non-recyclable plastics e.g. coffee cups, plastic bags and wrap, straws, polystyrene food packaging;
  • Food organics and food contaminated or greasy paper and cardboard.

Common contaminants in organics bins are:

  • PLA plastics, plastic straws, single use coffee cups.

Bins should be:

  • Placed together. For example, waste/recycling/organics bins side by side or in pairs of recycling/garbage. People are able to select the correct bin and view signage for both bins. This helps reduce contamination.
  • Positioned no more than 15m apart and are visible from the next one.
  • Located where people eat, near food stalls, entry / exit points, close to toilets/facilities and/or at intersections.
  • Accessible to children, people with disabilities, service providers and for collection.
  • Emptied before they are full to discourage people from using the wrong bin and to minimise overfilling which can lead to rubbish spilling out on the ground
  • Clean and tidy to encourage correct bin use
  • Allocated to a waste manager or volunteer to co-ordinate emptying and checking bins.
  • Monitored by volunteers in close vicinity of the bins and ensure people are using them correctly or provide any direction as required.

Ballina Shire Council is committed to sustainability and encourages all events to work towards making a positive contribution to waste reduction. 

Connect with us

Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

View more contacts

40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday